The ELFE program is called by means of /START-ELFE.
OPEN filename
is used to select the SERSLOG file and to open or select a specific session and open its files. You select an evaluation library using the LIBRARY
statement. You can then examine the error event entries more closely. STOP
or END
terminates the program.
Statement | Function |
C(ONT) | Process a system run whose auxiliary files are still available |
D(ISPLAY) | Display information on the screen |
E(ND) | Terminate ELFE |
H(ELP) | Display help information on ELFE statements on the screen |
K(EEP) | Retain auxiliary files at the end of the program or on changing the system run |
L(IBRARY) | Assign an evaluation library |
O(PEN) | Open SERSLOG files |
P(RINT) | Print error entries |
S(TOP) | Terminate ELFE |
Table 18: Overview of ELFE statements