The SHOW-FILE-LOCKS command displays the locks that are currently active for a file. File locks may be set as a result of the following states/operations:
The file is currently open.
The file has been explicitly reserved (SECURE-RESOURCE-ALLOCATION command).
A print lock has been defined for the file (with the PRINT-DOCUMENT ...,LOCK-FILE=*YES command, the PRNT macro or the MODIFY-PRINT-JOB-ATTRIBUTES command).
The file has been reserved for file transfer (TRANSFER-FILE command).
A SYSLST file is waiting to be printed following an EXIT-JOB command.
The file is currently being processed by a CCOPY job.
The file has been reserved for an EAM access.
A temporary connection failure in a computer network or a system error on the local system has led to “unauthorized file locks” (see below).
The SHOW-FILE-LOCKS command does not display any locks set by catalog management.
SHOW-FILE-LOCKS enables the file owner and systems support to diagnose the reason for a processing problem caused by an active file lock. The command may be entered by the file owner, other users authorized to access the file and under any user ID with the TSOS privilege.
Resetting unauthorized file locks
So-called unauthorized file locks may prevent your (continued) work with a file. Such locks may be caused, for example, by a temporary connection failure in a computer network or a system error on the local system that prevents the resetting of file locks.
The REPAIR-FILE-LOCKS command makes it possible for file owners and systems support to reset unauthorized file locks.