The user activates DBL by means of commands or macros, and controls its execution with the operands of these commands or macros.
The following commands invoke DBL:
The commands START-EXECUTABLE-PROGRAM or LOAD-EXECUTABLE-PROGRAM if no load modules (load module file or type C library element) are loaded.The START-EXECUTABLE-PROGRAM command binds modules to form a load unit, loads this into main memory and then starts it. If users want to load the load unit without starting it then they can use the LOAD-EXECUTABLE-PROGRAM command.
The START-PROGRAM or LOAD-PROGRAM command if the *MODULE operand was specified.
These commands are now only supported for reasons of compatibility.
The START-PROGRAM command links modules together into a load unit, loads this into main memory and starts it. If the user merely wishes to load the load unit without starting it, the LOAD-PROGRAM command can be used instead.The CANCEL-PROGRAM command
This command terminates the program run and releases all of the user memory space occupied by DBL and the static loader ELDE.The MODIFY-DBL-DEFAULTS, RESET-DBL-DEFAULTS and SHOW-DBL-DEFAULTS commands set and display default values for the DBL run.
This command defines which version of a program is used in cases where DBL can access multiple program versions.
The following macros invoke DBL:
The BIND macro
This links a further load unit into the executing program.The UNBIND macro
UNBIND is used during the program run to release memory space occupied by objects that are no longer required. The object may be a context, a load unit, an LLM or an object module.The ASHARE macro
ASHARE links and loads shared code which the user wishes to place as shareable code in the common memory pool.The DSHARE macro
DSHARE unloads from common memory pools any code loaded with the ASHARE macro.The LDSLICE macro
LDSLICE loads a slice defined by the user in an LLM into main memory.The VSVI1 macro
VSVI1 provides the user with link and load information concerning the linked load units and their contexts.The PINF macro
PINF returns global information on loaded programs to the user.The ILEMGT and ILEMIT macros
ILEMGT and ILEMIT are used to create and manage ILE lists.The ETABLE and ETABIT macros
ETABLE and ETABIT are used to create a user-defined symbol table in the context.The GETPRGV macro
GETPRGV returns the currently selected program version to the user.The SELPRGV macro
SELPRGV can be used to select a specific program version.