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Builtin functions


SDF uses builtin functions (predefined functions) both for editing S variables and character strings and for determining environment information. A builtin function forms precisely one return value from input parameters (if available) and environment information. With certain builtin functions, the type of return value is dependent on the input parameters.

Calling a builtin function without parameters: function( )

Specification of the parentheses is optional. If they are omitted, however, function must not be an S variable name, as otherwise the value of the like-named S variable will be returned.

Calling a builtin function with parameters:

function(sympar1 =value1 ,...,symparn =valuen )

where sympari (i = 1...n) is the name of the i-th parameter and valuei is the value of the i-th parameter. An expression can also be specified as a parameter value. Parameters can be specified as keyword parameters or as positional parameters. Parameter names (i.e. keywords) can be abbreviated as desired as long as they remain unambiguous. Function names, on the other hand, can only be abbreviated if this is explicitly described in the builtin function.
The builtin functions available with the subsystem SDF-P-BASYS are described below. For a description of all available builtin functions and how to use them, see the “SDF-P” manual [34].

The following overview lists all builtin functions available with SDF-P-BASYS:

Name of the builtin function



Output path name


Interrogate job variable


Check variable initialization


Check whether SDF-P is loaded

JV( )

Interrogate job variable


Interrogate error code

MSG( )

Output message text


Interrogate SDF-P or SDF-P-BASYS version


Interrogate subcode1


Interrogate subcode2