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Communication between subsystems and DSSM

The exchange of information and messages is essential for subsystem-specific routines for initialization, deinitialization, job termination and the check on job termination (INIT, DEINIT, STOPCOM and CLOSE-CTRL routines).

The communications area always consists of an information area for the started routine (DSSM --> subsystem) and an acknowledgment area (subsystem --> DSSM).

The routine is started via

  1. procedure call
    during initialization (with no condition) or at deinitialization, job termination and the check on job termination if the holder task is not being used as a work task

  2. the interface (bourse or FITC) transferred during initialization
    if the holder task is being used as a work task

Acknowledgment to DSSM is given via a procedure return with an acknowledgment area at deinitialization, job termination and the check on job termination if the holder task is not or is no longer being used as a work task. If the holder task is being used as a work task, DSSM is notified via a NOTIFY call with the acknowledgment area serving as an input parameter.