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RESLOG logging file


BS2000 servers provide the option of exceeding the nominal server performance for a limited time by attaching preinstalled CPUs (“extra CPUs”, see see the “Introduction to System Administration” manual [6]).

The RESLOG subsystem records the attachment and detachment of extra CPUs in the RESLOG log file.

The RESLOG subsystem

The RESLOG (RESource LOGging) subsystem is part of the basic configuration.

In VM2000 mode RESLOG checks if it is running in the monitor system under VM2000 and whether extra CPUs exist.

The RESLOG subsystem offers two command interfaces for working with the RESLOG log file:




Change the log file


Evaluate the log file

The RESLOG log file

RESLOG creates a log file under the TSOS user ID with the following name:


The <server-id>, derived from the CPU-ID, identifies a server uniquely world-wide. With the SHOW-SYSTEM-INFORMATION command all CPU-IDs of a configuration can be output. They differ from each other only in their serial numbering which is provided at different positions in the CPU ID depending on the architecture. These positions are set to “0”.
The result is the server ID.

This log file normally stays open during the entire session. Log data is appended to an existing log file it its server ID is identical.

The log file can be changed with the CHANGE-RESLOG-FILE command.
The current file is then closed and renamed to SYS.RESLOG.<server-id>.<date> with the date when the file was closed. A new file named SYS.RESLOG.<server-id> is then opened.

The log file contains various records:

  • When RESLOG is started, the first thing done is to write a start record. The start record contains date, time, BS2000 version and RESLOG version. It also contains the server ID, the number of extra CPUs and the CPU numbers of the extra CPUs that are ATTACHED.

  • A stop record is written as the last record when the subsystem is terminated (meaning at the time of shutdown) and when changing the log file. The stop record contains the time and date as well as the reason for closing the log file (stop/change).

  • Every ATTACH-/DETACH-DEVICE or ATTACH-/DETACH-VM-RESOURCES for an extra CPU causes a CPU record with date, time, CPU number and ATTACHED/DETACHED identifier to be written.

  • Another record is written or updated once per hour, the alive record, so that the data is still consistent even after a system crash.
    The alive record is normally only located in the open file and is overwritten by a CPU or stop record.
    The only time an alive record can be found as the last record that is not overwritten the next time RESLOG is started is after a system crash.

Evaluating the RESLOG log file

With the START-RESLOG-EVALUATION command you start the RESLOG evaluation. The result can be output in abbreviated or detailed form on the screen or in a file.

The RESLOG evaluation runs as an independent program that is loaded, started and terminated internally.

If the RESLOG evaluation is called from a different program (e.g. after interrupting with the K2 key), then this program is unloaded. You cannot return to this program after terminating the RESLOG evaluation (e.g. with //RESUME).

Systems support defines the amount of data output and the destination of the output from the RESLOG evaluation. The various operands of the START-RESLOG-EVALUATION command are available for this purpose:

  • Operand RESLOG-FILE=*CURRENT/<filename>/*FROM-FILE(...)
    The current RESLOG file, a single RESLOG files or a list of RESLOG files can be evalauted.
    The following conditions apply when outputting a list of files:

    • Only RESLOG files from one server (meaning RESLOG files with the same server ID) can be evaluated in an evaluation run.

    • The RESLOG files are to be specified in chronological order, starting with the oldest.

  • Operand PERIOD=*INTERVAL(...)
    The evaluation can run the entire time or for a specific period of time.

    The output is a short summary or also contains a list of every single ATTACH/DETACH operation.

  • Operand OUTPUT=*SYSOUT/<filename>
    The output is sent to SYSOUT or to a file. 

Example 1: Summary output of the current RESLOG log file to SYSOUT



                           RESLOG EVALUATION

START DATE             : <date>       END DATE  : <date>


BS2000 VERSION         : 21.0A00             SERVER-ID : 1002000121900000

RESLOG VERSION         : 21.0A00


NUMBER EXTRA CPUS      :       1

NUMBER DAYS IN USE     :       1


TIME WITHOUT DATA      :      1 (hours) (2%)


The following items mean the following:








Start of the evaluation period

End of the evaluation period

Operating system version at the start of the evaluation period

Version of the RESLOG file at the start of the evaluation period

Unique (world-wide) server ID of the server

Number of extra CPUs at the start of the evaluation period

Number of days in which the extra CPUs were used;
Every day an extra CPU is ATTACHED is counted for every extra CPU.


Time in hours/days in which RESLOG was not active;
The number of hours/days between the STOP and the following START records are counted. The time is also output as a percentage of the total evaluation period.

Example 2:
Detailed output of the current RESLOG log file in the file PROT.EXTRA-CPU.002

<output just like for INF=*SUMMARY, see Example 1>:

 CPU NR !      ATTACH TIME        !      DETACH TIME        !     DURATION
  02    !  <date>       <time>    !  <date>          <time> !      1 (days)
        !                         !                         ! 
  02    !  <date>       <time>    !  <date>          <time>*!      1 (days)
        !                         !                         ! 
NO DATA !  <date>       <time>    !  <date>          <time> !      1 (hours)

The following items mean the following:


CPU number of the extra CPU or – when RESLOG is not loaded – NO DATA


Time and date of the ATTACH or DETACH procedure for an extra CPU (if there is a CPU number in CPU NR)
time and date of the beginning of a period in which RESLOG was not active (if the text NO DATA is found in CPU NR)


Period in hours or days based on the ATTACH/DETACH TIME

  • Output for extra CPU:

    The number of calendar days of the period between the ATTACH and DETACH of the extra CPU is output.

  • Output for NO DATA:

    The number of hours or days (rounded off) of the period in which RESLOG was not active is output.

An asterisk (*) can be output to the right of the times for ATTACH TIME and DETACH TIME with the following meaning:

  • The exact time of the ATTACH is not known because the extra CPU was already ATTACHED when RESLOG was started.

  • The exact time of the DETACH is not known because the file was closed, the system switched to a new one or the subsystem was terminated abnormally while an extra CPU was ATTACHED.

  • The actual time of the ATTACH/DETACH is not output because the evaluation period begins after an ATTACH and/or ends before a DETACH.

  • The current file is evaluated and an extra CPU is ATTACHED.
    The date of the last alive or CPU record is written under DETACH TIME.

Messages with Remote Service

All ATTACH/DETTACH operations for extra CPUs are sent via the Remote Service to the manufacturer to ensure that the contractual usage period of the extra CPUs can be checked. These messages also serve as a way to check the data recorded by RESLOG. Normally, however, the contractual duration of usage is only checked based on the RESLOG data. You must therefore make sure that RESLOG is always running.

RESLOG also sends messages via Remote Service to the manufacturer when it abnormally terminates due to an error. The following messages are intended to announce this:

         Further information see SERSLOG.

         Further information see SERSLOG.