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Format of date specifications

Date specifications are required in the macros ERASE and FSTAT, in the operands CRDATE, DELDATE, EXDATE, LADATE and LCDATE, as well as in the CATAL macro in the DELDATE and EXDATE operands. The user may specify either absolute or relative dates.
A specific time or a time interval may be specified in addition to the date.

The TIMBASE operand can be used to control whether absolute dates are specified on the basis of UTC (universal time coordinate) or local time LTI (relative entries are always in local time).

The date format of the FSTAT output is also linked to this operand.

Absolute date specification

A real date in the form:
(where YY = year, MM = month, DD = day)

Relative date specification

The offset in days from the current date in the form “-n” for the past or “+n” for the future (n=0..99999),
or as Y[ESTERDAY] (correspnds to -1), T[ODAY] (correspnds to ±0)
or TOM[ORROW] (correspnds to +1)

Time specification

A time value (UTC time) related to the date in the format date(hh:mm:ss)(hh = hours, mm = minutes, ss = seconds)