Following an aborted analysis due to an error in NDMDAMP, it is possible to effect a restart at the next substep. The editor EDT must be available for the restart, since all the datarequired for the restart is stored in the EDT work file 9.
EDT is also required when enabling the PRODAMP trace to diagnose NDMDAMP errors, since the trace data for the NDMDAMP run is stored in the EDT work file 8.
This data is copied to the file NDMDAMP.TRACE at the end of the analysis if no restart has occurred, and the contents of the EDT work file 8 are then deleted.
In the case of a restart with the PRODAMP trace enabled, the data stored in the EDT work file 8 is transferred to the file NDMDAMP.TRACE.RESTART.<break#>. The substring <break#> specified in the file name designates the internal number of the PRODAMP procedure in which the analysis was aborted.
In order to enable an association between the various restarts and PRODAMP traces, a corresponding <break#> is indicated at the breakpoint even in the SYSLST output.
The trace data generated after the last restart and until the end of the analysis is stored in the file NDMDAMP.TRACE.
Since the trace files (NDMDAMP.TRACE, NDMDAMP.TRACE.RESTART.<break#>) can grow to be very large in size, errors may occur on saving the trace data if not enough storage space is available.
In such cases, NDMDAMP aborts the subsequent analysis.