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FILELST - Create variable operand areas for FILE macros

Macro type: type S (L form/D form/C form); see "Macro types"

The FILELST macro creates separate lists for the operands VOLUME, DVOLUME, TVSN, MOUNT and VSEQ of the FILE macro. These lists can then be addressed by specifying the value @addr for these operands in the FILE macro, “addr” being the symbolic address of the FILELST call.


Format 1: L form




[MF = L]

[VOLUME = vsn / (vsn,...)]

[DVOLUME = vsn / (vsn,...)]

[TVSN = vsn / (vsn,...)]

[MOUNT = number / (number,...)]

[VSEC = number / (number,...)]

Operand descriptions


A single volume serial number or a list of up to 255 volume serial numbers may be specified.The description of the VOLUME operand in the FILE macro also applies here (see "FILE - Define file attributes / control file processing"), with the restriction that VOLUME=PRIVATE or VOLUME=(PRIVATE,n) may be specified only in the FILE macro.


A single volume serial number or a list of up to 255 volume serial numbers may be specified.The description of the DVOLUME operand in the FILE macro also applies here (see "FILE - Define file attributes / control file processing"), with the restriction that DVOLUME=PRIVATE or DVOLUME=(PRIVATE,n) may be specified only in the FILE macro.


Up to 255 volumes may be requested.

The description of the MOUNT operand in the FILE macro also applies here (see "FILE - Define file attributes / control file processing"). However, MOUNT=0 may be specified only in the FILE macro.


A single volume serial number or a list of up to 255 volume serial numbers may be specified.The description of the TVSN operand in the FILE macro also applies here (see "FILE - Define file attributes / control file processing").


Up to 255 file sections may be requested.

The description of the VSEQ operand in the FILE macro also applies here (see "FILE - Define file attributes / control file processing"). However, only lists may be specified here; single file sections may be specified only in the FILE macro.

Format 2: D form/C form




MF = D / C
[,PREFIX = I / pre]
[,MACID = DBL / macid]

[,LIST = VOLUME / (VOLUME,nmbr) /
         DVOLUME / (DVOLUME,nmbr) /
         TVSN / (TVSN,nmbr) /
         MOUNT / (MOUNT,nmbr) /
         VSEQ / (VSEQ,nmbr)]

Operand descriptions


This operand defines the lists created by FILELST for which a CSECT or DSECT is to be generated.

= (VOLUME,nmbr)
A CSECT or DSECT is created for the VOLUME list. If the user specifies the operand value in the form (VOLUME,nmbr) – the parentheses are part of the value and must be specified -, “nmbr” can be used to specify the number of elements in the VOLUME list for which a CSECT or DSECT is to be created.

= (DVOLUME,nmbr)
A CSECT or DSECT is created for the DVOLUME list. If the user specifies the operand value in the form (DVOLUME,nmbr) – the parentheses are part of the value and must be specified -, “nmbr” can be used to specify the number of elements in the DVOLUME list for which a CSECT or DSECT is to be created.

= (TVSN,nmbr)
A CSECT or DSECT is created for the TVSN list. If the user specifies the operand value in the form (TVSN,nmbr) – the parentheses are part of the value and must be specified –, “nmbr” can be used to specify the number of elements in the TVSN list for which a CSECT or DSECT is to be created.

= (MOUNT,nmbr)
A CSECT or DSECT is created for the MOUNT list. If the user specifies the operand value in the form (MOUNT,nmbr) – the parentheses are part of the value and must be specified -, “nmbr” can be used to specify the number of elements in the MOUNT list for which a CSECT or DSECT is to be created.

= (VSEQ,nmbr)
A CSECT or DSECT is created for the VSEQ list. If the user specifies the operand value in the form (VSEQ,nmbr) – the parentheses are part of the value and must be specified –, “nmbr” can be used to specify the number of elements in the VSEQ list for which a CSECT or DSECT is to be created.


Defines the first character of each field name and equate generated when the macro is expanded.

Default value:


= pre 
Single-character prefix with which the generated field names and equates are to begin.


Defines the second through fourth characters of the field names and equates generated when the macro is expanded.

Default value:


= macid 
Three-character string defining the second through fourth characters of the generated field names and equates.