The CDUMP2 macro (see the “Executive Macros” manual [4]) generates, under control of a separate task, a memory dump. Depending on the specified operand value, this dump may be an area dump, a user dump or a system dump (see section "Dump forms"). The macro generates a 31-bit interface. CDUMP2 alone should be used in the future, since development will only be continued for CDUMP2. The old CDUMP macro must still be used to generate a 24-bit interface.
The dumps are stored in unedited form in a PAM file on disk or tape. Dumps cannot be spread out over a number of tapes. Dumps can be copied from tape to disk using the COPY-FILE command (see example on "System dump"). The structure of the dump file corresponds to the SLEDFILE format. All the dump types generated by CDUMP can be evaluated with the DAMP diagnostic program (see chapter "DAMP Dump analysis").
The CREATE-DUMP command (see the “Commands” manual [8]) is used at command level to start a user dump.
Area and user dumps are cataloged under the user ID of the calling task (error task) unless they contain memory pages with special attributes (see "Influence of page attributes") or read-protected data, in which case they are cataloged under the user ID SYSUSER. System dumps are always cataloged under the user ID SYSDUMP. If there is not enough memory space for the user ID of the calling task or the user ID SYSUSER, an error message is output, and generation of the dump is terminated. Memory is automatically extended for the SYSDUMP user ID and output of the dump continued. If space saturation level 5 is reached during this process, only error logging entries are generated instead of the dump.
In batch or procedure mode, user and area dumps are not generated unless the command MODIFY-TEST-OPTIONS DUMP=YES has been specified.
If a system error during dump processing prevents a user dump from being generated, CDUMP attempts to produce a system dump. If this likewise proves abortive, CDUMP generates a SERSLOG entry containing the CDUMP work area with the TTSAV (internal CDUMP data) as well as the TCB (Task Control Block) and the PCB (Program Control Block).
Command | Meaning |
ADD-USER | Define user-specific test privilege |
CANCEL-JOB | Control of CDUMP dump output |
CREATE-DUMP | Request a user or system dump |
EXIT-JOB | Control of CDUMP dump output |
FORCE-JOB-CANCEL | Control of CDUMP dump output |
MODIFY-TEST-OPTIONS | Control of CDUMP dump output |
MODIFY-USER-ATTRIBUTES | Modify test privileges user-by-user |
SHOW-TEST-OPTIONS | Display task-specific settings for test and diagnosis |
SHOW-USER-ATTRIBUTES | Display user-specific settings for test and diagnosis |
Macro | Meaning |
CDUMP2 | Initiate a memory dump without terminating the program |
TERM | Terminate program and job section; |
Table 4: Interfaces for dump control