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Changes from version 2.8 compared to the previous version 2.7

The current version of the “Binder Loader/Starter” manual incorporates the following changes compared to the previous version (“BLSSERV V2.7, Binder Loader/Starter”):

The following commands have been changed to BLSSERV 2.8A:



Changed commands


  • The possible values for the sub-operands MINIUM and MAXIMUM of the RESIDENT-PAGES operand have been increased. Command description:





    MINIMUM = *STD / <integer 0..2147483647 4Kbyte>
    ,MAXIMUM = *STD / <integer 0..2147483647 4Kbyte>


    Except for the possible values, the description of the operands has not changed.


  • The possible values for the sub-operands MINIUM and MAXIMUM of the RESIDENT-PAGES operand have been increased. Command description:




    [*PARAMETERS](...) |

    MINIMUM = *STD / <integer 0..2147483647 4Kbyte>
    ,MAXIMUM = *STD / <integer 0..2147483647 4Kbyte>


    Except for the possible values, the description of the operands has not changed.