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Online maintenance


Online maintenance comprises the following functions:

  • Storage and analysis of the hardware error statistics file
    (see the ELSA utility routine in the “ELSA” [3] manual).

  • execution of statistics and trace routines under BS2000 control in parallel with user programs.

Online maintenance in BS2000 is carried out under a user ID which has the HARDWARE-MAINTENANCE privilege. By default, this is the SERVICE user ID, which is set up with the account number of the same name during first start.

In addition, every file owner has the option of controlling access to shareable files for the user ID with the HARDWARE-MAINTENANCE privilege on a file-by-file basis.
This can be done using the USER-ACCESS operand of the /MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command (or CATAL macro). If the access authorization SPECIAL is assigned to a file, that file can be accessed by all user IDs, including the user ID with the HARDWARE-MAINTENANCE privilege.

If programs catalogued under the SERVICE user ID (e.g. ELSA) are to be executed under a user ID with the HARDWARE-MAINTENANCE system privilege, likewise a /MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command with the operand USER-ACCESS=*SPECIAL must be issued for these routines.
This access authorization is canceled by means of another /MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES command (or CATAL macro) using the operand USER-ACCESS=*ALL / *OWNER-ONLY.