In addition to the MF operand, DSECTs are available to the user program for certain operand lists and for dummy sections of DMS tables, FCB entries and catalog entries. The names and sizes of the individual fields are defined, but the order in which the parts appear may be subject to changes.
Users interested in the resolution of a specific dummy section can use a macro with the following format:
Operation | Operands |
For the meanings of “macroname” see table on the following page.
Default value: | no DSECT is generated; the letter I is used as the prefix. |
Specifies that the macro is being used to generate a DSECT.
Prefix (1 character) to be placed in front of all names in the DSECT.
Specifies that no prefix is to be used.
The PARMOD operand can be used with the DSECT macros IDFCB, IDMCB, IDFST, IDPPL and DMARD. It specifies which operand list of the DSECT is to be generated.
Default value: | the value for the generation mode defined by the GPARMOD macro or preset in the Assembler. |
= 24
The (old) 24-bit addressing-mode-dependent operand list is generated.
= 31
The operand list which is independent of the addressing mode is generated. The symbolic names may differ from those in the PARMOD=24 operand list.
Programming notes
The generation mode can be set globally for all macros in a program with the GPARMOD macro. The PARMOD operand in the DMS macros overrides the default setting made with the GPARMOD macro or (if GPARMOD is not used) preset in the Assembler.
All PARMOD specifications for an operand list (e.g. MF=E/L/D and the corresponding DSECT macros) and for a file must contain the same value.
DMS dummy program sections (DSECTs) for users:
Macro | DSECT description |
IDBPL | BTAM operand list |
IDCAT | CATALOG (CATAL) operand list (old format) |
IDCE | Catalog entry |
IDCEG | Catalog entry, expansion for file generation groups |
IDCEX | Catalog entry expansion |
IDCHA | CHANGE (CHNGE) operand list |
IDCOP | COPY macro operand list |
IDECB | UPAM event control block |
IDEE | Catalog entry, extent list |
IDEMS | DMS error messages (see section "DMS error codes") |
IDERS | ERASE macro operand list (for VERSION=0) |
IDFCB | FCB (TU section; valid for all FCB formats) |
IDFCBE | FCB extension (for 24-bit TU FCB) |
IDFST | FSTAT macro operand list |
DMAIMP | IMPORT macro operand list (old format) |
IDMCB | EAM control block |
IDOST | Information on open files (see the OSTAT macro, "OSTAT - Request information on open files") |
IDPFL | FILE macro operand list (old format) |
IDPFX | FILE macro operand list extension (old format) |
IDPPL | UPAM operand list |
IDREL | REL macro (RELEASE) operand list |
IDVT | Volume label entry (VT = volume table) |
IDVRF | VERIF macro operand list |
DMADR | RDTFT output format (if LINK operand specified) (old format) |
DMARD | RDTFT macro operand list (old format) |