The following tables provide an overview of the interfaces of the DMS functions. Frequent references to these interfaces are made in the various chapters of this manual. If both interfaces are available, separate tables are provided for the command interfaces and program interfaces (macros). A description of the interfaces and all the operands can be found in the manuals “Commands” [3 (Related publications)], “DMS Macros” [3 (Related publications)] and “Executive Macros” [3 (Related publications)].
In addition to the DMS commands, a number of NDM (Nucleus Device Management) commands have been included; these support the user in device and volume management, provide information on user entries, etc.
Table of DMS macros
Macro | Brief description |
ADDPLNK | ISAM: Defines a pool link name. |
BTAM | Controls all BTAM actions. |
CATAL | Creates or updates a catalog entry. |
CHKFAR | Checks file access rights. |
CHNGE | Changes a TFT entry. |
CLOSE | Close file |
COMPFIL | Compares two disk files. |
COPFILE | Copies a file. |
CREAIX | ISAM: Creates a secondary key (alternate index) for an ISAM file. |
CREPOOL | ISAM: Creates an ISAM pool. |
DECFILE | Converts an encrypted file into an unencrypted file. |
DELAIX | ISAM: Deletes secondary keys of an ISAM file. |
DELPOOL | ISAM: Deletes/releases an ISAM pool. |
DIV | Permits file access via the virtual address space. |
DROPTFT | Unlocks locked TFT entries. |
EAM | Macro (type R) |
ELIM | ISAM: Deletes a record from the file. |
ENCFILE | Converts an unencrypted file into an encrypted file. |
ERASE | Deletes one or more files. |
EXLST | Compiles a list of exit addresses (type O). |
EXRTN | Implements a return from error routines (type R). |
FCB | Defines a file control block (type O). |
FCBAD | Creates FCB addresses (type O). |
FEOV | BTAM/SAM: Initiates a tape swap. |
FILE | Defines file attributes/controls file processing. |
FILELST | Creates variable operand areas for the FILE macro. |
FPAMACC | FASTPAM: Defines file accesses. |
FPAMSRV | FASTPAM: Defines management calls. |
FSTAT | Requests catalog information. |
GET | ISAM/SAM: Reads the next record. |
GETFL | ISAM: Reads the next record following the flag. |
GETKY | ISAM: Reads the record with the specified key. |
GETR | ISAM: Sequential reverse read. |
IDBPL | BTAM: BTAM operand list (type O) |
IDFCB | Supplies FCB with symbolic names (type O). |
IDFCBE | Supplies FCBE with symbolic names (type O). |
IDMCB | Supplies MFCB (EAM control block with symbolic names). |
IDPPL | UPAM: PAM operand list |
IMPNFIL | Creates (imports) catalog entries for node files |
IMPORT | Creates (imports) catalog entries for files |
INSRT | ISAM: Inserts a record (type R) |
ISREQ | ISAM: Cancels a lock (type O) |
LBRET | Implements a return from a user label handling routine (type R). |
LFFSNAP | Lists files from a Snapset |
LJFSNAP | Lists job variables from a Snapset |
MAILFIL | Sends a file or library member to a user ID by email. |
NDWERINF | BTAM: Interrogates the status bytes. |
OPEN | Opens a file (type R) |
OSTAT | ISAM: Requests information about currently open files (type R). |
PAM | UPAM: Performs UPAM actions. |
PUT | ISAM/SAM: Writes a record. |
PUTX | ISAM/SAM: Replaces a record. |
RDTFT | Displays TFT and TST information. |
RELTFT | Deletes a TFT entry. |
REMPLNK | ISAM: Deletes a pool link name. |
RETRY | ISAM: Repeats the last macro. |
RELSE | Closes block |
RFFSNAP | Restores files from a Snapset |
RJFSNAP | Restores job variables from a Snapset |
SETL | ISAM/SAM: Positions the pointer in the file. |
SHOPLNK | Displays information about ISAM pool link names. |
SHOPOOL | Displays information about ISAM pools. |
SHOWAIX | Displays information about secondary keys. |
STORE | ISAM: Stores a record. |
VERIF | Restores a file. |
DMS macros and DMS commands with identical functionality
Macro | Command | Function |
ADDPLNK | ADD-ISAM-POOL-LINK | Defines pool link names for an ISAM pool. |
CATAL | CREATE-FILE | Creates a catalog entry. |
CREATE-FILE-GROUP | Defines file generation groups. | |
MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES | Defines protection mechanisms. | |
MODIFY-FILE-GROUP-ATTRIBUTES | Defines protection mechanisms. | |
CHNGE | CHANGE-FILE-LINK | Updates a file link name in the TFT. |
COMPFIL | COMPARE-DISK-FILES | Compares two disk files. |
COPFILE | COPY-FILE | Copies a file. |
CREAIX | CREATE-ALTERNATE-INDEX | Creates a secondary index for an ISAM file. |
CREPOOL | CREATE-ISAM-POOL | Creates an ISAM pool. |
DECFILE | DECRYPT-FILE | Converts an encrypted file into an unencrypted file. |
DELAIX | DELETE-ALTERNATE-INDEX | Deletes secondary keys of an ISAM file. |
DELPOOL | DELETE-ISAM-POOL | Deletes/releases an ISAM pool. |
DROPTFT | UNLOCK-FILE-LINK | Unlocks locked TFT entries. |
ENCFILE | ENCRYPT-FILE | Converts an unencrypted file into an encrypted file. |
ERASE | DELETE-FILE | Deletes one or more files. |
DELETE-FILE-GENERATION | Deletes file generations. | |
DELETE-FILE-GROUP | Deletes one or more file generation groups. | |
DELETE-SYSTEM-FILE | Deletes one or more system files. | |
EXPORT-FILE | Exports one or more files. | |
EXPORT-NODE-FILE | Exports node file(s). | |
FILE | CREATE-FILE | Creates a file. |
CREATE-FILE-GENERATION | Creates a file generation. | |
CREATE-TAPE-SET | Creates a TST entry. | |
EXTEND-TAPE-SET | Extends a TST entry. | |
IMPORT-FILE | Imports a file. | |
MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES | Modifies attributes of a file. | |
MODIFY-FILE-GENERATION-SUPPORT | Modifies attributes of a file generation. | |
ADD-FILE-LINK | Creates a TFT entry. | |
FSTAT | IMPORT-FILE | Supplies information from the file catalog. |
SHOW-FILE-ATTRIBUTES | Displays file attributes. | |
IMPNFIL | IMPORT-NODE-FILE | Creates (imports) catalog entries for node files. |
IMPORT | CHECK-IMPORT-DISK-FILE | Checks file import. up front. |
IMPORT-FILE | Creates (imports) catalog entries for files. | |
LFFSNAP | LIST-FILE-FROM-SNAPSET | Lists files from a Snapset. |
LJFSNAP | LIST-JV-FROM-SNAPSET | Lists job variables from a Snapset. |
MAILFIL | MAIL-FILE | Sends a file or library member to a user ID by email. |
RDTFT | SHOW-FILE-LINK | Supplies information from the TFT. |
RELTFT | REMOVE-FILE-LINK | Removes a TFT entry. |
DELETE-TAPE-SET | Deletes a TST entry. | |
REMPLNK | REMOVE-ISAM-POOL-LINK | Deletes pool link names. |
RFFSNAP | RESTORE-FILE-FROM-SNAP-SET | Restores files from a Snapset. |
RJFSNAP | RESTORE-JV-FROM-SNAP-SET | Restores job variables from a Snapset. |
SHOWAIX | SHOW-INDEX-ATTRIBUTES | Displays information about secondary keys of an ISAM file. |
SHOPLNK | SHOW-ISAM-POOL-LINK | Displays assignments of pool link names to ISAM pools. |
SHOPOOL | SHOW-ISAM-POOL-ATTRIBUTES | Displays information about an ISAM pool. |
VERIF | CHECK-FILE-CONSISTENCY | Restores file consistency. |
REMOVE-FILE-ALLOCATION-LOCKS | Removes locks from files, file generations and FFGs set as a result of a system crash or an aborted job. | |
REPAIR-DISK-FILES | Restores files, file generations and FFGs locked as a result of a system crash or an aborted job. |
Table 2: Comparison of DMS macros / DMS commands
DMS commands without equivalent macro
Command | Function |
ADD-CRYPTO-PASSWORD | Stores the crypto password for decrypting encrypted file contents in the task’s password table. |
ADD-PASSWORD | Enters a password in the password table of a job. |
CONCATENATE-DISK-FILES | Concatenates SAM files. |
EDIT-FILE-ATTRIBUTES | Activates the guided dialog of the corresponding MODIFY command and enables an existing catalog entry to be "edited". |
EDIT-FILE-LINK | Activates the guided dialog of the ADD-FILE-LINK command and enables an existing TFT entry to be "edited". |
LIST-NODE-FILES | Lists node files of a Net-Storage volume. |
LOCK-FILE-LINK | Locks a TFT entry; the lock can subsequently be cancelled by an UNLOCK-FILE-LINK command. |
REMOVE-CRYPTO-PASSWORD | Removes the crypto password from the password table of the ongoing task. |
REMOVE-PASSWORD | Removes a password from the password table of a job. |
REPAIR-FILE-LOCKS | Eliminates unauthorized file locks |
RESTART-PROGRAM | Resumes a program at a point previously saved by means of a WRCPT (or CHKPT) macro. |
SHOW-BLOCK-TO-FILE-ASSIGNMENT | Privileged command: Displays files in which the requested blocks are located. |
SHOW-FILE | Outputs a file to SYSOUT |
SHOW-FILE-LOCKS | Displays locks set for a file. |
START-FILE-CACHING | Starts caching of open files |
STOP-FILE-CACHING | Terminates caching of open files |