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Format of the SDF command language


The syntax description of SDF commands and statements is contained in the syntax files (see “SDF syntax files” in the “SDF Dialog Interface” manual [15]):

  • Commands begin with a slash which in dialog mode is set by the system. SDF expects command input from the logical system file SYSCMD.

  • SDF statements, i.e. statements intended for programs with SDF interface, begin with two slashes which in dialog mode are set by the system. SDF expects statement input from the logical system file SYSSTMT, which has the same assignment as system file SYSDTA.

Input data, i.e. data, parameters and statements read in by programs without SDF interface, are not analyzed by SDF. Such programs expect input data from the logical system file SYSDTA.

Commands/statements consist of the following elements:

  • command/statement name

  • operand names

  • possible operand values (keywords and variable values)

  • additional help texts explaining the command/statement and its operands.

Keywords usually consist of several portions (or subnames) connected by hyphens. As a rule, the respective names are taken from the ordinary English-language environment. They are chosen in such a way that analogous facts are described by means of identical keywords throughout the command set. Commands always start with a verb. They are followed by the associated object to which the activity is to be applied, e.g. MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES causes the attributes of a file to be modified.

There are also pairs of opposite activities; for example:

CREATE-XY and DELETE-XY for the creation/deletion of an object XY.

Commands are assigned to different domains (application areas), depending on their respective uses. A command may occur in more than one domain.

Every operand has a name and at least one possible value. Operands may be hierarchically subordinate to an operand value. In this case this operand value initiates a structure which contains all the lower-ranking operands. The operands of a structure are enclosed in parentheses. Further structures may be initiated within a structure, this phenomenon is referred to as structure nesting. 


Example of a structure

Format (excerpt from SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES):




,FILE-STRUCTURE = *ANY / list-poss(5): *PAM / *SAM / *ISAM / *BTAM / *NONE


/show-file-attributes select=*by-attributes(file-structure=(*sam,*isam))

The FILE-STRUCTURE operand defines a specific file attribute and is subordinate to the operand value (the structure) *BY-ATTRIBUTES.

Concurrent specification of several operand values (in the form of a list) may be permissible. Operand values permitted as list elements are enumerated following “listposs(n):” (see table "Metasyntax" (SDF syntax representation)), where n indicates the maximum number of list elements allowed.

Example of a list


FILE-STRUCTURE = *ANY / list-poss(5): *PAM / *SAM / *ISAM / *BTAM / *NONE                                         


/show-file-attributes select=*by-attributes(file-structure=(*sam,*isam))

The FILE-STRUCTURE operand defines the file attributes SAM and ISAM

Most operands are preset with a default value (in the example *ANY). This operand value is used if no explicit specification is made (see "Default values").