Macro type: type R
The LBRET macro is only required when processing standard user labels. Standard user labels are:
UVL: user volume header label
UHL: user file header label
UTL: user trailer label
The EXRTN macro is used for nonstandard labels.
Operation | Operands |
Operand descriptions
Address of the FCB, same as the address of the FCB macro.
The address of the FCB is stored in register 1.
The second operand specifies a function code.
Label processing is terminated: for output files, the current label will not be written either.
Label processing is terminated: for input files, all subsequent labels in the group will be skipped; for output files, the current label will still be written.
Label processing is continued: for input files, the UVL and UTL labels are followed by further user labels which are to be read and processed by the program; for output files, the system returns control to the user program after a user label has been written. The user can write a maximum of 9 UVL and 256 UHL and UTL labels in this way. The system terminates label processing when these limits are reached.
The rightmost byte of register 0 contains the function code.
Specifies the generation mode for the macro.
Default value: | the value preset for the generation mode by means of the GPARMOD macro or by the assembler. |
= 24
The macro is expanded in accordance with the format for the 24-bit interface. The object code is thus executable only in 24-bit addressing mode.
= 31
The macro is generated as addressing mode-independent.
Programming note
The LBRET macro destroys the contents of registers 0, 1, 14 and 15.