Modify usage restrictions for pubset
Component: | BS2000 |
Functional area: | Pubset and MRSCAT management |
Privileges: | TSOS |
The MODIFY-PUBSET-RESTRICTIONS command enables systems support to impose and lift usage restrictions on single-feature pubsets (SF pubsets) and on system-managed pubsets (SM pubsets).
Only volume-specific restrictions can be imposed on SF pubsets. Restrictions on SM pubset may also relate to volume sets.
Volume-specific restrictions can be modified only if the associated volume set of the
SM pubset or the associated SF pubset is available.
Restrictions on volume sets relating to new file allocation (*NEW-FILE-ALLOCATION) and volume set access (*VOLUME-SET-ACCESS) can be modified even if the associated volume set is merely defined in the pubset configuration file (DEFINED-ONLY status).
The SHOW-PUBSET-RESTRICTIONS command lists information on the current configuration. This information is also contained in the output of the SHOW-PUBSET-CONFIGURATION command.
The command MODIFY-PUBSET-RESTRICTIONS is also supported for shared pubsets. In a shared-pubset network, the command can be issued on the master system or on a slave system. A system message refers to the system issuing the command, unless preceded by message DMS136D. The latter includes the name of the system (master or slave) on which the error has occurred. If the command is entered on a slave system, the system name may also be the local system name.
MODIFY-PUBSET-RESTRICTIONS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PUBSET = <cat-id 1..4>
Identifies the pubset which is to have its usage restrictions modified.
Specifies whether the pubset is an SF or SM pubset.
The pubset is an SF pubset. Only usage restrictions on individual volumes can be modified.
Governs whether storage space can be allocated on a volume.
Storage space allocation on the volume specified next is not allowed.
VOLUME = <vsn 1..6>
Identifies the volume by its volume serial number.
Space allocation on the volume specified next is allowed only if the volume was specified explicitly when initially requested (see the VOLUME operand of the CREATE-FILE command, for example).
VOLUME = <vsn 1..6>
Identifies the volume by its volume serial number.
The volume-specific restrictions are lifted for all volumes (default setting) or for the volume specified next.
VOLUME = *ALL / <vsn 1..6>
Identifies the volume by its volume serial number. The default is *ALL, which means the restrictions on all volumes are lifted.
The pubset is an SM pubset. Usage restrictions on entire volume sets and on individual volumes can be modified.
VOLUME-SET = <cat-id 1..4>
Identifies the volume set.
Defines the type of usage restriction. Restrictions may relate to the creation of new files on the volume set, access to the volume set, or the operating mode of the volume set, or they may be volume-specific restrictions.
Governs whether the creation of new files is allowed on the volume set.
Determines the scope of restrictions on new file allocation. The default is *UNCHANGED, which means that the existing setting is left unchanged.
New file allocation is not allowed on the volume set.
New files may also be created implicitly by the system on the volume set.
Governs whether access to the volume set is possible.
Defines who is to have access to the volume set.
Only systems support has access to the volume set.
Access to the volume set is unrestricted.
Governs whether the volume set is operable and therefore available.
Governs the operating mode of the volume set. The default is *UNCHANGED, i.e. the operating mode does not change.
The volume set is marked as temporarily inoperable (IN-HOLD status). This may be necessary if access to the volume set is no longer possible, typically due to channel errors, and the volume set needs to be removed from the SM pubset (see VOLUME-SET-SUPPORT=*REMOVE in the MODIFY-PUBSET-PROCESSING command). If errors occur, the volume set may also be switched to the comparable DEFECT status by a system component.
A temporarily inoperable volume set is to be made operable again.
Governs whether space allocation is restricted on individual volumes of a volume set.
Determines the scope of restrictions on space allocation on an individual volume. The default is *UNCHANGED, which means that the existing setting is left unchanged.
Storage space allocation on the volume specified next is not allowed.
VOLUME = <vsn 1..6>
Identifies the volume by its volume serial number.
Space allocation on the volume specified next is allowed only if the volume was specified explicitly when initially requested (see the VOLUME operand of the CREATE-FILE command, for example).
VOLUME = <vsn 1..6>
Identifies the volume by its volume serial number.
The volume-specific restrictions are lifted for all volumes (default setting) or for the volume specified next.
VOLUME = *ALL / <vsn 1..6>
Identifies the volume by its volume serial number. The default is *ALL, which means the restrictions on all volumes are lifted.
Return codes
(SC2) | SC1 | Maincode | Meaning |
0 | CMD0001 | No errors | |
32 | CMD0221 | Internal system error | |
32 | DMS138A | Internal parameter error | |
32 | DMS1398 | Reconfiguration no longer possible | |
64 | CMD0216 | No authorization to issue command | |
64 | DMS1381 | Volume set conflict | |
64 | DMS1382 | Volume not present | |
64 | DMS1384 | Operand not modifiable | |
64 | DMS1389 | Error in transmission to partner system | |
64 | DMS138B | Pubset does not exist | |
64 | DMS138C | Pubset not accessible | |
64 | DMS138D | Pubset type conflict | |
64 | DMS138E | Volume set not defined | |
64 | DMS1390 | Earlier reconfiguration job not yet completed | |
64 | DMS1392 | Invalid VSN | |
64 | DMS1397 | Reconfiguration of partner system not supported | |
64 | DMS139D | Volume not accessible | |
128 | DMS1386 | Not enough class 4/5 memory | |
128 | DMS139A | Another pubset reconfiguration job is still in progress | |
128 | DMS139C | Pubset configuration file still locked |