This table shows all the macros in BS2000 that are not described in the present manual. In addition to a brief description of the macro's function, the table also indicates the manual in which the macro is treated in detail.
Macro | Brief description | Manual |
ADDPLNK | Define pool link name | |
BINDER | Call the BINDER as subprogram | [5] |
BTAM | Complete user requirements for BTAM | [7] |
CALENDR | Create, modify and output calendar data | [6] |
CATAL | Process catalog entry | [7] |
CHKFAR | Check access rights to a file | [7] |
CHNGE | Change TFT entry | [7] |
CLOSE | Close file | [7] |
COMPFIL | Compare two files | [7] |
COPFILE | Copy file | [7] |
CREAIX | Create secondary key for ISAM file | [7] |
CREPOOL | Create ISAM pool | [7] |
DECFILE | convert encrypted file into unencrypted file | [7] |
DELAIX | Delete secondary key for ISAM file | [7] |
DELPOOL | Delete or release ISAM pool | [7] |
DIV | Process file via “window” in virtual address space | [7] |
DROPTFT | release TFT entry | [7] |
EAM | Complete user requirements for EAM | [7] |
ELIM | Erase record from ISAM file | [7] |
ENCFILE | convert unencrypted file into encrypted file | [7] |
ERASE | Erase file(s) | [7] |
EXCALL | Call exit routines from TU programs | |
EXLST | Apply exit address list for error routines | [7] |
EXRTN | Return from error routines | [7] |
FCB | Apply file control block | [7] |
FCBAD | Apply FCB addresses | [7] |
FEOV | Close volume and introduce volume change | [7] |
FILE | Define file characteristics and control file processing | [7] |
FILELST | Create variable operand areas for FILE macro | [7] |
FPAMACC | Formulate FASTPAM file access | |
FPAMSRV | Formulate FASTPAM administration calls | |
FSTAT | Request catalog information | |
GET | Read record from file | |
GETFL | Search for marking in file and read record | |
GETINSP | Output installation path | |
GETINSV | Output version of the installation unit | |
GETKY | Read record with specified key | |
GETPROV | Output selected product version | |
GETR | Read next record in direction of start of file | |
IDBPL | Generate DSECT for BTAM action macro | |
IDFCB | Generate DSECT for FCB | |
IDFCBE | Generate DSECT for FCB extension | |
IDMCB | provide MFCB (EAM control block with symbolic name) | |
IDPPL | UPAM: PAM operand list | |
IMOS... | Macros of IMON-BAS | |
IMOK... | Macros of IMON-SIC | |
IMPNFIL | Create a catalog entry for node files (import) | |
IMPORT | Import private files or data media | |
INSRT | Insert record in file | |
ISREQ | Release record, area or data block bar | |
LBRET | Return from user label routines | |
LFFSNAP | Dateien von einem Snapset auflisten | |
LJFSNAP | Jobvariablen von einem Snapset auflisten | |
MAILFIL | Datei per E-Mail an eine Benutzerkennung versenden | |
MCSINFO | Fetch information on HIPLEX-MSCF configuration | |
NBMAP | Describe message scope | |
NBMHE | Describe format of message header | |
NDWERINF | Query status byte | |
OPEN | Open file | |
OSTAT | Output information on opened files | |
PAM | Execute UPAM actions | |
PRNT... | Macros for outputting files | |
PUT | Write record to file | |
PUTX | Replace record in file | [7] |
RDTFT | Request information from TFT and TST | [7] |
RELTFT | Delete TFT entry | [7] |
RELSE | Close data block and release buffer | [7] |
REMPLNK | Delete pool link name | [7] |
RETRY | Repeat macro | [7] |
RFFSNAP | Dateien von einem Snapset restaurieren | [7] |
RJFSNAP | Jobvariablen von einem Snapset restaurieren | [7] |
SELPROV | Select product version | |
SETINSP | Enter or modify installation path | |
SETL | Position internal file record pointer | [7] |
SHOPLNK | Output information on ISAM pool link name | [7] |
SHOPOOL | Output information on ISAM pool | [7] |
SHOWAIX | Output information on secondary key | [7] |
SPSINF | Output information on SPOOL parameter file | |
STORE | Transfer record to position in file defined by key | [7] |
VERIF | Recreate file | [7] |