The NDM information services provide the operator with certain output fields appropriate to the specified command and the desired scope of information. The various output formats are described with the command concerned. The meaning of the output fields is described below in alphabetical order.
Information is supplied for the following commands:
Command | Abbreviated name used in the table |
Keyword | Meaning | Used in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ACCESS | WRITE = Read and write access to the disk is permitted. ALL = The disk is not yet allocated. Only when the disk is allocated is ACCESS=WRITE set. | SH-DISK (INF=PAR) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ACTION | Shows which (re)mount operation is being performed for a volume by volume monitoring. This can have been initiated by one of the following actions:
The following states are possible:
| SH-RES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ADMISSION-TIME | Date and time of day at which the task entered the secure queue (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) | SH-RES-REQ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ALIAS1 | Shows the mnemonic alias name of a PAV device in the format <mnemoname>-xy. Up to three alias names are possible. | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PAV) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ALLOC | Indicates whether the disk is allocated.
| SH-DISK | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ALLOCATE-TAPE | Indicates whether the system will execute the allocation of tapes already online without the support of the operator (without a mount message).
| SH-MOUNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ASS[IGN]-TIME | For a private disk in the USE=DMS mode, this shows the time at which it is allocated or released (SH-DISK INF=PAR). For SH-DISK-DEF, the value for ASSIGN-TIME shows the time of disk allocation or release for all disks for which this value has not been set explicitly. | SH-DISK (INF=PAR) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ATT[ACH] | Number of devices in the “attached” state belonging to the device type specified in the output (independent of allocation) | SH-DEV-STA (INF=SUM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
AVAIL | Number of devices of the device type defined in the output which are still free (available) | SH-DEV-STA (INF=SUM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BASE | Shows the mnemonic base name of a PAV device in the format <mnemo-name>-xy. The status indicator xy means: | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PAV) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAR | Shows the state of the CARTRIDGE-LOADER of the MTC devices from the point of view of BS2000. The state ascertained last is displayed. It is updated at ATTACH or during device selection. The device's control panel may indicate a different operating mode, e.g. because device management sets its internal state to MANUAL when dismounting the magazine, or because the magazine has not been locked after mounting. The following states are possible:
| SH-TAPE (INF=CAR) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CONF-STATE | Configuration state of the specified device; serves as an indicator of the availability of the device. The following states are possible: ATTACHED: The device is available to the system for input/output. A distinction is made between ATT(EXplicitly) and ATT(IMplicitly). ATTACHED *: The device is attached but not assigned. The ROBAR product decides on the basis of the displayed state whether the mount request for a volume is to be permitted or rejected. DETACHED: The device is not available to the system for input/output. A distinction is made between DET(EXplicitly) and DET(IMplicitly). DISABLED: The FastDPAV alias device is not activated. It cannot be used for input/output. ENABLED: The FastDPAV alias device is activated and can be used for input/output. ATT-PENDING: The device is not yet available to the system for input/output. DET-PENDING: The device is declared unavailable for the system at the end of usage. INVALID: The device cannot be accessed via any path and cannot be For device classes CPU and CHANNEL, the hardware state is also shown by SH-DEV-CONF. | SH-DEV-STA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CTL CHPID CUU | Inner virtual connection of the device via the controller (CTL) to the channel (CHPID). | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PATH) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CUU | Path addresses (CHN, CTL, DVC) to a device. | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PATH) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DET | Number of generated devices of the specified type which are not available as they are in the configuration state “detached”. | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PATH) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DET-P | Number of devices of the particular type which are still required by the system for user requests and which are to assume the “detached” state after their release. Reallocation of these devices is not possible. | SH-DEV-STA (INF=SUM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DEV-A | Type of device allocation:(See VOL-A for meaning of values):
| SH-DEV-STA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DEV-TYPE | Device type of generation (D3480, 3590E,...) or volume type (tape processing) specified by the user for device allocation (e.g. TAPE-C4). | SH-RES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DISABLED ALIAS | Shows the number of FastDPAV alias devices in the DISABLED state. | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PAV) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DISK-MOUNT | Indicates whether the operator is ready to perform disk mount operations.
| SH-MOUNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DVC | Mnemonic device name of a specified hardware unit. | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PATH) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ENABLED ALIAS | Shows the number of FastDPAV alias devices in the ENABLED state. | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PAV) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FRMT | Indicates the disk format:
| SH-DISK (INF=SYS) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FPAV ALIAS CTL | Shows the mnemonic alias name of any FastDPAV alias device in format <mnemo-name>-xy. The status indicator xy means: | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PAV) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FPAV BASE CTL | Shows the mnemonic basic name of any FastDPAV device in format <mnemo-name>-xy. The status indicator xy means: | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PAV) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
INNER | Describes the availability of created connections from the specified unit to all associated internal units (from CPU perspective). The following states are possible:
| SH-DEV-CONF (INF=INNER | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LABEL | Describes the type of volume label (see SVL).
| SH-TAPE | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LOC[ATION] | Provides information on the name of a depot (eight alphanumeric characters). | SH-DEV-DEPOT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MAX USED | Shows the maximum number of FastDPAV alias devices simultaneously used at alias control. | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PAV) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MNEM | This field contains the mnemonic name of a device as defined at generation time. | SH-RES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NAME/ID | Provides information on the job name of the job referred to or on the user ID under which it is running. | SH-RES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OP-CTL | Specifies whether the operator wishes to be informed of new disk allocations by tasks (with the possibility of rejecting such allocation requests). The suffix “(D)” indicates that the data was taken from the DISK-DEFAULTS. | SH-DISK (INF=PAR) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
OUTER | Describes the configuration state of the generated connections from the specified unit to all outer units directly connected to it (in the direction of the terminal). Possible values: see INNER CONNECTION. | SH-DEV-CONF (INF=OUTER/ALL) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PAMKEY | For disks, indicates whether use of the PAMKEY is permitted.
| SH-DISK (INF=SYS) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PATH | Describes the availability of a complete input/output path (from CHN via CTL to the device).
| SH-DEV-CONF (INF=PATH) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PHASE | Describes the monitoring mode for tapes and disks. The following states are possible: ONLINE: The volume is mounted without being allocated. PREMOUNT: The state exists only for tapes. The volume is allocated; for this volume a device allocation exists for a previous or later usage. This state is initiated by:
If the tape is not yet mounted on a suitable device, the operator receives a premount request (see also ACTION). MOUNT: The volume is already allocated but must still be mounted by the operator. IN-USE: The volume is released for usage (except for ACTION=CANCELLED).
INVENTORY: Only for cartridge volumes in the magazine of an MTC device that can be operated in random access mode at the BS2000 system. Device management is taking stock of the cartridges in the magazine. No allocation will be made until stocktaking is complete. IN-CAR: Only for cartridge volumes in the magazine of an MTC device that can be operated in random access mode at the BS2000 system. The cartridge has been assigned to the magazine and is currently in the magazine or drive. OFF-CAR: Only for cartridge volumes in the magazine of an MTC device that can be operated in random access mode at the BS2000 system. The cartridge has been assigned to the magazine but is currently not in the magazine or drive. | SH-DEV-STA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PID | Device address for input/output. The PID (Physical device ID) is updated at ATTACH. | SH-DEV-CONF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PM | PATH-MASK | SH-DEV-CONF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
POOL | Defines the availability of a device in relation to several systems: NO: This device is only available from the home system. Access to a volume mounted there is not possible from another system. Unit record devices are only generated with this POOL attribute. SH: (shareable) This device is usually generated for multiple systems and possesses a multiprocessor connection. It offers hardware attributes suitable for the parallel use of multiple systems. Disks are generated as shareable by default. | SH-DEV-STA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PRE-USE/ | Specifies the number of devices of the type defined which have been reserved implicitly by volumes of the relevant phase: PREMOUNT, MOUNT, IN-USE | SH-DEV-STA (INF=SUM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PREMOUNT-MSG | Specifies whether and how the premount message (NKVT012) for a tape volume is to be output. | SH-MOUNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RES-BY-MN | Specifies the number of devices of the type concerned which a user has reserved with the command SECURE-RESOURCE-ALLOCATION UNIT=mn. | SH-DEV-STA (INF=SUM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RES-BY-TYPE | Specifies how many free devices of the type specified are needed to handle reservation and allocation requests already granted (e.g. /SEC-RES DEVICE= (TYPE=TAPE-C4,NUMBER=2)). | SH-DEV-STA (INF=SUM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RESOURCES | List of devices or volumes specified with SEC-RES or list of devices and volumes already reserved by the collector task | SH-RES-REQ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RTC | Specifies the routing code of the depot (see LOCATION) | SH-DEV-DEPOT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SVL-ALLOC | Specifies the mode (system-shareable or system-exclusive) in which the disk is allocated (actual allocation); it does not have to conform to the presetting made by the operator by means of the command SET-DISK VOL=vsn,SYS=.... | SH-DISK (INF=SYS) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SVL- | Defines the recording mode in which the disk was last used and whether the flag indicating a recorded inconsistency is set in the SVL. The possible values are: SRV: The disk is allocated in SRV mode (single recording by volume). Data is recorded on one disk. DRV: The disk is allocated in DRV mode (dual recording by volume); recording of data for a logical volume (visible at the user interface) generally takes place on two physical (mirror) disks. SRV (INCONS): The disk is allocated in SRV mode (single recording by volume) and the inconsistency flag is set in the SVL (possible, for example, during formatting or initialization; this flag remains set if formatting or initialization of the disk is prematurely terminated with VOLIN). DRV (INCONS): The disk is allocated in DRV mode (dual recording by volume) and the inconsistency flag is set in the SVL (e.g. indicating failure of one of the DRV disks or termination by means of a command). To remedy the inconsistent state: Reinitialize the disk or read in FDDRL backup copy. | SH-DISK (INF=SYS) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SYSTEMS | System IDs of the systems occupying the disk. Allocation is stored on the disk's SVL. | SH-DISK (INF=SUM) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SYS-ALLOC | Value specifying in which mode a private disk is to be used by the home system in relation to other systems when USE=DMS applies. Possible modes: EXCL[USIVE]: Other systems are excluded from simultaneous use of this disk. ALL: The system allocation mode of a private disk is not determined until allocation (/SET-DISK-PAR SYS-ALLOC=... command). An “(A)” following the above indicates the generation attribute (ALL) of the device. | SH-DISK (INF=PAR) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAPE-MNEMONICS | Contains the location of the assigned tape devices. | SH-DEV-DEPOT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAPE-MOUNT | Indicates whether the operator is ready to perform tape mount operations.
| SH-MOUNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TAPE-SELECT | Specifies how tapes are selected: BEST-GENERATED: Default. The first suitable free device is selected from the device table at system generation time. LEAST-RECENTLY-USED: From all the suitable free devices the one selected is the one which has been out of use the longest. BY-CONTROLLER: From all the suitable free devices the one selected is the one with the controller with the lightest load. | SH-MOUNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TASKS-WITH-RESERVATIONS | List of tasks with the number of devices of the specified type occupied/reserved by them. | SH-DEV-STA (INF=TASK/ALL) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TIME-STAMP | Specifies the exact date and time of day at which the SVL of the disk last registered an initial allocation (date/time of day of the first system ID stored in the SVL). This time stamp is used, in addition to the VSN, for disk identification. | SH-DISK (INF=SYS) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TIME-WEIGHT | Provides information on the wait time which was set by the START-RESOURCE-COLLECTION command and which is a factor in calculating the weighting by the system for the collector task. | SH-RES-REQ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TSK-PRIO | Priority of the relevant job. | SH-RES-REQ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TSK-TYPE | Informs the operator whether the task is a batch or interactive task or has been generated by RFA on the remote computer (SECURE requests were issued by another computer). | SH-RES-REQ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TSN | 4-digit task sequence number assigned when a task is created. | SH-RES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
TYPE | Specifies the device type of the volume from which information is requested. The device type can be influenced not only by a user request (CREATE-FILE, SECURE-RESOURCE-ALLOCATION, etc.) but also by the following events: online-event: The activation interrupt assigns the volume to a device whose device type determines the device type of the volume in the event of a VSN request. SET-DISK-PAR: If the device type is predefined with this command then it is possible to specify the type before any volume allocation. If the device type is not predefined, it is defined implicitly when the disk is allocated | SH-DISK (INF=PAR) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UN-CLASS | Device class to which the specified unit belongs.
| SH-DEV-CONF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UN-TYPE | Generic term for “device type”. It covers not only the set of all possible device types but also the values of all controller, channel and CPU types. | SH-DEV-CONF | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
UNLOAD-RELEASED-TAPE | Indicates whether tapes are unloaded following their release, provided they have not been unloaded by the user. ACCORDING-TO-USER-REQ: Default; tape and MTC devices are only unloaded on release if the user so requests. REGARDLESS-OF-USER-REQ (ALL): Tape and MTC devices are automatically unloaded on release, irrespective of any user request. REGARDLESS-OF-USER-REQ (MBK): MTC devices are automatically unloaded on release, irrespective of any user request. Tape devices are only unloaded if the user so requests. IGNORE-USER-REQ: For tape devices, a user request to unload is ignored. | SH-MOUNT | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USE | Provides information on:
The following values are possible: DMS: The volume is occupied by one or more DMS applications.
The standard task allocation mode for USE=DMS is task-shareable for private disks and task-exclusive for tapes. SPECIAL: The volume is occupied by a special application (privileged application, e.g. VOLIN, INIT, test and debugging programs, FDDRL,...). The task and system allocation mode is EXCLUSIVE. Checks carried out upon allocation (VOLIN, INIT) or monitoring functions such as repositioning or MOVE (organized by online FDDRL itself) can be deactivated by the special application. There is no check to determine whether the VSN is unique. WORK: The tape mounted is used as a work tape (it is made available to the DMS user for the processing of work files). | SH-DISK | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
USER-ALLOC[ATION] | Specifies which allocation requests issued by the user (task-shareable, task-exclusive) are allowed for a private disk working with USE=DMS. The suffix “(D)” indicates that the data was taken from the DISK-DEFAULTS. | SH-DISK (INF=PAR) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VM-ASSIGN | Shows which device assignments or possible assignments exist to a VM:
In the following cases the device is not assigned to its own VM and an implicit assignment is not possible:
| SH-DEV-CONF (INF=VM2000) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VM-USAGE | Shows which type of usage is being used for the device by VM2000. The meaning depends on VM-ASSIGN.
| SH-DEV-CONF (INF=VM2000) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VOL-A | For public disks, this field merely indicates whether the mounted disk is the system disk SYSRES, a shareable disk, a paging disk or a “normal” public disk without any special attributes.
| SH-RES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The values PAGING, PUBLIC and SHARE have the following meanings in connection with the values output for DEV-A:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VSN | "Name" of a volume: the "VOLUME SERIAL NUMBER" of a volume (VOLIN, INIT) defined when a volume is initialized. If the volume does not have a readable label or if no VSN was included in the volume request, synonyms can also be displayed. The following values are possible:
| SH-RES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
VTOC-SYS | Catalog ID of the system which currently holds the VTOC lock for the disk and thus temporarily excludes other systems from space and catalog operations on this disk. The VTOC system is stored in the SVL of the disk. | SH-DISK (INF=SYS) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WAIT-TIME | Time the specified task has already waited for the release of the requested resources (hh:mm:ss). | SH-RES-REQ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
#PHYS-HALF-PAGES | Displays the capacity of the disk in PAM pages (Number of Physical Half Pages). | SH-DISK (INF=SYS) |