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START-LIST-GENERATION Prepare list output


The START-LIST-GENERATION statement is used to prepare for list output. The areas to be output are selected in the LIST window or using the ADD-LIST-OBJECTS and REMOVE-LIST-OBJECTS statements. List output is actually started using the PRINT-LIST statement.



FILES-TO-EVALUATE = *CURRENT / *#0 / *#1 / ... / *#9 / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers with-wild(80)>(...)




,WINDOW = *NEXT-FREE / <integer 4..99>


FILES-TO-EVALUATE = *CURRENT / *#0 / *#1 / ... / *#9 / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers-with-wild(80)>(...)
This specifies the files on which list editing is to be performed.
This operand has no effect in interactive mode.

The dump file which is currently open (*CURRENT) is used. This is the default value.

FILES-TO-EVALUATE = *#0 / *#1 / ... / *#9
The file that was assigned to the selected link name with the ADD-FILE-LINK command is used.

FILES-TO-EVALUATE = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers-with-wild(80)>(...)
It is possible to select more than one file by specifying a fully qualified file name including wildcards.

If more than one file matches the file name specified using wildcards, the EVALUATE operand specifies whether only the first file is to be evaluated (*FIRST-MATCH) or whether all matched files are to be evaluated (*ALL-MATCHES). The default setting is that only the first matching file is evaluated.

WINDOW = *NEXT-FREE / <integer 4..99>
This operand is only permitted in interactive mode
This specifies the window in which the selection mask for generating a list is to be displayed (the LIST window).
The default value (*NEXT-FREE) specifies that the next free window is to be used as the LIST window. Windows 4 - 9 and 21 - 99 are supported; windows 10 - 20 are 'reserved'. If *NEXT-FREE is specified, the windows 4 to 9 are used in the following order: 9, 8, ..., 4.
