Define name and attributes for new file
Component: | BS2000 |
Functional area: | File processing |
Domain: | FILE |
Privileges: | STD-PROCESSING |
Routing code: | $ (with NBCONOPI=N) or E (with NBCONOPI=Y) |
The CREATE-FILE command creates a catalog entry for a file. The following attributes are defined for the file and stored in the catalog under the specified file name:
name (FILE-NAME operand)
type of volume and performance attributes (SUPPORT operand)
protection attributes (PROTECTION operand)
method and frequency with which the file is automatically backed up by ARCHIVE or HSMS (SAVE operand)
user information (USER-INFORMATION and ADM-INFORMATION operands)
lock against migration when public storage space is automatically managed by the software product HSMS (MIGRATE operand)
character set (CODED-CHARACTER-SET operand)
character set for SAM node files (NET-CODED-CHARACTER-SET operand)
Further attributes, see "Overview of functions".
Privileged functions
The following functions are available only if physical allocation of public space is allowed:
explicit specification (values other than the default, *STD) of a volume or volume set in the VOLUME or VOLUME-SET operand in the structure SUPPORT=*PUBLIC-DISK (STORAGE-CLASS=*NONE(...)) when creating files on the pubset's disks
absolute space reservation using SPACE=*ABSOLUTE(...) in the structure SUPPORT=*PUBLIC-DISK(...) (note that no permission is required when SUPPORT=*PRIVATE-DISK)
intensified migration locking using MIGRATE=*FORBIDDEN
Exception: These functions are also available for work files when no authorization for physical allocation exists.
Physical allocation is allowed in the following cases:
for tasks with TSOS privilege
for files of a user ID which has PHYSICAL-ALLOCATION=*ALLOWED in its pubset-specific user entry (see the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command)
for files in SF pubsets which have an MRSCAT entry that allows physical allocation for all users (see the SHOW-MASTER-CATALOG-ENTRY command, INFORMATION =*USER) operand.
Systems support (TSOS privilege) personnel can supplement the user information in the file catalog with one to eight bytes of information about the file (ADM-INFORMATION operand).
Systems support personnel (TSOS privilege) can have accesses to the file monitored (AUDIT operand). To configure the AUDIT function, nonprivileged users need appropriate authorization in the user entry of the pubset in which the file is to be created (see the AUDIT output field of the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command).
By default, systems support (TSOS privilege) is a co-owner of all the files (and can, therefore, create files under all user logons). When SECOS is used, this co-ownership can be restricted.
Systems support can generate files under any user ID (TSOS privilege). In conjunction with the SECOS software product a user can allow other user IDs to act as co-owners. Co-owners are thus allowed to create permanent files under that ID.
Temporary files
Since temporary files are job-related, it is not possible to define file protection for them, i.e. the specified protection attributes (PROTECTION operand) cannot differ from the defaults (except for DESTROY-BY-DELETE, AUDIT, and SPACE-RELEASE-LOCK).
A nonprivileged user can only generate temporary files on the default pubset of his user ID.
Files in SM pubsets
The storage location for a file on an SM pubset can be selected on the basis of a storage class. This simplifies the automatic management of storage space (for details see the “Introduction to System Administration” [14] or the “System-Managed Storage” manual [45]).
Systems support personnel allocates to a storage class certain file attributes which are implicitly set for all files assigned to that storage class. If a storage class is specified, there is no need to explicitly specify values for the WORK-FILE, VOLUME-SET, VOLUME, DEVICE-TYPE, IO-ATTRIBUTES, DISK-WRITE, FILE-PREFORMAT and AVAILABILITY operands. The SHOW-STORAGE-CLASS command allows users to find out which storage classes of the SM pubset are available to them and which file attributes are set.
Physical allocation in SM pubsets
A user who is allowed to perform physical allocation of public storage space (see “Privileged functions”) can directly specify a volume or volume set (VOLUME or VOLUME-SET operand) in the STORAGE-CLASS=*NONE(...) structure in order to select a specific volume set of an SM pubset as the storage location for a file.
In addition, a lock on migration to another volume set of the SM pubset is placed on the file (S0-MIGRATION=*FORBIDDEN; see also the identically named operand in the command description). If the user has specified a volume set of the WORK usage mode, the WORK-FILE attribute is specified implicitly.
When S0-MIGRATION=*FORBIDDEN is set (in this case implicitly), the file’s PERFORMANCE and AVAILABILITY attributes are matched to the identically named attributes of the volume set.
These attributes correspond to the levels of PERFORMANCE (STD, HIGH, VERY-HIGH) and AVAILABILITY (STD, HIGH) which are hierarchically arranged in the user catalog. To ensure that there are adequate levels of performance and availability, files with the S0-MIGRATION=*FORBIDDEN attribute are always assigned at least the PERFORMANCE and AVAILABILITY levels defined for the volume set (you can list the attributes of the volume set with the SHOW-PUBSET-DEFINITION-FILE command (and also with SHOW-PUBSET-CONFIGURATION)).
Any explicit specification of the PERFORMANCE and AVAILABILITY operands which selects a lower level in the hierarchy is ignored. The minimum value is recorded in the file’s catalog entry, and the level in the user catalog is set accordingly. Note that a file’s PERFORMANCE attribute may be higher than the maximum permissible value as set in the user entry (DMS-TUNING-RESOURCES output field). Then, regardless of the level that has been set, the file will at best be processed using the value which is in the user entry at the time of OPEN processing. The level settings and the value of the DMS-TUNING-RESOURCES attribute can be viewed in the output of the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command, INFORMATION =*PUBSET-ATTRIBUTES operand.
In conjunction with physical allocation, the user specifies PERFORMANCE=*HIGH or *STD (or this applies implicitly since it is the default), but the attribute of the chosen volume set is PERFORMANCE=*VERY-HIGH. The file will then automatically be assigned the attribute PERFORMANCE=*VERY-HIGH. If the user entry includes DMS-TUNING-RESOURCES=*CONCURRENT-USE, the file will actually only be processed with a setting of PERFORMANCE=*HIGH.
Work files
The user can create a file as a work file in an SM pubset (operand setting WORK-FILE= *YES). The file is created as a permanent file in a volume set defined for that purpose. Systems support personnel can delete work files again at times which it defines.
By default, work files are not backed up.
Files on tapes and tape cartridges
When the catalog entries for tape files are being accessed or created, the special features associated with this storage medium must be taken into account.
For files with standard labels, details of the shareability (USER-ACCESS), access type (ACCESS) and passwords are transferred from the catalog entry to the file labels when the file is created (OPEN).
When a file is created, its file attributes are transferred to the file labels without being checked. Write protection (ACCESS=*READ) can thus be defined for a file which has still to be created. The file can then be opened as an output file, and created; the write protection will take effect after this.
If a file was cataloged using CREATE-FILE, by default it will be shareable unless USER-ACCESS=*OWNER-ONLY is specified in a CREATE-FILE command (or later by a MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command before the file is opened for the first time).
Files on remote systems
If a file is created via an RFA connection on a remote system which has its FARMTSAV system parameter set to 1, the catalog entry is marked as modified (its internal version number is given a value of 1) and will if necessary be backed up in the next incremental backup.
Overview of functions
Function / Meaning | Level 1 operands | Level 2/3 operands |
Specify name of catalog entry |
| |
Specify the volume | ||
Volume: pubset and Net-Storage | = *PUBLIC-DISK | |
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
Volume: private disk | ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
Volume: tape | ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
Define protection attributes | ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
Only for files on disk and Net-Storage: | ||
| ||
| ||
| ||
Only for files on disk and Net-Storage: | ||
| = *ALLOWED | |
| = *INHIBITED | |
| = *FORBIDDEN | |
Code table (XHCS) | ||
Only for node files: character set with which the file is created on Net-Storage | ||
Error handling if the file already exists | ||
| = *NONE | |
CREATE-FILE | Alias: CRF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FILE-NAME = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
The name to be given to the new file.
You may specify only your own user logon or a user logon to which co-ownership has been assigned.
The maximum number of files specified for the user in the user catalog must not be exceeded. The permitted number of permanent and temporary files may also be limited. The applicable values can be determined from the output of the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command. A nonprivileged user can only generate temporary files on the default pubset of his user ID.
Type of volume.
The file is to be created on public disk or Net-Storage. The pubset on which the file is to be created is uniquely identified by the (explicitly specified or default) catalog ID in the file name.
Determines the storage type for the file's storage location.
The file is created on the default storage type for storing files on this pubset.
The file is created on the disks of the pubset.
In addition to the entry in the file catalog, the file is also created physically with the smallest possible amount of storage space (see the "SPACE operand").
The file is created on a Net-Storage volume.
The authorization NET-STORAGE-USAGE=*ALLOWED (default) must be entered to the user entry. Catalog entries are generated both on the local pubset and in the relevant file system of the Net-Server. However, the file is not created physically.
If no volume is specified, the file is created on the default Net-Storage volume. If no default Net-Storage volume is assigned to the pubset but only one or more explicitly specified Net-Storage volumes, the system determines the Net-Storage volume on which the file is created.
Determines the file type of the file to be created.
The file is created as a BS2000 file on a Net-Storage volume. When the volume of a private disk is specified under STORAGE-CLASS=*NONE(...), the file is created on the private disk.
The file is created as a BS2000 file on a Net-Storage volume. When under STORAGE-CLASS=*NONE(...) specifications regarding the volume or device type are provided which do not permit this, the command is aborted with an error.
The file is created as a node file on a Net-Storage volume. When under STORAGE-CLASS=*NONE(...) specifications regarding the volume or device type are provided which do not permit this, the command is aborted with an error.
STORAGE-CLASS = *STD / <composed-name 1..8> / *NONE(...)
Governs the properties of the file’s storage location.
Systems support staff can define storage classes to facilitate automatic management of storage space in SM pubsets. A storage class is allocated certain file attributes which are implicitly set for all files assigned to that storage class. If a storage class is specified, there is no need to explicitly specify values for the WORK-FILE, VOLUME-SET, VOLUME, DEVICE-TYPE, IO-ATTRIBUTES, DISK-WRITE, FILE-PREFORMAT and AVAILABILITY operands.
The SHOW-STORAGE-CLASS command allows users to find out which storage classes of an SM pubset are available to them and which file attributes are set. Assigning a storage class simplifies the automatic management of storage space in an SM pubset (for details see the “Introduction to System Administration” [14] or the “System-Managed Storage” manual [45]).
A file in an SM pubset is assigned the default storage class from the user entry for that pubset. If the file is to be created in an SF pubset or if there is no default storage class defined, the file is given the same attributes as with STORAGE-CLASS=*NONE with default values.
STORAGE-CLASS = <composed-name 1..8>
A file in an SM pubset is assigned the specified storage class. The storage class must exist and be accessible to the user at the time when the assignment is made. This specification is ignored for a file in an SF pubset; the file is then given the same attributes as with STORAGE-CLASS=*NONE with default values.
This value has the same effect as *STD if all the following conditions are met:
The file is created on a volume set intended for permanent storage.
A default storage class is assigned to the user ID at the SM pubset in question.
Physical allocation is not permitted.
Only in this case are the operands WORK-FILE, PERFORMANCE, USAGE, DISK-WRITE, and AVAILABILITY ignored.
In all other cases, the properties of the file’s storage location are determined on the basis of the following operands and no storage class is assigned to the file.
The operand is evaluated only for files in SM pubsets. Specifies whether the file is a work file which systems support is allowed to delete at a time which it defines.
The file is to be a work file only if it is stored in a volume set for work files as a result of the value of the VOLUME or VOLUME-SET operand.
The file is not to be a work file.
The file is to be a work file.
Specifies the performance requirements demanded by the user for input/output operations. Whether such requirements are satisfied and the extent to which they are fulfilled depends on the cache medium that is defined for the associated pubset (see the output of the SHOW-MASTER-CATALOG-ENTRY command). If the file is created in an SM pubset, the performance requirements are taken into account when the volume set is selected.
Read and write access is performed through a fast cache. The number of disk accesses and the access times are reduced.
Performance attributes for file processing can also be defined in the TFT (see also the ADD-FILE-LINK command).
The file has no special performance attributes and is therefore not processed via a cache.
Performance attributes are determined by the values of the PERFORMANCE and USAGE operands.
Specifies the file’s performance attribute. It indicates the priority required for the I/O operations selected in the USAGE operand. The highest performance attribute allowed is defined in the user entry (see also the DMS-TUNING- RESOURCES output field in the output of the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command).
The file has no special performance attribute and is therefore not processed via a cache.
The USAGE operand does not affect the processing of the file in this case.
The file is to be processed through a cache (high performance priority). This specification is only possible for users who have the DMS tuning privilege CONCURRENT-USE or EXCLUSIVE-USE for the pubset (see the output field DMS-TUNING-RESOURCES in the output of the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command).
The file is to be processed through a cache. The referenced data in the file is to be kept permanently in the cache (highest performance priority). The cache data is only evicted from the cache when the file is closed. Specification only possible for users who have the DMS tuning privilege EXCLUSIVE-USE for the pubset (see the output for the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command, output field DMS-TUNING-RESOURCES).
All cache segments used for this file are locked until the file is closed. If there are many files open with this attribute at the same time, the cache memory available for normally cached files may, as a result, be so greatly restricted that data accesses to such files can no longer be implemented with an adequate level of performance.
The file is assigned the highest performance attribute contained in the user catalog for the user.
Specifies the I/O operations for which enhanced performance (caching) is required. The default setting is *READ-WRITE, i.e. the requirements apply to read and write operations.
If the file does not have a particular performance attribute (PERFORMANCE= *STD) and if the cache area for the pubset is not defined in such a way that all existing files are served, then the USAGE operand has no effect on processing.
The performance requirements apply both to read and to write operations.
The performance requirements apply to write operations only.
The performance requirements apply to read operations only.
With USAGE=*READ-WRITE or *WRITE, write caching is performed only if the conditions for the DISK-WRITE file attributes are met (see CREATE-FILE or MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES). For write caching with DISK-WRITE= *IMMEDIATE, the cache medium being used must be failsafe (see the CACHE-MEDIUM output field of the SHOW-MASTER-CATALOG-ENTRY command with INFORMATION=*USER). However, since nonvolatile cache media are no longer supported, DISK-WRITE=*IMMEDIATE should not be specified in the current BS2000 version.
Specifies the time at which the data must be on a nonvolatile medium (disk or failsafe cache medium) after a write operation. If a volatile cache medium is used as the write cache, data in the file will not be in a consistent state until CLOSE processing has been completed because the write data is written out to disk during CLOSE processing. System errors during the processing phase may lead to inconsistencies. Write caching for files containing data which cannot easily be restored should be performed using only fail-safe cache media, i.e. data consistency after each write operation should be requested with DISK-WRITE=*IMMEDIATE.
The default setting STD is equivalent to the value *IMMEDIATE for permanent files and the value *BY-CLOSE for temporary files.
Data contained in the file must be on a nonvolatile medium immediately after a write operation.
Write caching is performed for files marked in this way only if a nonvolatile cache area is active for the pubset (see the CACHE-MEDIUM=NONVOLATILE output field of the SHOW-MASTER-CATALOG-ENTRY command with INFORMATION= *USER). If a volatile cache area is active for the pubset (CACHE-MEDIUM=VOLATILE output field), only read accesses are buffered for the file; write accesses are performed directly on the disks.
Data contained in the file needs to be on a nonvolatile medium only after CLOSE processing.
Write caching for files marked in this way is performed regardless of whether the cache medium is fail-safe, i.e. even on volatile cache media.
Unsaved cached data is written out during CLOSE processing. The data in the file will not be on a nonvolatile medium (disk storage) until that point.
This attribute is suitable only for files containing data that can easily be restored (list files generated during compilation, for example), as a system error may cause inconsistencies in the files.
Specifies availability requirements for the file. Files for which high availability is required must always be created by the system on suitable volumes (such as a disk with DRV mirroring). If no appropriate volume is available, the command is rejected.
The file is not subject to special availability requirements.
The file is to have high availability. If the volume is not capable of meeting the requirement, or if no suitable volume set is available within the SM pubset, the command is rejected.
The command is also rejected if applied to a work file or a temporary file.
The operand is evaluated only for files in SM pubsets. Governs the preferred file format, which is taken into account in the choice of volume set. As long as the file has not yet been opened (no CREATION-DATE in the catalog entry), the chosen storage location is provisional and may still change in the course of OPEN processing.
The preferred file format which applies is the format that systems support has defined as the pubset-specific default for the SM pubset using the MODIFY-PUBSET-SPACE-DEFAULTS command. The value set can be determined with the SHOW-PUBSET-SPACE-DEFAULTS command (and also with SHOW-PUBSET-CONFIGURATION).
The file is to be created as a K file (BLOCK-CONTROL-INFO=*PAMKEY).
The file is to be created as an NK file in 2K format (BLOCK-CONTROL-INFO= *WITHIN-DATA-2K-BLOCK or *WITHIN-DATA-BLOCK for a SAM file).
The file is to be created as an NK file in 4K format (BLOCK-CONTROL-INFO= *WITHIN-DATA-4K-BLOCK or *WITHIN-DATA-BLOCK for a SAM file).
The specification is relevant only for a file on an SM pubset.
Determines the volume set on which the file is to be created.
Systems support can specify a volume set explicitly using *CONTROL-VOLUME-SET or <cat-id 1..4>.
Nonprivileged users cannot specify a volume set explicitly unless they have authorization to perform physical allocation of public storage space (see "Privileged functions").
The file is stored in a suitable volume set of the SM pubset.
Subject to restrictions (see general operand description).
The file is stored in a control volume set of the SM pubset. S0-MIGRATION= *FORBIDDEN is set implicitly.
If the volume set does not match the requested file attributes, the command is rejected.
VOLUME-SET = <cat-id 1..4>
Subject to restrictions (see general operand description).
The file is stored in the specified volume set of the SM pubset. S0-MIGRATION= *FORBIDDEN is set implicitly. If the volume set does not match the requested file attributes, the command is rejected.
VOLUME = *STD / list-poss(255): <vsn 1..6>
VSN of a public disk or of a Net-Storage volume on which the file is to be created.
The system selects appropriate VSNs.
VOLUME = list-poss(255): <vsn 1..6>
Systems support can specify volume serial numbers explicitly.
Nonprivileged users can specify a VSN for a Net-Storage volume explicitly. Nonprivileged users cannot specify a VSN explicitly for a public disk explicitly unless they have authorization to perform physical allocation of public storage space (see "Privileged functions").
VSNs can only be specified for public disks of the pubset whose pubset ID matches the catalog ID of the file name.
If the specified disk is part of a volume set in an SM pubset, S0-MIGRATION and MIGRATE=*FORBIDDEN are set implicitly.
When a file is to be created on Net-Storage, the Net-Storage volume specified must be allocated to the catalog ID of the file name.
When the file is to be stored on a specific Net-Storage volume without a default name, the VSN must be specified. Otherwise, the file is stored on the default Net-Storage volume or, if this does not exist, the system selects a Net-Storage volume.
Type of device to which the required public disk or Net-Storage volume is assigned. Only device types known within the system are accepted. In interactive mode, the possible device types are displayed with DEVICE-TYPE=?.
The volume type NETSTOR must be specified for Net-Storage volumes.
If at least one volume ID is specified with VOLUME, each specification of a disk device type which is known to the system is handled like the STDDISK specification.
The disk device type belonging to the public disk is determined by the system.
DEVICE-TYPE = <device>
Systems support can specify device types explicitly.
When files are created on public volumes, nonprivileged users cannot specify a device type explicitly unless they have authorization to perform physical allocation (see "Privileged functions").
Influences the storage space allocation for the file. The SPACE operand is always evaluated.
For its primary and secondary allocations, the file is assigned the values defined by systems support.
With this operand, the user reserves storage space for the file (relative allocation). In doing so, he must take into account the following: the space ceiling defined in the user entry may be exceeded only if the user is authorized to do so (PUBLIC-SPACE-EXCESS=*YES, see the output of the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command).
In order to minimize system administration time, the following points should be noted when specifying primary and secondary allocations:
the primary allocation should correspond to the expected size of the file to be created;
for large files, the primary and secondary allocations should be selected as a multiple of the administration units packet or segment.
In relation to the allocation of storage space, the effect of the BUFFER-LENGTH operand in the ADD-FILE-LINK command must also be taken into account: when the primary and secondary allocations are being determined, the file’s block length should be taken into account; for BUFFER-LENGTH=*STD(SIZE=n), where n>=2, the following applies:
File type | SPACE operand | |
Primary allocation | Secondary allocation | |
SAM | >= 2n | >= n |
ISAM (K-ISAM and NK-ISAM) | > n | |
PAM (chained I/O) | > 0 |
PRIMARY-ALLOCATION = <integer 1..2147483647>
Number of PAM pages to be allocated initially.
The specified number of PAM pages will be reserved immediately. The number should correspond to the expected size of the file.
When storage space is actually allocated, the specified number of PAM pages is rounded up to a multiple of k if required. At this k is the number of PAM pages in the smallest allocation unit in each case.
Pubset/volume set format | Smallest allocation unit in Kbytes | Rounding factor k |
K pubset/volume set | 6 | 3 |
NK2(6K) pubset/volume set | 6 | 3 |
NK2(8K) pubset/volume set | 8 | 4 |
NK2(64K) pubset/volume set | 64 | 32 |
NK4(8K) pubset/volume set | 8 | 4 |
NK4(64K) pubset/volume set | 64 | 32 |
The pubset/volume set format and the smallest allocation unit can also be determined by the user from the output of the SHOW-MASTER-CATALOG-ENTRY command.
SECONDARY-ALLOCATION = *STD / <integer 0..32767>
The number of PAM pages by which the storage space should be extended, if this should become necessary. The default is STD, the default value for the system. In contrast to the primary allocation, the secondary allocation does not take effect as soon as the CREATE-FILE command is executed, but only if the reserved space proves insufficient when the file is being created or extended. The system will then automatically increase the storage space allocation for the file by the number of PAM pages specified in SECONDARY-ALLOCATION (field S-ALLOC in the output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command). The value for secondary allocation is doubled after each successful extension. It is no longer doubled when the maximum value set in the system has been reached. When storage space is actually allocated, the specified number of PAM pages is rounded up to a multiple of k if required. The rounding factor k is dependent on the pubset/volume set format, i.e. on the formatting of the associated disks (see the PRIMARY-ALLOCATION operand).
A specification of SECONDARY-ALLOCATION=0 prevents dynamic expansion of the file.
This operand value is allowed only in combination with VOLUME operands.
Systems support staff can allocate storage space explicitly. In the case of files on Net-Storage, an absolute assignment of storage space is not permitted.
Nonprivileged users are allowed to allocate it only if they have authorization to perform physical allocation of public storage space (see "Privileged functions"). With this operand, the user reserves storage space for the file by an absolute allocation, i.e. he specifies the number of the PAM page on which the storage space allocation is to start. In doing so, he must take the following into account: An absolute allocation will only be made if it is possible to reserve the whole of the specified number of blocks (SIZE) on one single disk. If more than one disk was specified in the VOLUME operand, then only the first of the named disks will be used. If there isn’t enough free storage space on the disk, the CREATE-FILE command will be rejected; there will be no partial allocation. Since an absolute allocation always refers to a single volume, a separate CREATE-FILE or MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command must be issued for each volume. The secondary allocation for the file (see the SECONDARY-ALLOCATION operand) will have the value zero, i.e. if the number of pages specified in SIZE proves insufficient at a later point, there will be no automatic extension of the storage space.
FIRST-PAGE = <integer 1..2147483647>
Block number of the PAM page at which storage space reservation on the public disk is to start. Since storage space is only reserved in units of k PAM pages, where k is the number of PAM pages per smallest allocation unit, the value of FIRST-PAGE = k * n + 1 (n >= 0).
SIZE = <integer 3..2147483647>
Number of PAM pages to be reserved on the public disk. SIZE must be a multiple of k. The amount of storage space available on a disk depends on its type and its initialization; systems support should, therefore, be asked what maximum value SIZE may have.
MANAGEMENT-CLASS = *NONE / <composed-name 1..8>
Only for files in SM pubsets Specifies whether the HSMS backup, archiving and long-term archiving functions are controlled by a management class defined using HSMS. See the “HSMS” manual [18] for further details. Management class allocations are rejected for files in SF pubsets.
The file attributes set with the SAVE and MIGRATE operands are evaluated for file backup and migration.
MANAGEMENT-CLASS = <composed-name 1..8>
Name of the management class defined using HSMS. The specified management class must exist, and the user ID of the file owner must have access authorization.
USER-INFORMATION = *NONE / <c-string 1..8 with-low>
Specifies whether user information is to be added to the catalog entry. This information is not evaluated by the system. Its content and meaning are defined solely by the user. The default is *NONE, i.e. no information is added.
ADM-INFORMATION = *NONE / <c-string 1..8 with-low>
This operand is available only to privileged users (TSOS privilege). Specifies whether a text is to be added to the catalog entry as information for systems support. This information is not evaluated by the system. Its content and meaning are defined solely by systems support. The default is *NONE, i.e. no information is added.
The file is to be set up on a private disk.
VOLUME = *ANY(...) / list-poss(255): <alphanum-name 1..6>
The VSN (volume serial number) of the disk on which the file is to be set up.
VOLUME = *ANY(...)
Indicates that any private disk should be mounted on the specified device type (no particular VSN is required).
The VSNs of the volumes which were requested are copied into the volume list in the catalog entry. If the user requests more than one volume to be mounted, the NUMBER-OF-DEVICES operand should be used to specify how many volumes are to be mounted at the same time.
NUMBER-OF-DEVICES = 1 / <integer 1..9>
Number of disks required.
VOLUME = list-poss(255): <alphanum-name 1..6>
A maximum of 255 different VSNs may be specified, i.e. for each CREATE-FILE command a maximum of 255 volumes may be requested. Each VSN may be specified only once. Starting with the volume on which the file starts, all the VSNs are copied into the volume list of the catalog entry.
For private disks, DMS attempts to reserve the whole of the storage space, requested by the SPACE operand, on the first of the private disks (see also the SPACE operand).
The type of device to which the required disks are allocated. Only device types known within the system are accepted. In interactive mode, the possible device types are displayed with DEVICE-TYPE=?. If at least one volume ID is specified with VOLUME, each specification of a disk device type which is known to the system is handled like the STDDISK specification.
The permissible specifications for DEVICE-TYPE can also be found in the device table in section "Device type table" (device type column). The devices available on the system can be listed with the SHOW-DEVICE-CONFIGURATION command.
The device type is determined via the MAREN device substitution function if the MAREN subsystem is available.
Influences the storage space allocation for the file. The SPACE operand is always evaluated.
Storage space allocation is described in the “Introductory Guide to DMS” [13].
For its primary and secondary allocations, the file is assigned the values defined by the system parameters DMPRALL and DMSCALL.
With this operand, the user reserves storage space for the file (relative allocation).
In order to minimize system administration time, the following points should be noted when specifying primary and secondary allocations:
the primary allocation should correspond to the expected size of the file to be created;
for large files, the primary and secondary allocations should be selected as a multiple of the administration units packet or segment.
In relation to the allocation of storage space, the effect of the BUFFER-LENGTH operand in the ADD-FILE-LINK command must also be taken into account: when the primary and secondary allocations are being determined, the file’s block length should be taken into account; for BUFFER-LENGTH=*STD(SIZE=n), where n>=2, the following applies:
File type | SPACE operand | |
Primary allocation | Secondary allocation | |
SAM | >= 2n | >= n |
ISAM (K-ISAM and NK-ISAM) | > n | |
PAM (chained I/O) | > 0 |
PRIMARY-ALLOCATION = <integer 1..2147483647>
Number of PAM pages to be allocated initially. The specified number of PAM pages will be reserved immediately. The number should correspond to the expected size of the file. The PRIMARY-ALLOCATION specification is rounded up to a multiple of 3, and the corresponding number of PAM pages are allocated on the private disk specified by the VOLUME operand. The system attempts to reserve the primary allocation on the first of the disks specified.
When large files are to be created, and when there are only a few segments free on each disk, specifying an appropriate primary allocation will initiate a disk swap. This then avoids excessive fragmentation of the file.
SECONDARY-ALLOCATION = *STD / <integer 0..32767>
The number of PAM pages by which the storage space should be extended, if this should become necessary. The default is STD, the default value for the system. In contrast to the primary allocation, the secondary allocation does not take effect as soon as the CREATE-FILE command is executed, but only if the reserved space proves insufficient when the file is being created or extended. The system will then automatically increase the storage space allocation for the file by the number of PAM pages specified in SECONDARY-ALLOCATION (field S-ALLOC in the output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command). The value for secondary allocation is doubled after each successful extension. It is no longer doubled when the maximum value set in the system has been reached. If required, the defined number of PAM pages is rounded up to a multiple of 3 when allocating space.
A specification of SECONDARY-ALLOCATION=0 prevents dynamic expansion of the file.
Absolute allocation (only meaningful when a VSN is specified in the VOLUME operand).
With this operand, the user reserves storage space for the file by an absolute allocation, i.e. he specifies the number of the PAM page on which the storage space allocation is to start. In doing so, he must take the following into account: An absolute allocation will only be made if it is possible to reserve the whole of the specified number of blocks (SIZE) on one single disk. If more than one disk was specified in the VOLUME operand, then only the first of the named disks will be used. If there isn’t enough free storage space on the disk, the CREATE-FILE command will be rejected; there will be no partial allocation. Since an absolute allocation always refers to a single volume, a separate CREATE-FILE or MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command must be issued for each volume. The secondary allocation for the file (see the SECONDARY-ALLOCATION operand) will have the value zero, i.e. if the number of pages specified in SIZE proves insufficient at a later point, there will be no automatic extension of the storage space.
FIRST-PAGE = <integer 1..2147483647>
The block number of the PAM page on which the storage space reservation on the private disk is to start. Since storage space is only reserved in units of three PAM pages, FIRST-PAGE is limited by: FIRST-PAGE = 3n + 1 (n >= 0). The PAM page on which storage space reservations can start on any disk will depend on how the disk is initialized.
SIZE = <integer 1..2147483647>
Specifies how many PAM pages are to be reserved on the disk; SIZE must be a multiple of three. The amount of storage space available on a disk depends on its type and its initialization; systems support should, therefore, be asked what maximum value SIZE may have.
Only for ISAM files: where the data section is stored. This operand is used if the data and index blocks for an ISAM file are to be stored on separate disks.
The data and index blocks of the ISAM file are not to be stored on separate disks.
The data and index blocks of the ISAM file are to be stored on separate disks. The values specified in the operands VOLUME, DEVICE-TYPE, and SPACE are only applicable to the index section of the file.
For K-ISAM files with separate index and data sections: The device type to which the required disks are assigned. Only device types known within the system are accepted. In interactive mode, the possible device types are displayed with DEVICE-TYPE=?. If at least one volume ID is specified with DATA- VOLUME, each specification of a disk device type which is known to the system is handled like the STDDISK specification.
The disk type for the data section is named with DATA-DEVICE-TYPE (for the index section with DEVICE-TYPE). The permissible specifications for DEVICE-TYPE can also be found in the device table in section "Device type table" (device type column). DATA-DEVICE-TYPE must be specified if no storage has yet been reserved for the file. Although NK-ISAM does not support separation of index and data sections, it is possible to specify DATA-DEVICE-TYPE (for compatibility with K-ISAM).
DATA-VOLUME = list-poss(255): <alphanum-name 1..6>
In conjunction with DATA-DEVICE-TYPE for ISAM files with separate index and data sections.
The VSN of the private disk on which the data section of the ISAM file is to be set up. A maximum of 255 VSNs may be specified, but each VSN may be specified only once.
Although NK-ISAM does not support separation of index and data sections, it is possible to specify DATA-VOLUME (for compatibility with K-ISAM). DATA-VOLUME specifies the VSN of the volume on which the data section of the ISAM file is to be stored; the VOLUME operand must be specified for the index section. The further details are analogous to those for DATA-DEVICE-TYPE.
In conjunction with DATA-DEVICE-TYPE/DATA-VOLUME for the data section of ISAM files with separation of index and data sections Defines the storage space allocations for the data section of an ISAM file. In contrast to the SPACE operand, the user must explicitly specify the storage space allocation, since the system does not provide a default allocation (minimal specification: the primary allocation under SPACE=*RELATIVE).
The rules for specifying primary, secondary, and absolute allocations correspond to those for the SPACE operand, but relate to the volumes listed in DATA-VOLUME instead (see also the operands DATA-DEVICE, DATA-VOLUME). Although NK-ISAM does not support separation of index and data sections, it is possible to specify DATA-SPACE (for compatibility with K-ISAM).
With this operand, the user can reserve storage space for the data section of an ISAM file in the form of a relative allocation.
PRIMARY-ALLOCATION = <integer 1..2147483647>
Number of PAM pages to be allocated initially. The specified number of PAM pages will be reserved immediately. The number should correspond to the expected size of the file. The system will attempt to make the initial allocation on the fist disk specified.
SECONDARY-ALLOCATION = *STD / <integer 0..32767>
The number of PAM pages for later file extensions.
The default value is STD, the system default value.
The number of PAM pages specified here is not immediately reserved. Only when the number of pages initially reserved is no longer sufficient will the system automatically increase the storage space allocated to the data section of the ISAM file by the number of PAM pages specified in the SECONDARY-ALLOCATION. This allocation is made dynamically, i.e. each time that additional storage space is required. If it is not already a multiple of 3, the extra space requested will be rounded to one. The value of the secondary allocation is copied into the catalog entry.
With this operand, the user reserves storage space for the data section of the file by an absolute allocation, i.e. he specifies the number of the physical block on the disk at which the storage space allocation is to start. In doing so, the following must be taken into account: An absolute allocation will only be made if it is possible to reserve the whole of the specified number of PAM pages (SIZE) on one single disk. If more than one disk was specified in the DATA-VOLUME operand, then only the first of the named disks will be used.
FIRST-PAGE = <integer 1..2147483647>
PAM page number at which the absolute assignment begins. (The number specified must be a multiple of 3, plus 1; e.g. 1 / 4 / 7 / 10 etc.).
SIZE = <integer 1..2147483647>
The number of PAM pages to be reserved (this must be a multiple of 3).
The file is to be created on tape. The required tape need not be mounted immediately by the operator.
VOLUME = *NO / *ANY(...) / list-poss(255): <alphanum-name 1..6>
Volume serial numbers of the tapes on which the file is to be created. A maximum of 255 volume serial numbers may be specified.
No VSNs are to be entered into the catalog yet.
VOLUME = *ANY(...)
The operator may mount any suitable tapes on the specified device type (no particular VSNs are required).
The VSNs of the volumes which were requested are copied into the volume list in the catalog entry. If the user requests more than one volume to be mounted, the NUMBER-OF-DEVICES operand should be used to specify how many volumes are to be mounted at the same time.
NUMBER-OF-DEVICES = 1 / <integer 1..9>
The number of tapes which is required.
VOLUME = list-poss(255): <alphanum-name 1..6>
A maximum of 255 different VSNs may be specified, i.e. for each CREATE-FILE command a maximum of 255 volumes may be requested. Each VSN may be specified only once.
Device type to which the required tapes are assigned. The value to be specified is the device type or volume type of the tapes, from which the Device Management System determines the device type which is to be made available for tape processing. Only device types known within the system are accepted. In interactive mode, the possible device types are displayed with DEVICE-TYPE=?.
If TAPE is specified as the device type, magnetic tape devices that support a recording density of 1600 or 6250 bpi (bytes per inch) are assigned. Other permissible specifications can be found in section "Device types for DMS tape processing".
DEVICE-TYPE=WORK requests a work tape. Work tapes are identified by having no tape owner entry in the VOL1 label (contents of “Owner identifier” field: X’40’). Work tapes should be requested if they are required only for the duration of the processing, and are not to be archived. If DEVICE-TYPE=WORK is specified, the operands VOLUME and PREMOUNT-LIST will be ignored.
DEVICE-TYPE=WORK should not be specified for file sets, because the work tape which is allocated is always that which is immediately available.
Tape cartridges cannot be requested as work tapes.
The device type is determined via the MAREN device substitution function if the MAREN subsystem is available.
PREMOUNT-LIST = *NONE / list-poss(255): <integer 0..255>
The tape sequence number of the tape to be mounted. Issues a MOUNT message on the console requesting the mounting of tapes or suppresses the request.
The first volume specified in the VOLUME operand will be requested.
PREMOUNT-LIST = list-poss(255): <integer 0..255>
Issues a MOUNT message on the console requesting the mounting of tapes or suppresses the request. The tape sequence numbers specified here relate to the VSNs listed in the VOLUME operand. The volumes specified in this way are to be mounted by the operator (MOUNT request on the console). Multiple tape sequence numbers must be listed in ascending order (n,n+1,...).
Specifying PREMOUNT-LIST=0 has the effect that no tapes will be requested. Otherwise, it is only on opening the file that the first volume is requested.
A catalog entry will be created, but no storage space will be reserved yet for the file.
The protection attributes for the file.
The values supplied by default protection are employed for the protection attributes. The AUDIT and FREE-FOR-DELETION protection attributes are always set to *NONE.
If default protection is not active, the system default values for the operands of the *PARAMETERS structure are set.
Protection attribute | PROTECTION-ATTR= | |||
Default protection not active1) | Default protection active | |||
ACCESS | value from reference file | WRITE | WRITE | values from |
Table 33: Effects of PROTECTION-ATTR on protection attributes in the case of CREATE-FILE
This operand allows the following protection attributes to be specified for the file. If the default value *NONE or *NO is specified for an attribute, the corresponding protection function is not activated. In conjunction with the ACCESS, USER-ACCESS, BASIC-ACL, GUARDS and FREE-FOR-DELETION protection attributes and with password protection, only default protection attributes (see table 33) may be specified for temporary files. Since only the creating job can access temporary JVs, no protection is required against foreign access.
When the file is accessed, the highest activated protection level applies. The following table shows the method used for access control, the protection attributes, and the job variable protection hierarchy (protection levels):
Access control | Protection attribute | Prot. level |
Standard access control | ACCESS and USER-ACCESS | 0 |
Basic access control list | BASIC-ACL | 1 |
Access control via guards | GUARDS using the software product SECOS | 2 |
Passwords are evaluated independently, without regard to the implemented protection level.
If the file’s date of release for deletion has been reached (see the FREE-FOR-DELETION operand), the file owner can delete the file regardless of its access protection.
Specifies from where the protection attributes with the value *BY-PROTECTION-ATTR or *BY-PROT-ATTR-OR-NONE are to be obtained. For the assignments, see table "Effects of PROTECTION-ATTR on protection attributes".
The values supplied by default protection are entered for the operands with *BY-PROTECTION-ATTR or *BY-PROT-ATTR-OR-NONE. If default protection is not active, system default values or *NONE will be assigned to the relevant operands.
System default values are set for operands with *BY-PROTECTION-ATTR. *NONE is set for operands with *BY-PROT-ATTR-OR-NONE.
Operands for which *BY-PROTECTION-ATTR is specified, receive the value that they have in the catalog entry of the file named next. *NONE is set for operands with *BY-PROT-ATTR-OR-NONE.
If the protection attributes are to be copied for a temporary file, either the operands ACCESS=*WRITE, USER-ACCESS=*OWNER-ONLY, BASIC-ACL=*NONE, and GUARDS=*NONE must be specified explicitly or the specified file must have been cataloged with these attributes. ACCESS and USER-ACCESS can have any value in the case of temporary tape files.
FILE-NAME = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Reference file from which the protection attributes with *BY-PROTECTION-ATTR are to be copied. The file has to be on the same pubset as the new file currently being created. If the file does not exist or if it is not accessible (e.g. with SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES), then the command is rejected.
The ACCESS operand enables a file to be protected against overwriting; it specifies whether write access to the file is permitted (implicitly allowing read access) or only read access. This protection attribute is part of the standard access control mechanism and is only evaluated if no higher protection level has been activated (see table "Hierarchy of access control methods").
Tape files: | When the file is first opened, DMS copies the ACCESS type identifier into the HDR3 label. During subsequent accesses to the file, the file owner can bypass the checks on access type by using the command ADD-FILE-LINK... PROTECTION-LEVEL=*LOW. |
The value defined for the file specified in the PROTECTION-ATTR operand is used.
All types of access to the file are permitted.
Tape files: | HDR3 label: access type identifier = 0 |
The file may only be accessed to read it.
Temporary files: | Write access cannot be prevented, ACCESS=*READ will be rejected. |
Tape files: | HDR3 label: access type identifier = 1 |
Specifies whether the file may be accessed by user IDs other than that of its owner or co-owners. The access type permitted in this case is governed by the ACCESS protection attribute (see the ACCESS operand).
This protection attribute is part of the standard access control mechanism. It is evaluated for users without HARDWARE-MAINTENANCE privileges only if no higher access protection is defined for the file (see table "Hierarchy of access control methods").
Tape files: | When the file is first opened, DMS copies the SHARE indicator into the HDR1 label (“access indicator”). |
The value defined for the file specified in the PROTECTION-ATTR operand is used.
The file is not shareable, which means that only the file owner and any co-owners have access to it.
Tape files: | HDR1 label: access indicator = 1 |
The file is shareable, which means that any user ID can access it.
Temporary files: | USER-ACCESS=*ALL-USERS is not permitted |
Tape files: | HDR1 label: access indicator = (X'40') 'BLANK' |
User IDs with HARDWARE-MAINTENANCE privileges (online maintenance) may access the file. USER-ACCESS=*ALL-USERS applies implicitly, which means that the file can be accessed by all user IDs, including the maintenance IDs. If accesses under a maintenance ID are to be permitted, SPECIAL must be set even if BASIC-ACL or GUARDS is used for access control.
Specifies whether a BASIC-ACL entry should be created for the file, and hence whether this entry is to be used for access control. A BASIC-ACL entry will only be evaluated if no higher protection level has been activated for the file (see also table "Hierarchy of access control methods").
The following operand values correspond to common BASIC-ACL settings:
Operand value | BASIC-ACL protection | ||||||||
OWNER | GROUP | OTHERS | |||||||
R | W | X | R | W | X | R | W | X | |
*STD | Y | Y | Y | N | N | N | N | N | N |
*GROUP-X | Y | Y | Y | N | N | Y | N | N | N |
*GROUP-RX | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | N | N | N |
*GROUP-WRX | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | N | N |
*ALL-X | Y | Y | Y | N | N | Y | N | N | Y |
*ALL-RX | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | N | Y |
*ALL-WRX | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Y: access granted |
The value defined for the file specified in the PROTECTION-ATTR operand is used.
No BASIC ACL entry will be created for the file. Access will be controlled as defined in the USER-ACCESS and ACCESS entries.
A BASIC-ACL entry is created for the file, and the BASIC-ACL (basic access control list) is used to control access, provided no higher protection level has been activated (see table 34). Read, write and execute authorizations must be explicitly set for each user ID which is to have access rights, otherwise no access right will be granted. Those with access rights are:
OWNER, i.e. the user ID of the file owner and the user IDs of the co-owners and of systems support (see “Privileged functions”).
GROUP, i.e. all user IDs which are in the same group as the file owner (excluding the owner, the co-owners and systems support). Definition of user groups is possible only when the software product SECOS is used. However, to allow for possible later installation of SECOS, GROUP should be given the same access rights as for OTHERS.
OTHERS, i.e. all user IDs which belong to a different group from the file owner (excluding the owner, the co-owners and systems support).
Specifies what access rights are to be given to the owner and the co-owners. The default setting is *NO-ACCESS, i.e. there is no read, write or execute permission.
The access rights will be as specified:
Specifies whether read authorization is set.
The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no read permission.
Specifies whether write authorization is specified.
The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no write permission. Write permission does not imply read permission.
Indicates whether read access is permitted or not.
The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no execute permission.
Specifies which access rights are to be set for all user IDs from the group of the owner.
The default setting is *NO-ACCESS, i.e. there is no read, write or execute permission.
Access rights are to be set as specified:
Specifies whether read authorization is set.
The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no read permission.
Specifies whether write authorization is specified.
The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no write permission.
Write permission does not imply read permission.
Indicates whether read access is permitted or not.
The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no execute permission.
Specifies what access rights are to be given to all other user IDs. Unless the software product SECOS is in use, the access authorizations defined for GROUP and OTHERS should be the same. The default setting is *NO-ACCESS, i.e. there is no read, write or execute permission.
Access rights are to be set as specified:
Specifies whether read authorization is set. The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no read permission.
Specifies whether write authorization is specified.
The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no write permission. Write permission does not imply read permission.
Indicates whether read access is permitted or not.
The default setting is *NO, i.e. there is no execute permission.
Specifies whether access to the file is controlled by GUARDS.
The value defined for the file specified in the PROTECTION-ATTR operand is used.
Access to the JV is not to be controlled via GUARDS.
Access to the JV is to be controlled via GUARDS.
Access to the file is controlled via a guard, i.e. a specific object identifying all the conditions subject to which access will be granted: such as date, time and user ID. The GUARDS function unit of the chargeable software product SECOS (see the “SECOS” manual [35]) must be installed in order to create and maintain a guard. Each guard is uniquely identified by its name. The guard name resembles a file name: it can contain a user ID and consists of a name part which is up to 8 characters in length. If no user ID is specified explicitly, the user’s own ID is added implicitly. Each access mode can be controlled by a separate guard. If no guard is assigned for an access mode (*NONE), access control will refuse any corresponding access (e.g. WRITE=*NONE prevents all write access). Specifying GUARDS=*PARAMETERS defines access control using GUARDS with the default value *NONE for all access modes, which means that the file cannot be read, updated or executed. The GUARDS subsystem is not required in order to define access control via GUARDS. The appropriate checks by GUARDS are not performed until the time file access takes place: If a guard has been defined but is not available, all access of the type controlled by that guard is prohibited. No access at all is possible if the GUARDS subsystem is not available at the time of access.
READ = *NONE / <filename 1..18 without-cat-gen-vers>
Name of a guard controlling read access (up to 8 characters if no user ID is specified).
The default value is *NONE, i.e. no read access is granted.
WRITE = *NONE / <filename 1..18 without-cat-gen-vers>
Name of a guard controlling write access (up to 8 characters if no user ID is specified).
The default value is *NONE, i.e. no write access is granted.
EXEC = *NONE / <filename 1..18 without-cat-gen-vers>
Name of a guard for execute protection (up to 8 characters when no user ID is specified).
The default setting is *NONE, i.e. the file cannot be executed.
WRITE-PASSWORD = *BY-PROT-ATTR-OR-NONE / *NONE / <c-string 1..4> /
<x-string 1..8> / <integer -2147483648..2147483647> / *SECRET
Write or read password for the JV to be modified.
The password defined here must be specified in the ADD-PASSWORD command to enable write access to the file.
The WRITE-PASSWORD operand has the following special characteristics:
The password entered is not logged.
The input field is automatically blanked out in the guided dialog.
In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^, SDF provides a blanked out input field for inputting the password.
Temporary files: | cannot be password-protected |
Tape files: | the password protection is noted in the HDR3 label |
Allocation of a write password is independent of the value of the PROTECTION-ATTR operand.
If PROTECTION-ATTR=*BY-DEF-PROT-OR-STD is set, the values supplied by default protection or - if default protection is not activated - *NONE is entered.
With PROTECTION-ATTR=*STD / *FROM-FILE(),*NONE is entered, i.e. no write protection password is used.
No write protection password is specified.
WRITE-PASSWORD = <c-string 1..4> / <x-string 1..8> /<integer -2147483648..2147483647>
Defines a password required for write accesses.
READ-PASSWORD = *BY-PROT-ATTR-OR-NONE / *NONE / <c-string 1..4> / <x-string 1..8> /
<integer -2147483648..2147483647> / *SECRET
Password for protection against unauthorized reading.
The password defined here must be specified in the ADD-PASSWORD command to enable read access to the file.
The READ-PASSWORD operand has the following special characteristics:
The password entered is not logged.
The input field is automatically blanked out in the guided dialog.
In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^, SDF provides a blanked out input field for inputting the password.
Temporary files: | cannot be password-protected |
Tape files: | the password protection is noted in the HDR3 label |
Allocation of a read password is independent of the value of the PROTECTION-ATTR operand.
If PROTECTION-ATTR=*BY-DEF-PROT-OR-STD is set, the values supplied by default protection or - if default protection is not activated - *NONE is entered.
With PROTECTION-ATTR=*STD / *FROM-FILE( ),*NONE is entered, i.e. no read protection password is used.
No read protection password is specified.
READ-PASSWORD = <c-string 1..4> / <x-string 1..8> / <integer -2147483648..2147483647>
Defines a password required for read accesses.
A source program which is protected by a read password cannot be compiled.
EXEC-PASSWORD = *BY-PROT-ATTR-OR-NONE / *NONE / <c-string 1..4> /
<x-string 1..8> / <integer -2147483648..2147483647> / *SECRET
The password used to protect against unauthorized execution of the file.
This type of password is specified for procedures, ENTER files and programs. The password defined here must be specified in the ADD-PASSWORD command before the procedure or program can be run.
The operand has the following special characteristics:
The password entered is not logged.
The input field is automatically blanked out in the guided dialog.
In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^, SDF provides a blanked out input field for inputting the password.
Temporary files: | cannot be password-protected |
Tape files: | the password protection is noted in the HDR3 label |
Assignment of an execution protection password depends on the value of the PROTECTION-ATTR operand.
If PROTECTION-ATTR=*BY-DEF-PROT-OR-STD is set, the values supplied by default protection or - if default protection is not activated - *NONE is entered.
With PROTECTION-ATTR=*STD / *FROM-FILE( ),*NONE is entered, i.e. no execution protection password is used.
No execute protection password is specified.
EXEC-PASSWORD = <c-string 1..4> / <x-string 1..8> / <integer -2147483648..2147483647>
Defines a password which is required to call a program/procedure file. If EXEC-PASSWORD=X’00000000’ is specified, it will be ignored.
To increase the level of protection of data, the user can specify in the catalog entry that any data no longer required is overwritten by X’00’ (binary zero). For disk files, DESTROY-BY-DELETE affects deletion, file migration, and storage space release operations (see the MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES, and DELETE-FILE commands); for tape files, any data remaining on the tape when EOF or EOV processing is carried out will be overwritten (see also the ADD-FILE-LINK command, DESTROY-OLD-CONTENTS operand).
The value defined for the file specified in the PROTECTION-ATTR operand is used.
If this operand is set to *NO, the action specified in the DELETE-FILE command (OPTION operand) will be carried out.
Disk files: | the storage space released will be left unchanged if the operand OPTION= DESTROY-ALL is not specified in the DELETE-FILE command. |
Tape files: | Any data which follows on the tape will not be overwritten if DESTROY-OLD-CONTENTS=*YES is not specified in the ADD-FILE-LINK command for the current processing run. |
The setting *YES for this operand will be effective even if a different specification has been made in the OPTION operand of the DELETE-FILE command.
Disk files: | when the storage space is released or deleted, it will be automatically overwritten with binary zeros (X'00'). |
Tape files: | the contents of the tape following the end-of-file will be overwritten with binary zeros (X’00’). It is not necessary to explicitly set the ADD-FILE-LINK command to delete residual data for the current processing run (i.e. the operand DESTROY-OLD-CONTENTS=*YES). |
This operand specifies whether accesses to the file are to be monitored. This monitoring may also be made dependent on the result of the access (see the operand values *SUCCESS and *FAILURE). Systems support staff (TSOS privilege) can use this function unrestrictedly. Nonprivileged users require the appropriate authorization in the user entry of the pubset in which the file is to be created (see the FILE-AUDIT output field of the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command). Without this authorization, the command will be rejected if auditing is requested.
It is possible to monitor the following DMS actions:
the creation, amendment (protection attributes), reading and deletion of a catalog entry
the opening and closing of files
the renaming, importing and exporting of files
Monitoring is performed by System Exit Routines or, if the software product is being used, by the SAT function unit. In order to use System Exit Routines for monitoring, they must be activated (this is the responsibility of the system support staff, user ID TSOS). In order to use SAT for monitoring, SAT logging must have been started, and events for the FILE to be monitored must not be excluded from the logging procedure (this is the
responsibility of the security officer, under the user ID SYSPRIV). The user cannot alter any explicit settings of SAT made by the security officer. The SAT log files can be analyzed by the SAT file administrator, under the user ID SYSAUDIT.
The value is currently equivalent to *NONE.
No monitoring.
All successful DMS operations on the file will be monitored.
All unsuccessful DMS operations on the file will be monitored.
All DMS operations on the file will be monitored.
Specifies whether the releasing storage space is allowed.
The value defined for the file specified in the PROTECTION-ATTR operand is used.
Space is not released.
Space is released.
FREE-FOR-DELETION = *NONE / <date> / <integer 0..99999>
Specifies the date from which the owner is allowed to delete the file regardless of the ACCESS, BASIC-ACL, GUARDS, EXPIRATION-DATE protection attributes and regardless of the password (release date for deletion).
No free-for-deletion date is defined. The protection attributes are taken into account with regard to file deletion.
Once the specified date is reached, the file can be deleted regardless of its protection attributes listed above. The date is specified in the form [yy]yy-mm-dd. 20 is automatically prefixed to two-digit year specifications < 60, 19 to two-digit year specifications >= 60.
FREE-FOR-DELETION = <integer 0..99999>
After the specified number of days, the file can be deleted regardless of its protection attributes named above.
The deletion release date must be specified in the form +n.
Specifies how the file is to be treated when backups are performed with the ARCHIVE or HSMS utility if no management class has been assigned.
The default values set under PARAMETERS will be applied if no management class has been assigned.
This specification is equivalent to BACKUP-CLASS=*E, NUM-OF-BACKUP-VERS=0 and SAVED-PAGES= *COMPLETE-FILE under *PARAMETERS (q.v.).
Specifies the frequency and type of backup. These details are taken into account when regular backups are carried out (using the ARCHIVE or HSMS utility).
BACKUP-CLASS = *STD / *A / *B / *C / *D / *E
Only for disk files. Backup frequency, where *A represents the most frequent backups. BACKUP relates to the automatic backup of files using either ARCHIVE or HSMS and specifies which files are to be backed up during each backup run.
The value defined by the system parameter BACKUP.
The most frequent backup. Files with this setting will be backed up by every backup run.
Files with this setting will be backed up every time a backup run is performed for files with BACKUP-CLASS=*B or *C or *D.
Files with this setting will be backed up every time a backup run is performed for files with BACKUP-CLASS=*C or *D.
The least frequent backup. Files with this setting will only be backed up when a backup run is performed for files with BACKUP-CLASS=*D.
Not backed up by ARCHIVE or HSMS. This value is the only possible value for temporary files (and is the default value). It is also appropriate for permanent files if, for example, work files are involved.
Only for disk files: like BACKUP-CLASS, refers to the backup with ARCHIVE or HSMS and defines whether the entire file is to be backed up completely during automatic backup runs, or whether only those blocks that have changed since the last backup are to be saved.
The complete file is backed up.
Incremental saving: only the modified blocks are saved. This is an appropriate specification for large files.
NUM-OF-BACKUP-VERS = *STD / <integer 0..32>
Specifies the maximum number of file versions kept in the version backup archive.
A permanent file on a public volume or on Net-Storage, as well as a file without specified memory allocation is given the default value by means of the NUMBACK system parameter.
Files on a private disk, on tape or temporary files are given the value 0.
NUM-OF-BACKUP-VERS = <integer 0..32>
Defines the maximum number of file versions kept in the version backup archive. The value 0 means the file will be ignored when version backups are performed.
For temporary files or files on private disks, the values unequal to 0 are rejected.
A file on tape does not participate in the version backup, so the specified value is ignored and the value 0 is set.
This specification is relevant only for files on public disks. The operand is evaluated by the software product HSMS (Hierarchical Storage Management System). It allows a user to specify whether files that have not been accessed for a long time (by the user) may be migrated to a storage medium with slower access. The files will be migrated from the online processing level S0 to the background level S1, which is available online, or to background level S2 (e.g. tape storage) which is available offline (for further details see the “HSMS” manual [18]).
Depends on the type of file or its storage location, the following default values apply:
*ALLOWED | for permanent files |
*INHIBITED | for temporary files |
*FORBIDDEN | for files created directly on the disk of an SM pubset (VOLUME operand) |
If HSMS is being used, the file may be migrated from the processing level (S0) to the background level (S1), or to the archive level (S2).
The file may only be migrated for a brief period, e.g. for reorganization purposes (migration lock).
This specification is allowed only in conjunction with authorization to perform physical allocation of public storage space (see “Privileged functions” under “Function” above). The file must not be migrated, typically because it is intended to stay in its current physical storage location (intensified migration lock).
This operand is ignored with regard to files on private disks. Determines the code of the file. This defines how the characters of a national character set are to be stored in binary form. The specified character set has an effect on the representation of characters on the screen, the collating sequence, etc. (see the “XHCS” manual [51]).
The code is taken over from the file owner’s user ID if a code other than EDF03IRV is entered there, otherwise *NONE applies.
No coded character set is specified for the file.
Specifies the coded character set for the file.
Only relevant for Net-Storage files of the type node file. This specification is ignored for other files.Defines which Net-Storage coded character set (NETCCS) is to be used for a node file on Net-Storage. The NETCCS is the character set used to store the data from SAM node files on Net-Storage. During copying, the data are converted from the CODED-CHARACTER-SET into the NET-CODED-CHARATER-SET and vice versa. All SAM node files and PAM node files created with BS2000 V11.0 or later have a defined NETCCS. PAM node files created with an older version than V11.0 are treated as if they were created with *NO-CONVERSION. Only data from SAM node files are converted. In the case of PAM node files, the NET-CODED-CHAR-SET is not evaluated while data are copied.
The setting is defined by the definition in the user entry. The resulting NETCCS of the file is determined based on the following table:
User entry (SYSSRPM) or specification in the CREATE-FILE / MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command | Resulting NETCCS in the catalog entry of the node file | |
EDF03IRV/*NONE | *ISO | ISO88591; during code conversion, EDF041 is assumed for CCS |
EDF03DRV | *ISO | ISO88591; during code conversion, EDF04DRV is assumed for CCS |
EDF04DRV | *ISO | ISO88591 |
EDF04x | *ISO | ISO8859x with x=1,2,..F |
ISO8859x | *ISO or *NO-CONV | ISOx |
UTFx | *ISO or *NO-CONV | UTFx |
<name_a 1..8> | <name_b 1..8> | <name_b 1..8> |
<name_a 1..8> | *NO-CONV | <name_a 1..8> |
For SAM node files, EBCDIC character sets are converted into character sets common in the open world. In the process, the NETCCS is mapped onto an ISO variant that corresponds to the CCS. Examples:
EDF03IRV => ISO88591 EDF04DRV => ISO88591 EDF04x => ISO8859x
The character set of the file is not converted while the file is transferred to the Net-Storage. The value of the CODED-CHARACTER-SET is adopted for the NET-CODED-CHAR-SET. If the CODED-CHARACTER-SET is equivalent to *NONE or EDV03IRV, the resulting NETCCS becomes EDF03IRV.
A node file is created on the Net-Storage in the EBCDIC character set specified in the CCS.
NET-CODED-CHAR-SET = <name 1..8>
Name of the NETCCS with which a node is created on the Net-Storage.
Determines whether the existence of the specified file is handled as an error.
If the specified file already exists, the command is rejected, and error handling is initiated (spin-off mechanism resp. The error triggers the spin-off mechanism resp. the SDF-P error handling.
If the specified file already exists, the command has no effect on the file and its catalog entry. No error is reported.
Return codes
(SC2) | SC1 | Maincode | Meaning/Guaranteed messages |
0 | CMD0001 | Command executed | |
2 | 0 | DMS051E | Inconsistency in private disk pool or operand error detected |
2 | 0 | DMS0546 | Catalog entry for specified file has reached maximum size |
2 | 0 | DMS054A | Insufficient disk space or access to disk not possible |
1 | CMD0202 | Syntax or semantic error in command | |
32 | DMS0584 | A state that does not allow the function to continue was reported during processing | |
32 | DMS05C7 | Unexpected internal error in DMS | |
64 | CMD0216 | Privilege error | |
64 | DMS0501 | Requested catalog not available | |
64 | DMS0512 | Requested catalog not found | |
64 | DMS051B | Requested user ID not in pubset | |
64 | DMS051C | User not authorized to access pubset | |
64 | DMS053E | File already cataloged on private volume | |
64 | DMS0540 | Volume does not support requested file attributes | |
64 | DMS0557 | Invalid volume specification | |
64 | DMS0579 | Invalid operand for temporary file or work file | |
64 | DMS057A | Invalid combination of file attributes and storage class | |
64 | DMS057B | Invalid operand for migrated file | |
64 | DMS057C | Processing not possible due to HSMS error | |
64 | DMS057E | File has been migrated, and HSMS is not available | |
64 | DMS057F | Renaming of migrated file not permitted | |
64 | DMS0585 | Error detected when processing catalog or multiprocessor system. | |
64 | DMS0586 | It is not possible to access or reserve a volume at present | |
64 | DMS0587 | Use of the specified command has been restricted by the system administrator | |
64 | DMS0588 | The disk storage assignment could not be executed | |
64 | DMS059F | Specified value for number of backup versions invalid | |
64 | DMS05B5 | Guard not available | |
64 | DMS05BD | Invalid combination of file and volume set attributes | |
64 | DMS05FC | Specified user ID not in HOME pubset | |
64 | DMS060D | Invalid file name for reference file (PROTECTION-ATTR) | |
64 | DMS0613 | Unknown management class | |
64 | DMS0618 | Unknown storage class | |
64 | DMS061A | Storage class catalog could not be read | |
64 | DMS0640 | Access to Net-Storage is rejected by the ONETSTOR subsystem because of communication problems with the net client | |
64 | DMS0641 | File already exists on Net-Storage | |
64 | DMS0642 | Large files not permitted on the specified pubset | |
64 | DMS0643 | Net client reports access error | |
64 | DMS0644 | Net client reports internal error | |
64 | DMS0645 | File does not exist on Net-Storage | |
64 | DMS0647 | Specified file type does not match the catalog entry | |
64 | DMS0648 | Specification of file type, device and volume are not compatible | |
64 | DMS0649 | Net server reports POSIX-ACL error | |
64 | DMS064A | Net client reports that access to files is forbidden on the Net-Storage volume | |
64 | DMS064B | Access to node files not supported by the net client | |
64 | DMS0652 | Absolute storage space request not permitted on Net-Storage | |
64 | DMS0683 | File already exists | |
64 | DMS06FF | BCAM connection severed | |
128 | DMS0506 | Function not executed due to change in master | |
130 | DMS0524 | System address space exhausted | |
130 | DMS053C | No space in pubset catalog file | |
130 | DMS0582 | File is currently locked or being used and cannot be processed | |
130 | DMS0585 | Error detected when processing catalog or multiprocessor system. | |
130 | DMS0586 | It is not possible to access or reserve a volume at present | |
130 | DMS0588 | The disk storage assignment could not be executed | |
130 | DMS0594 | Not enough virtual memory available | |
130 | DMS05C8 | Maximum permitted number of files reached |
Example 1: Creating a catalog entry
/create-file file-name=max.file.1
/show-file-attr file-name=max.file.1,inf=*all-attributes
%0000000003 :2OSG:$USER1.MAX.FILE.1 % ------------------------------- HISTORY ------------------------------- % CRE-DATE = NONE ACC-DATE = NONE CHANG-DATE = NONE % CRE-TIME = NONE ACC-TIME = NONE CHANG-TIME = NONE % ACC-COUNT = 0 S-ALLO-NUM = 0 % ------------------------------- SECURITY ------------------------------- % READ-PASS = NONE WRITE-PASS = NONE EXEC-PASS = NONE % USER-ACC = OWNER-ONLY ACCESS = WRITE % AUDIT = NONE FREE-DEL-D = *NONE EXPIR-DATE = NONE % DESTROY = NO FREE-DEL-T = *NONE EXPIR-TIME = NONE % SP-REL-LOCK= NO ENCRYPTION = *NONE % ------------------------------- BACKUP ------------------------------- % BACK-CLASS = A SAVED-PAG = COMPL-FILE VERSION = 0 % MIGRATE = ALLOWED % #BACK-VERS = 0 % ------------------------------- ORGANIZATION ------------------------------- % FILE-STRUC = NONE BUF-LEN = NONE BLK-CONTR = NONE % IO(USAGE) = READ-WRITE IO(PERF) = STD DISK-WRITE = IMMEDIATE % REC-FORM = NONE REC-SIZE = 0 % AVAIL = *STD % WORK-FILE = *NO F-PREFORM = *K S0-MIGR = *ALLOWED % ------------------------------- ALLOCATION ------------------------------- % SUPPORT = PUB S-ALLOC = 9 HIGH-US-PA = 0 % EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE % 1 GVS2.3 D3435 % NUM-OF-EXT = 1 %:2OSG: PUBLIC: 1 FILE RES= 3 FRE= 3 REL= 3 PAGES
The output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command shows the catalog entry that was generated for the file MAX.FILE.1 using CREATE-FILE. Since no specification was made for the SUPPORT operand, storage space on public disk was reserved for the file.
Example 2: Creating a catalog entry for a tape file
/create-file file-name=max.tape-file.1
/show-file-attr file-name=max.tape-file.1,inf=*all-attributes
% :2OSG:$USER1.MAX.TAPE-FILE.1 % ------------------------------- HISTORY ------------------------------- % CRE-DATE = NONE ACC-DATE = NONE CHANG-DATE = NONE % CRE-TIME = NONE ACC-TIME = NONE CHANG-TIME = NONE % ACC-COUNT = 0 S-ALLO-NUM = 0 % ------------------------------- SECURITY ------------------------------- % READ-PASS = NONE WRITE-PASS = NONE EXEC-PASS = NONE % USER-ACC = ALL-USERS ACCESS = WRITE % AUDIT = NONE FREE-DEL-D = *NONE EXPIR-DATE = NONE % DESTROY = NO FREE-DEL-T = *NONE EXPIR-TIME = NONE % ------------------------------- BACKUP ------------------------------- % BACK-CLASS = A SAVED-PAG = COMPL-FILE VERSION = 0 % #BACK-VERS = 0 % ------------------------------- ORGANIZATION ------------------------------- % FILE-STRUC = NONE BUF-LEN = NONE BLK-CONTR = NONE % REC-FORM = NONE REC-SIZE = 0 % CODE = NONE LABEL = NONE FILE-SEQ = NONE % BLK-OFFSET = 0 % ------------------------------- ALLOCATION ------------------------------- % SUPPORT = PVT BLK-COUNT = 0 % EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE % NONE NONE NONE %:2OSG: TAPE : 1 FILE
The output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command shows the catalog entry that was generated with CREATE-FILE for the tape file MAX.TAPE-FILE.1, which is to be stored on the tape cartridge M2326K (volume type TAPE-C4). No reserved storage space is shown for the tape file, since only the catalog entry is saved in the file catalog of the pubset 20SG.
Example 3: Creating a catalog entry for a file on private disk
/create-file file-name=max.disk-file.1,support=*priv(vol=work01,
/show-file-attr file-name=max.disk-file.1,inf=*all-attr
% ------------------------------- HISTORY ------------------------------- % CRE-DATE = NONE ACC-DATE = NONE CHANG-DATE = NONE % CRE-TIME = NONE ACC-TIME = NONE CHANG-TIME = NONE % ACC-COUNT = 0 S-ALLO-NUM = 0 % ------------------------------- SECURITY ------------------------------- % READ-PASS = NONE WRITE-PASS = NONE EXEC-PASS = NONE % USER-ACC = OWNER-ONLY ACCESS = WRITE % AUDIT = NONE FREE-DEL-D = *NONE EXPIR-DATE = NONE % DESTROY = NO FREE-DEL-T = *NONE EXPIR-TIME = NONE % SP-REL-LOCK= NO ENCRYPTION = *NONE % ------------------------------- BACKUP ------------------------------- % BACK-CLASS = A SAVED-PAG = COMPL-FILE VERSION = 0 % MIGRATE = ALLOWED % #BACK-VERS = 0 % ------------------------------- ORGANIZATION ------------------------------- % FILE-STRUC = NONE BUF-LEN = NONE BLK-CONTR = NONE % IO(USAGE) = READ-WRITE IO(PERF) = STD DISK-WRITE = IMMEDIATE % REC-FORM = NONE REC-SIZE = 0 % AVAIL = *STD % ------------------------------- ALLOCATION ------------------------------- % SUPPORT = PVT S-ALLOC = 9 HIGH-US-PA = 0 % EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE % 1 WORK01 D3435 % NUM-OF-EXT = 1 %:2OSG: PRDISC: 1 FILE RES= 3 FRE= 3 REL= 0 PAGES
The output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command shows the catalog entry that was generated with CREATE-FILE for the file MAX.FILE.1, for which storage space was reserved on the private disk WORK01.
Example 4: Creating catalog entries for files on private disk
/show-file-attr,inf=*all-attr ——————————————————————————
%0000000004n:CK68:$USER1.MAX.NET-FILE.1 % ------------------------------- HISTORY ----------------------------- % CRE-DATE = NONE ACC-DATE = NONE CHANG-DATE = NONE % CRE-TIME = NONE ACC-TIME = NONE CHANG-TIME = NONE % ACC-COUNT = 0 S-ALLO-NUM = 0 % ------------------------------- SECURITY ----------------------------- % READ-PASS = NONE WRITE-PASS = NONE EXEC-PASS = NONE % USER-ACC = OWNER-ONLY ACCESS = WRITE ACL = NO % AUDIT = NONE FREE-DEL-D = *NONE EXPIR-DATE = NONE % DESTROY = NO FREE-DEL-T = *NONE EXPIR-TIME = NONE % SP-REL-LOCK= NO ENCRYPTION = *NONE % ------------------------------- BACKUP ----------------------------- % BACK-CLASS = A SAVED-PAG = COMPL-FILE VERSION = 0 % MIGRATE = ALLOWED % #BACK-VERS = 0 % ------------------------------- ORGANIZATION ----------------------------- % FILE-STRUC = NONE BUF-LEN = NONE BLK-CONTR = NONE % IO(USAGE) = READ-WRITE IO(PERF) = STD DISK-WRITE = IMMEDIATE % REC-FORM = NONE REC-SIZE = 0 % AVAIL = *STD % ------------------------------- ALLOCATION ----------------------------- % SUPPORT = PUB S-ALLOC = 4 HIGH-US-PA = 0 % EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE % 1 WK0025 NETSTOR % NUM-OF-EXT = 1 %:CK68: NET : 1 FILE RES= 4 FRE= 4 REL= 4 PAGES
(2) ———————————————————————
/show-file-attr file-name=max.,
%0000000004n:CK68:$USER1.MAX.NET-FILE.1 % ------------------------------- ALLOCATION ------------------------------- % SUPPORT = PUB S-ALLOC = 4 HIGH-US-PA = 0 % EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE % 1 WK0025 NETSTOR % NUM-OF-EXT = 1 %0000000004n:CK68:$USER1.MAX.NET-FILE.2 % ------------------------------- ALLOCATION ------------------------------- % SUPPORT = PUB S-ALLOC = 4 HIGH-US-PA = 0 % EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE EXTENTS VOLUME DEVICE-TYPE % 1 CK68@0 NETSTOR % NUM-OF-EXT = 1 %:CK68: NET : 2 FILES RES= 8 FRE= 8 REL= 8 PAGES
(1) | The output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command shows the catalog entry that was generated with CREATE-FILE for the MAX.NET-FILE.1 file which was created beforehand on the Net-Storage volume WK0025. The Net-Storage volume is allocated to the default pubset CK68. As the volume does not has the default name, the VSN and the volume type NETSTOR must be specified explicitly in the CREATE-FILE command. |
(2) | Another MAX.NET-FILE.2 file is created on the default Net-Storage volume of the pubset CK68 (the VSN is |
(3) | The output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command shows the allocation attributes for the two files. |
Example 5: Creating a catalog entry / file protection with BASIC-ACL and GUARDS
/cre-file file-name=max.file.2,prot=(basic-acl=*std)
/show-file-attr max.file.2,inf=(security=*yes)
/cre-file file-name=max.file.3,prot=(guards=(read=prot-a01,write=prot-a01))
/show-file-attr file-name=max.file.3,inf=(security=*yes)
/cre-file file-name=max.file.4,prot=(prot-attr=*from-file(max.file.3))
/show-file-attr file-name=max.file.4,inf=(security=*yes)
(1) | The output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command shows the protection attributes of the file MAX.FILE.2. The CREATE-FILE command was used earlier to create the catalog entry and to define access control using a BASIC-ACL. All access rights (read, write, execute) were set for the file owner USER1. Other user IDs have no access rights. |
(2) | The output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command shows the protection attributes of the file MAX.FILE.3. The CREATE-FILE command was used earlier to create the catalog entry and to define access control using GUARDS. Read and write access from the file owner USER1 and all other users are not permitted unless the conditions which are specified in the guard PROT-A01 of the user USER1 are satisfied. The file cannot be executed, since no guard was specified in the EXEC operand. |
(3) | The output of the SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command shows the protection attributes of the file MAX.FILE.4. When the catalog entry was generated, the protection attributes were copied from MAX.FILE.3. |