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Files with nonstandard labels

The processing of nonstandard labels is requested by means of:

  • the operand LABEL=NSTD of the FILE macro

  • the operand LABEL-TYPE=*NON-STD of the ADD-FILE-LINK command

EOV processing is started either implicitly when the end-of-tape mark is detected or explicitly by an FEOV macro.

Processing steps
  • Process any outstanding inputs and outputs and write the last block to the tape.

  • Write a tape mark if TPMARK=YES or TAPE-MARK-WRITE=*YES is specified.

  • Branch to the LABEOV routine in the user program.

  • Write a double tape mark if TPMARK=YES or TAPE-MARK-WRITE=*YES is specified.

  • If DESTOC=YES was specified in the FILE macro, or DESTROY-OLD-CONTENTS was specified in the ADD-FILE-LINK command, or if the catalog entry contains DESTROY=YES: erase the remainder of the tape.

  • Change the tape: request the next tape specified in the volume list or ask the operator to mount a work tape.

  • Execute volume header processing for the next tape.

File processing is continued only after completion of the volume header processing for the newly assigned tape.