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STORE - Store record

Macro type:

R for PARMOD=24
O for PARMOD=31

The STORE macro transfers a record from the user area to the file, placing it at the position defined by the record key.

In contrast to INSRT, the STORE macro can process records with duplicate keys.
If DUPEKY=YES is specified, the new record is written after the last existing record with the same key. If DUPEKY=YES is not specified, the new record overwrites the existing record with the same key.

The PAD factor is ignored when a file is created or extended sequentially using STORE. In contrast to the PUT macro, sequential use of the STORE macro results in a high block splitting rate and each block will be only about 50% full.





fcbadr / (1)
,area / (0)
[,PARMOD = 24 / 31]

Operand descriptions


Address of the FCB associated with the file to be processed.

The FCB address is stored in register 1.


Address of the record to be stored. Even in locate mode, the record to be stored must be provided at address “area”.

The address of the record to be stored is in register 0.


Specifies the generation mode for the macro.

Default value:

the value predefined for the generation mode by means of the GPARMOD macro or preset by the assembler.

= 24
The object code generated can run only in the 16-Mb address space (24-bit addressing only).

= 31
The object code generated can run in the 2-Gb address space (24-bit or 31-bit addressing).

Programming note

The STORE macro overwrites the contents of registers 0, 1, 14 and 15.