Assign routing code
Component: | BS2000 |
Functional area: | Operator terminal control |
Domain: | not allocated |
Privileges: | OPERATING |
Routing code: | E |
The ASR command enables the operator to carry out the following functions:
Assign routing codes to operator terminals (consoles) or authorized user programs with generated authorization names.
Messages with these routing codes are sent to the appropriate operator terminals or authorized user programs. Commands with these routing codes may be issued from the appropriate operator terminals or authorized user programs.
Assign routing codes to operator terminals (consoles) or authorized user programs with generated authorization names.
Delete the assigned routing codes for operator terminals or authorized user programs with generated authorization names.
Output information on the assignment of routing codes and filter levels to operator terminals or authorized user programs with generated authorization names.
The command is available in ISP format only; in other words, there are no SDF functions (such as syntax analysis or help). The format has been subdivided into four subformats:
Format 1: Output information
Format 2: Assign routing codes
Format 3: Cancel assignment
Format 4: Reset assignment to time of system startup
The meaning of system parameters ASRSW1 and ASRSW2 depends on whether the “Operator LOGON” function is used (system parameter NBCONOPI=Y / N); see Note 7.
Format 1
Operation | Operanden |
HELP | Gives information on the assignment of routing codes to operator terminals or authorized user programs. |
without operand | Gives information on the authorization name of the authorized user program or on the mnemonic name of the operator terminal from which the ASR command was issued. |
=up |
=mn |
=ALL | Information as above is output for all operator terminals and all authorized user programs. CONSOLE=ALL and CODE=ALL are mutually exclusive. Note Routing codes which are temporarily assigned to a standby operator terminal because of a main operator terminal failure are also output. If the “Operator LOGON” function is used (system parameter NBCONOPI=Y), the operator terminal “OFF” condition is no longer indicated. The “INACTIVE” condition is indicated for physical operator terminals at which no operator has logged on. |
CODE | |
=rc |
=ALL | Lists information on all routing codes defined in the system.
The routing codes which are temporarily assigned to a standby operator terminal because of a main operator terminal failure are not output. |
Format 2
Operation | Operanden |
ADD | Assigns a set of routing codes to operator terminals or authorized user programs with generated authorization names. |
This function must neither be entered by user programs with dynamic authorization names themselves nor used with reference to them. In the mode with operator LOGON (system parameter NBCONOPI=Y), it must also not be used on physical operator terminals (including Teleservice). | |
CODE | |
=rc |
=ALL | All routing codes defined in the system are assigned to the operator terminal or authorized user program from which the ASR command was issued. |
=up |
=mn |
=ALL | The main operator terminal assigns itself all routing codes assigned to other operator terminals or user programs with generated authorization names.
The routing code assignment for the operator subterminals and user programs remains intact. The routing codes previously assigned to the main operator terminal are also retained. See also Note 4. |
CONSOLE=...,CODE=... | |
For main operator terminal only: The main operator terminal assigns the routing codes “rc” (specified in the CODE operand) to the operator terminals “mn” or the user programs “up” (specified in the CONSOLE operand). See also Note 4. |
Format 3
Operation | Operanden |
DELETE | Cancels the assignment of routing codes to operator terminals or authorized user programs with generated authorization names. |
This function must neither be entered by user programs with dynamic authorization names themselves nor used with reference to them. In the mode with operator LOGON (system parameter NBCONOPI=Y), it must also not be used on physical operator terminals (including Teleservice). | |
CODE | |
=rc |
=ALL | The assignment of all routing codes to the operator terminal or authorized user program from which the ASR command was issued is canceled. |
CONSOLE=...,CODE=... | |
For main operator terminal only: The main operator terminal cancels the assignment of the routing codes specified in the CODE operand to the operator terminals or authorized user programs specified in the CONSOLE operand. See also Note 4. |
Format 4
Operation | Operanden |
PRIMARY | Resets the assignment of routing codes to the state which existed at system startup. |
This function must neither be entered by user programs with dynamic authorization names themselves nor used with reference to them. In the mode with operator LOGON (system parameter NBCONOPI=Y), it may only be used in authorized user programs with generated authorization names and is also allowed only with reference to them. Other restrictions depend on system parameters ASRSW1 and ASRSW2 (see Note 7) | |
without operand | The assignment of all routing codes to the operator terminal or authorized user program which issued the command is reset to the state which existed at system startup. |
CODE | |
=rc |
=ALL | The main operator terminal resets the assignment of all routing codes defined in the system to the state which existed at system startup. See also Note 4. |
=up |
=mn |
=ALL | The main operator terminal resets the assignment of all routing codes defined in the system to the state which existed at system startup. See also Note 4. |
Return codes
The following functions of the ASR command, referred to in the “Meaning” column below, were replaced by new commands in BS2000/OSD-BC V2.0 and are not included in the present command description:
ASR function | Replaced by |
(SC2) | SC1 | Maincode | Meaning |
0 | 0 | CMD0001 | Command executed successfully |
1 | 0 | NBR0823 | This is the main operator terminal. “ASR MAIN” and /REQUEST-MAIN-CONSOLE-FUNCTIONS ignored |
2 | 0 | NBR1031 | Command only partially executed because it includes invalid actions relating to authorized user programs with dynamic authorization names |
2 | 0 | NBR1036 | This operand combination can only be partially processed because NBCONOPI=Y is set |
0 | 1 | CMD0202 | Syntax error |
0 | 2 | CMD0198 | Shutdown |
0 | 2 | NBR0724 | “ASR SUPPRESS” is not supported with NBCONOPI=Y. |
0 | 2 | NBR1033 | “ASR MAIN” is not supported with NBCONOPI=Y. |
0 | 2 | NBR1034 | “ASR DESTINATION” is not supported with NBCONOPI=Y. Use /SHOW-SYSTEM-PARAMETERS |
0 | 64 | EXC0053 | The entered operand combination is valid for the main operator terminal only |
0 | 64 | NBR0722 | “ASR SUPPRESS” and /RESET-MSG-BUFFER allowed only on physical operator terminals |
0 | 64 | NBR0821 | “ASR MAIN” and /REQUEST-MAIN-CONSOLE-FUNCTIONS rejected by main operator terminal |
0 | 64 | NBR0822 | “ASR MAIN” and /REQUEST-MAIN-CONSOLE-FUNCTIONS allowed only on physical operator terminals |
0 | 64 | NBR0898 | Command allowed only on operator terminals |
0 | 64 | NBR1030 | Routing code assignments may not be modified with the ASR command either for or by authorized user programs with dynamic authorization names |
0 | 64 | NBR1032 | Filters for authorized user programs with dynamic authorization names may only be modified by those programs |
0 0 | 64 128 | NBR1035 EXC0056 | This operand combination is not allowed on this operator terminal because NBCONOPI=Y is set “ASR MAIN” and /REQUEST-MAIN-CONSOLE-FUNCTIONS in use. Try again later |
0 | 130 | EXC0054 | Space request error |
0 | 130 | EXC0057 | Task saturation |
The following maximum values may be specified in the various operands of an ASR command:
in the operand CODE=(rc1,...)
12 routing codes,
in the operand CONSOLE=(mn1,...)
24 operator terminals,
in the operand CONSOLE=(up1,...)
38 authorized user programs.
If a keyword operand contains a mnemonic device name of an operator terminal or an authorization name of a user program which is not defined in the system, one of the following messages appears:
If the ASR command contains a number of entries which are not defined in the system, a separate message is output for each invalid entry.
Example: CONSOLE=(K1,B3) are not defined in the system, CONSOLE=(XY,KL) are defined. The command is therefore given as follows:
/ASR A,CD=(A,B,C,X,Y,Z),CS=(K1,B3,XY,KL)
The following messages appear as a response:
The command is still executed, but only the correct entries in the operands are taken into account. In other words, the command in the example is equivalent to
Whether input from operator subterminals is admissible is specified with the system parameter ASRSW1 (see the “Introduction to System Administration” [14]). If input from operator subterminals is permitted, the operands are executed in so far as they affect subterminal status.
It is possible to influence the admissibility of an input from an authorized user program with generated authorization name by means of the class 2 system parameters ASRSW1 and ASRSW2 (see the “Introduction to System Administration” [14]).
The ASR command can always be input from the main operator terminal in the mode without operator LOGON. If the “Operator LOGON” function is used (system parameter NBCONOPI=Y), the main operator terminal must have the required routing code.
The meaning of system parameters ASRSW1 and ASRSW2 depends on whether the “Operator LOGON” function is used (system parameter NBCONOPI=Y / N). The effects of the various combinations are shown in Tables "Effect of system parameters ASRSW1 and ASRSW2 (mode with operator LOGON)" and "Effect of system parameters ASRSW1 and ASRSW2 (mode with operator LOGON)". The following considerations (not included in the tables) are generally applicable:
Authorized user programs with dynamic authorization names are unaffected by the settings of the system parameters, because they have no influence on the distribution of routing codes and because their own routing codes cannot be modified from other operator terminals.
In the mode with operator LOGON (NBCONOPI=Y), regardless of the settings of the system parameters, the main operator terminal is allowed to modify the routing codes of authorized user programs with generated authorization names, provided that it has input authorization. In the mode without operator LOGON (NBCONOPI=N) it always has input authorization and is further allowed to modify the routing codes of all physical operator terminals.
Mode without operator LOGON: NBCONOPI = N
Physical operator subterminals and authorized user programs with generated authorization names are allowed to modify their own routing codes
Physical operator subterminals are allowed to modify their own routing codes. Authorized user programs with generated authorization names are allowed to modify their own routing codes.
Only the main console is allowed to modify routing code assignments, but it may do so for all consoles
Only the main operator terminal and authorized user programs with generated authorization names are allowed to modify routing codes, but they may do so for all consoles
Table 26: Effect of system parameters ASRSW1 and ASRSW2 (mode without operator LOGON)Mode with operator LOGON: NBCONOPI = Y
Authorized user programs with generated authorization names are allowed to modify their own routing codes
Authorized user programs with generated authorization names are allowed to modify routing codes
Only the main console is allowed to modify routing codes, and it may do so only for authorized user programs with generated authorization names
Authorized user programs with generated authorization names are allowed to modify each other’s routing codes
Table 27: Effect of system parameters ASRSW1 and ASRSW2 (mode with operator LOGON)