Start command sequence (ENTER file) as batch job
Component: | BS2000 |
Functional area: | Job processing |
Domain: | JOB |
Privileges: | STD-PROCESSING |
Routing code: | P |
The ENTER-JOB command enables another batch job (ENTER job) to be initiated from an interactive or batch job. This new batch job is independent of the issuing job and is assigned its own task sequence number (TSN) by the system. The batch job is also called an ENTER job (see figure "ENTER-JOB starts ENTER job" in section "ENTER-JOB"). The former term ENTER procedure, on the other hand, is regarded as obsolete because it is too reminiscent of the ENTER-PROCEDURE command. However, this command expects a different file format.
Users with SECURITY-ADMINISTRATION, SAT-FILE-EVALUATION or SAT-FILE-MANAGEMENT privilege can use the command in procedures only.
Privileged functions
An operator can start the ENTER file on the console with the job attributes which are specified in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file (see default values *STD) or modify or add job attributes. This special function is linked to the consoles and user IDs with the OPERATING privilege (see also the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand. If the command is issued from a user ID which is not equipped with the OPERATING privilege, job attributes from the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file are ignored.
The commands for the ENTER job must be stored in a file. The first command of such an ENTER file must always be SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS, and the last EXIT-JOB or LOGOFF. The name of the file must be specified in the ENTER-JOB command. When the command is accepted, a message containing the task sequence number (TSN) which assigned the system to the new ENTER job is issued as the job confirmation. The ENTER job does not have to start immediately as the systems support can restrict the number and runtime of the batch jobs in the system. If this is the case, the ENTER job is entered in the job queue and remains there until it can be processed by the system.
ENTER-JOB | Alias: ENJ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FROM-FILE = *LIBRARY-ELEMENT(...) / <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Name of the ENTER file.
If the job submitter is not the file owner (differing user IDs), the file must be accessible (see the USER-ACCESS=*ALL-USERS operand in the CREATE-FILE and MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES commands).
The job submitter must in any case have at least execution privileges if the file is protected by a basic ACL or GUARDS.
If the file has an execute password, the password must be specified in the FILE-PASSWORD operand.
The ENTER file is stored in a PLAM library.
LIBRARY = <filename 1..51 without-gen-vers>
Name of the library containing the ENTER file as an element. The specification of a library list (see the “LMS” manual [21]) instead of a library file is not supported.
ELEMENT = <composed-name 1..38>
Name of the element.
The following applies for the sum of the lengths of the library and member names:
Without catalog and user IDs the sum may amount to at most 39 characters.
In the case of a multi-character catalog ID, the sum with the full path name of the library including the catalog and user IDs may amount to at most 52 characters.
Specifies the user ID under which the batch job is to run (target user ID).
The batch job is to run under the user's own user ID (i.e. the one under which ENTER-JOB was specified).
The following applies if the batch job is started on the console by an operator:
The batch job runs under the user ID which is contained in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file. If no user ID is specified there, a distinction must be made between the following two cases:
If the operator LOGON function is not enabled (compatible mode), the console has no user ID of its own and the batch job is rejected.
If the operator LOGON function is enabled (incompatible mode), the batch job runs under the operator's user ID.
Parameters defining the LOGON authorization of the target user ID.
User ID under which the batch job should run.
ACCOUNT = *NONE / <alphanum-name 1..8>
Account number of the user ID.
PASSWORD = *NONE / <c-string 1..8> / <c-string 9..32> / <x-string 1..16> / *SECRET
Password for the user ID.
The long password mechanism is supported (<c-string 9..32>). See the MODIFY-USER-PROTECTION command for details of the long password mechanism.
The PASSWORD operand has the following special characteristics:
The password entered is not logged.
The input field is automatically blanked out in the guided dialog.
In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^, SDF provides a blanked out input field for inputting the password.
This specification is only permissible for tasks with the OPERATING privilege.
The batch job is to run under the user ID of the calling task. However, the option of specifying a different account number is available.
ACCOUNT = *STD / <alphanum-name 1..8>
Account number for job execution. Default value =*STD, i.e. job execution is billed under the account number of the calling task.
This operand is only available for tasks with the OPERATING privilege.
Specifies whether the job attributes from the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file are to be taken over when the default value is specified implicitly or explicitly in the ENTER-JOB command (see also the section "Privileged functions", "ENTER-JOB").
If the ENTER-JOB command is called from the console, attributes with which the default value is specified are taken over from the ENTER file (corresponds to DEFAULT-FROM-FILE=*YES). With all other calls, the specification corresponds to DEFAULT-FROM-FILE=*NO.
When the default value is specified, the job attributes are not taken over from the ENTER file.
Job attributes which are specified in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file are taken over when the default value is specified implicitly or explicitly for the various attributes in the ENTER-JOB command.
FILE-PASSWORD = *NONE / <c-string 1..4> / <x-string 1..8> / *SECRET
Password with which the ENTER file is protected against writing or execution (see also the DELETE operand). The password specified is ignored for password-protected PLAM elements.
The FILE-PASSWORD operand has the following special characteristics:
The password entered is not logged.
The input field is automatically blanked out in the guided dialog.
In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^, SDF provides a blanked out input field for inputting the password.
CRYPTO-PASSWORD = *NONE / <c-string 1..8> / <x-string 1..16> / *SECRET
Password used when encrypting the ENTER file. For an encrypted ENTER file a temporary copy is created which is decrypted with the help of the crypto password.
The CRYPTO-PASSWORD operand has the following special characteristics:
The password entered is not logged.
The input field is automatically blanked out in the guided dialog.
In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^, SDF provides a blanked out input field for inputting the password.
Specifies whether the ENTER file is to be deleted after the batch job has been processed. Deletion is only possible if the job submitter also has write access. If the file is protected against write accesses by a password, this password must be contained in the password table for the job (see note "ENTER-JOB") or in the FILE-PASSWORD operand.
Host on which the batch job is to run.
The host can be identified by the host name or the catalog ID (*CATALOG). It must be in the "active" state, otherwise the command is rejected. Operand values other than *STD are available only to users who have the HIPLEX MSCF (multiprocessor systems) software product.
The ENTER job is running on the local host.
HOST = <c-string 1..8>
Host name of the host the ENTER job is to run on.
HOST = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
Name of a job variable which has the host's name as its content.
Allowed only on an XCS network. For details see the “HIPLEX MSCF” manual [25].
IDENTIFICATION = <c-string 1..4>
Catalog ID of the host on which the batch job is to run.
The catalog must be accessible, otherwise the command is rejected.
IDENTIFICATION = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
Name of a job variable which has the host's catalog ID as its content.
JOB-CLASS = *STD / <name 1..8> / *BY-USER
Job class in which the batch job is to run. The job class must be permitted for batch jobs. The user can ascertain the job classes he/she is allowed to use from his/her user entry for the home pubset (which can be queried using the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command). This also displays the default job class that is preset with *STD. Users can obtain information about the characteristics of job classes (job class definition) by means of the SHOW-JOB-CLASS command.
Default job class of the target user ID.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
JOB-CLASS = <name 1..8>
The ENTER job runs on the local computer.
This specification is only possible with the OPERATING privilege.
The batch job is to run in the default job class of the target user ID.
JOB-NAME = *NO / <name 1..8>
Name for the ENTER job. The ENTER job can be addressed using this name (e.g. with SHOW-JOB-STATUS). The name is also printed on the header page of the printer listing. For the sake of compatibility an attempt is made sequentially to take over one of the following values as the name of the ENTER job:
Not when started from the console: A job name specified here which is not equal to *NO
Not when started from the console: A marker located before the ENTER-JOB command (/.<name> ENTER-JOB ...)
The job name from the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command in the ENTER file
A marker located before the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command in the ENTER file
Not when started from the console: The name of the command-submitting job
If none of these values is available, the ENTER job is assigned no name, which is shown in the outputs with *NONE, (NONE) or blanks.
MONJV = *NONE / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
Specifies whether the batch job is to be monitored by a JV.
The batch job is not monitored.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can use the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand to set this default mechanism.
MONJV = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>
Name of the JV which is to monitor the batch job. A JV can only be defined if the chargeable subsystem JV is available (see also the “Job Variables” manual [20]).
Job monitoring is only started if the batch job is accepted by the system’s job management (JOB ACCEPTED
The job originator must have write authorization because he instructs the system to write to the JV. If the JV is not accessible at the time of command processing, an error message is output to SYSOUT and the command is rejected. If the specified JV does not yet exist, it is - if the requisite authorization exists - created and made available for all users (ACCESS=*WRITE and USER-ACCESS=*ALL-USERS). The user can address his/her batch job using the specified JV.
The system sets the status display of the JV to appropriate values while the batch job is being processed:
$S | Job on queue |
$R | Job running |
$T | Job terminated |
$A | Job aborted |
$M | Job exported with MOVE-JOBS |
JV-PASSWORD = *NONE / <c-string 1..4> / <x-string 1..8> /
<integer -2147483648..2147483647> / *SECRET
Password for the JV.
The operand is only evaluated when job monitoring has been defined (see the MONJV operand).
The operand JV-PASSWORD is defined as “secret”:
The password entered is not logged.
The input field is automatically blanked out in the guided dialog.
In unguided dialog and foreground procedures, the entry *SECRET or ^, SDF provides a blanked out input field for inputting the password.
JOB-PRIORITY = *STD / <integer 1..9> / *BY-JOB-CLASS
Job priority to be given to the batch job.
The lower the value, the higher the priority. The values can be queried with the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES and SHOW-JOB-CLASS commands.
The standard priority specified for the job class applies.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
This specification is only possible with the OPERATING privilege..
The batch job is to be assigned the default priority specified for the job class.
Specifies whether the batch job is to be restarted during the next system session if processing has been aborted as the result of a system error or termination of the system session.
The operand is not evaluated if job repetition is enabled in the REPEAT-JOB operand.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
Specifies whether the batch job is to be removed from the job queue if it has not been processed by the end of the session.
The operand is not evaluated if job repetition is enabled in the REPEAT-JOB operand. The specification FLUSH-AFTER-SHUTDOWN=*YES with the warning JMS0056 is ignored for calendar jobs.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
Defines how scheduling times are specified for the batch job.
The default settings for START and REPEAT-JOB scheduling time specifications for the selected job class apply (see the operands of the SCHEDULING-TIME=*PARAMETERS(...) structure).
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
Defines scheduling time (start time) for the batch job. It is also possible to define job repeats (repeat job).
Starting time for the batch job. Values other than *STD are appropriate only if permitted in accordance with the job class definition (see the SHOW-JOB-CLASS command). Only the value *IMMEDIATELY can also be permitted as an alternative by means of the user properties (see the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES command).
The default value for the chosen job class applies.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
This specification is only possible with the OPERATING privilege.
The batch job is to be assigned the start time defined for the job class.
The job is to be started as soon as possible, in accordance with its priority.
The job is to be started immediately.
The job is to be started after the next startup of the job scheduler.
The job is to be started within the specified time period.
HOURS = 0 / <integer 0..23 hours >
Number of hours.
MINUTES = 0 / <integer 0..59 minutes >
Number of minutes.
START = *AT(...)
The job is to be started exactly at the time specified in the following.
DATE = *TODAY / <date>
Date. This can be specified in the form [yy]yy-mm-dd. Only the last two digits of the year are evaluated, which means that the century is ignored in four-digit year specifications. 20 is automatically prefixed to two-digit year specifications < 80, 19 to two-digit year specifications >= 80.
TIME = <time>
Time of day in the format hh:mm, where hh = hours and mm = minutes. Seconds are not interpreted.
The job is to be started no earlier than the time specified.
DATE = *TODAY / <date>
Date. This can be specified in the form [yy]yy-mm-dd. Only the last two digits of the year are evaluated, which means that the century is ignored in four-digit year specifications.
20 is automatically prefixed to two-digit year specifications < 80, 19 to two-digit year specifications >= 80.
TIME = <time>
Time of day in the format hh:mm, where hh = hours and mm = minutes. Seconds are not interpreted.
The job is to be started no later than the time specified.
DATE = *TODAY / <date>
Date. This can be specified in the form [yy]yy-mm-dd. Only the last two digits of the year are evaluated, which means that the century is ignored in four-digit year specifications.
20 is automatically prefixed to two-digit year specifications < 80, 19 to two-digit year specifications >= 80.
TIME = <time>
Time of day in the format hh:mm, where hh = hours and mm = minutes. Seconds are not interpreted.
Time interval at which the batch job is to be repeated. Values other than *STD are appropriate only if permitted in accordance with the job class definition (see the SHOW-JOB-CLASS command). The time interval for the repetitions depends on the specification in the START operand; see the note in this regard, “Combinations of the START and REPEAT-JOB operands”. For the repetitions, the following applies:
The i-th repetition (i >= 1) of a job is not started until the (i1)th repetition has ended.
Cancellation of the currently executing job (i) has no effect on the start of (i+1); (i >= 0).
Cancellation of the entire job: Both the currently executing job (i) and the subsequent job (i+1) must be canceled, (i >= 0); (CANCEL-JOB command, or make job (i) the last job in the series using the command MODIFY-JOB ...,REPEAT-JOB=*NO).
The default value for the chosen job class applies.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
This specification is only possible with the OPERATING privilege.
The batch job is to be assigned the default value defined for the job class.
The batch job is not repeated.
Daily repetition at the time specified with START.
Weekly repetition at the time specified with START.
Repetition following each startup of the job scheduler.
Repetition after the specified time interval.
HOURS = 0 / <integer 0..23 hours >
Number of hours.
MINUTES = 0 / <integer 0..59 minutes >
Number of minutes.
The batch job scheduling time and any repeat jobs are specified in the form of a symbolic date defined in a calendar file (calendar job). The entries in a calendar file can be listed with the SHOW-CALENDAR command. Creation of calendar files with the CALENDAR utility is described in the “Calendar” manual [4].
CALENDAR-NAME = <filename 1..20 without-cat-user-gen-vers>
Name of the calendar file.
SYMBOLIC-DATE = <filename 1..20 without-cat-user-vers> / <partial-filename 2..20 without-cat-user>
Symbolic date which defines the scheduling time and any repetition cycles within the calendar file. The symbolic date may also be given in partially qualified mode. In this way, several scheduling times can be defined for one calendar day with the appropriate definition of SYSDATs.
Example: | Definition of SYMDATs in the calendar file:
A calendar job considering all three scheduling points is started with |
LIMIT = *STD / <integer 1..32767> / *BY-DATE(...)
Governs how long a calendar job remains in existence. This limit applies in addition to the limits set by the calendar.
The duration of the calendar job depends entirely on the symbolic date entry in the calendar.
LIMIT = <integer 1..32767>
This specification is only permitted for calendar jobs.
Maximum number of repetitions of the calendar job.
On termination, a check is performed to determine whether the run counter has reached or exceeded the maximum value. If this is the case, the entire calendar job is terminated. Otherwise the run counter is incremented by 1.
This specification is only permitted for calendar jobs.
Entries in the calendar file are only taken into account up to the specified limit. No further repeat job is generated for calendar entries after the limit; the calendar job terminates.
The limit refers solely to the schedule entries in the file, not to the real runtime of the jobs. Repeat jobs with a "permissible" start date are not subject to any further restrictions and are, for example, also started after the specified date if this was not possible earlier because of delays in the job scheduler.
The date specification consists of the day and the time:
DATE = <date>
Date. This can be specified in the form [yy]yy-mm-dd. Only the last two digits of the year are evaluated, which means that the century is ignored in four-digit year specifications. 20 is automatically prefixed to two-digit year specifications < 80, 19 to two-digit year specifications >= 80.
TIME = <time>
Time of day.
Values for run priority, CPU time and maximum number of SYSLST records.
RUN-PRIORITY = *STD / <integer 30..255> / *BY-JOB-CLASS
Run priority the batch job is to be given. The lower the value, the higher the priority. The maximum permissible priority value is the lesser of the two values (i.e. the more favorable of the values) from the user catalog and the job class definition.
If no maximum value is defined for the job class, the following rules apply:
If the value specified explicitly is numerically lower than the value in the user entry, the message JMS0045 is issued. The batch job is assigned the higher of the two values (i.e. the less favorable value) for the run priority from the user entry and the default run priority for the job class.
If no value is specified or if *STD or *BY-JOB-CLASS is explicitly specified, the batch job is assigned the standard run priority of the job class.
The values can be queried with the SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES and SHOW-JOB-CLASS commands.
The standard run priority specified for the job class applies.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
This specification is only possible with the OPERATING privilege. The batch job is to be assigned the default value defined for the job class.
CPU-LIMIT = *STD / *NO / <integer 1..32767 seconds > / *BY-JOB-CLASS
Maximum CPU time, in seconds, that the batch job may consume. The maximum time permitted depends on the job class specified. See also section "Time limits in BS2000" in chapter "Volume 1: General Part ".
The default value for the chosen job class applies.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
The ENTER job is to run with no time limit (NTL).
This operand value is permitted only if the requisite authorization exists in the user entry or the job class definition.
This specification is only possible with the OPERATING privilege.
The batch job is to be assigned the default value defined for the job class.
SYSLST-LIMIT = *STD / *NO / <integer 0..999999> / *BY-JOB-CLASS
Specifies the maximum number of records the job is allowed to output to the system files SYSLST, SYSLST01, SYSLST02, ..., SYSLST99 and SYSOUT. The records for SYSOUT are counted separately from the records for SYSLST files. In the case of SYSLST, SYSOUT records are not taken into account, even if the setting LISTING=*YES has been made to ensure that they are also written to SYSLST.
This value must not be above the limit set in the job class definition. This limit may be queried using the SHOW-JOB-CLASS command.
If the limit is exceeded, the ENTER job is terminated abnormally.
The default value for the chosen job class applies.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
Sets no limit on the number of records output.
This specification is only possible with the OPERATING privilege.
The batch job is to be assigned the default value defined for the job class.
Controls the logging of the job progress.
Specifies whether the job run is also to be logged on SYSLST.
LISTING=*NO applies.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
Specifies additional attributes for the selected job class - assuming that systems support has defined some and made them known.
When the batch job is started by the operator on the console, the specification in the operand of the same name in the SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS command of the ENTER file is evaluated.
Tasks with the OPERATING privilege can set this default mechanism in the DEFAULT-FROM-FILE operand.
No additional attributes.
JOB-PARAMETER = <c-string 1..127>
Arbitrary sequence of characters defined by the system administrator to identify additional job class attributes.
Specifies whether the batch job is to be protected against accidental termination with the CANCEL-JOB command.
The batch job is not protected against accidental termination.
The batch job is protected against unintentional cancellation. In interactive jobs and on consoles which wish to terminate this batch job with the CANCEL-JOB command, the system additionally requests confirmation. Accidental termination of the batch job due to incorrect specification of the job number should thus be prevented.
Return codes
(SC2) | SC1 | Maincode | Meaning |
0 | CMD0001 | Command executed | |
2 | 0 | CMD0002 | Command executed with a warning e.g. DELETE=*YES ignored for repeat job or when a library member is specified |
1 | CMD0202 | Syntax error in command | |
32 | CMD0221 | system error | |
64 | JMS0630 | Semantic or privilege error, e.g. host, catalog ID, job class unknown; MONJV not accessible, maximum number of jobs reached | |
64 | JMS0640 | ENTER file faulty or not accessible, e.g. missing SET-LOGON-PARAMETERS, not a SAM or ISAM file, file empty, no access right | |
64 | JMS0670 | Error in a remote job | |
130 | JMS0620 | No further storage space or TSN available, or specified MONJV already monitoring a job | |
130 | JMS0650 | MSCF not available or no connection to the specified host or the specified catalog is currently not available |
Combinations of the START and REPEAT-JOB operands:
Table 46: Combination of the START and REPEAT-JOB operands in the ENTER-JOB command
The first and all subsequent starts of the job take place as specified.
The first start of the job is made with START=*AT-STREAM-STARTUP. All further starts take place after the startup of the job scheduler with START=*SOON.
The base time for the repetition cycle is the time the job is accepted.
The specified point in time (START=...., TIME=....) is the base time for the repetition cycle.
The first start of the job follows startup of the job scheduler. This point in time is the base time for the repetition cycle. Further starts take place with START=*SOON.
The specified point in time (START=...., TIME=....) is the base time for the repetition cycle. The second and all further starts take place with START=*SOON.
The base time for the repetition cycle is the time the job is accepted. All further starts take place with START=*SOON.
The following applies to the *WITHIN, *AT and *LATEST entries in the START operand: After the specified point in time or period of time, jobs that have not been started are treated in the same way as jobs started with START=*SOON and highest job priority.
ExampleA job with START=*LATEST(...) could not be started by the desired time because the job scheduler was not active. It will then be started (within the same session) as soon as possible after the next startup of the job scheduler.
Determining the scheduling time of a calendar job:
In the first version of the calendar job, the symbolic date (SYMDAT) specified in the SYMBOLIC-DATE operand is passed on to the CALENDAR component in the evaluation of the job attributes. The CALENDAR component returns the next point in time (date and time), with regard to the current point in time, specified by the SYMDATs defined in the calendar file.
In the case of partially qualified SYMDATs, scheduling time is returned for each SYMDAT beginning with the character string, and the calendar job is started at each of these scheduling times.The scheduling times of the following versions are determined according to the same procedure while the previous jobs are processed.
As a consequence, any modifications made to the calendar file only take effect on calendar job versions whose scheduling time is determined after the update of the calendar file. In particular, the number of calendar job versions started by means of a partially qualified SYMDAT can be extended (by defining new SYMDATs) or reduced (by deleting SYMDATs).
Creation of a temporary copy of the ENTER file (S.IN file):
A temporary copy of the ENTER file is created in the following cases under a file name with the prefix S.IN (supplemented by partial name for TSN, date and time or library, member and time):if the file is located on private disk.
if the file is cataloged under a different user ID.
if the file is a temporary file.
if the file is a library member.
if the file is encrypted.
Special characteristics of the S.IN file:
The S.IN file is protected by a file lock for the duration of the batch job. Note the following: the file lock is set when the pubset on which the files are located is imported. The file locks only consider files to which batch jobs from the current job pool (on the home pubset) refer. If the files are located on a shared pubset, the file locks are coordinated from the master computer.
An S.IN file is always unencrypted. It must, therefore, be possible to decrypt the ENTER file when the command is processed, i.e. the crypto password must be specified in the CRYPTO-PASSWORD operand.
- ENTER files can be protected by means of read, write and execute passwords. The execute password or a higher-ranking password must be specified in the FILE-PASSWORD operand if an ENTER-JOB command is issued. The write password must be specified when the file is to be deleted after it has been executed (DELETE=*YES). The passwords are checked for correctness as soon as the ENTER-JOB command is processed. If a user subsequently changes the passwords, the successful check still applies and the file is executed.
When the ENTER job is started on a remote system (HOST not equal to *STD), all the passwords used (CRYPTO-PASSWORD, FILE-PASSWORD, and JV-PASSWORD) must be specified directly in the ENTER-JOB command. Passwords which were entered in the job submitting task's password list with the ADD-PASSWORD and ADD-CRYPTO-PASSWORD commands apply only when the job is started locally (HOST = *STD).
ENTER files can be SAM or ISAM files and have a variable record length. 72 characters are interpreted per record. In the case of ISAM files, the key field can occur in any position in the record as it will be hidden.
Any LOGON operands specified in the ENTER file are ignored if the command is not entered on the console or with DEFAULT-FROM-FILE=*YES specified (see "Privileged functions").
DELETE operand: Despite DELETE=*YES being entered, the file is not deleted when
the job submitter is not the (co-)owner of the file,
the file is a library member,
the job terminates abnormally,
the job is aborted.
The last two cases do not apply for the following files:
files on private disk
temporary files
files which are cataloged under a different user ID from that under which the ENTER job is to execute
In these cases the ENTER file is deleted immediately after the S.IN file has been created. This enables, for instance, the private disk to be removed before the ENTER job has executed.
A batch job which is to run on a remote system can be accessed via a MONJV only when the catalog ID of the partner system’s home pubset is entered in the MRSCAT of the systems concerned.
In the case of repeat jobs which were started with REPEAT-JOB=*PERIOD(...), compliance with the time interval has priority over compliance with the start time. Consequently, the start time shifts in the event of time changes.
In nonprivileged job classes, up to 32767 waiting jobs are permissible. Any ENTER jobs in excess of this number are rejected.