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“Tracing” denotes the logging of execution or selected parts thereof. This involves the continuous recording of certain data, regardless of whether or not a software problem actually exists. This data is then retained for a certain time, i.e. until it is overwritten by newer data. The recorded logs are managed by TRACE MANAGER (see chapter “TRACE MANAGER Collect diagnostic information during the session”).

During normal system operation, a number of traces are logged automatically, and additional ones can be activated as required in critical cases. However, some of these additional traces can be very time-consuming.

The AUDIT function (see chapter “AUDIT Log addresses of executed branch instructions”) constitutes a special kind of tracing. AUDIT records all branch instructions whose conditions are fulfilled. This function is also available to nonprivileged users.

The activation of additional traces or of the system-wide AUDIT can severely impair the performance of the operating system and should therefore be avoided unless absolutely necessary.