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Job scheduler



Brief description


Definition macro; creates name definitions, DSECTs or I/O areas for the 24-bit interface
of the job scheduler macros


Definition macro; creates name definitions, DSECTs or I/O areas for the 31-bit interface
of the job scheduler macros


Connects the job scheduler to the job management system


Severs the connection between the job scheduler and the job management system


Requests the next event for the job scheduler from the job management system


Transfers the STREAM-PARAMETER (S-PAR) of the stream definition to an area to be


Calls upon the class scheduler to start the specified job


Initiates a timer event for the job scheduler

These macros enable a job scheduler developed by the user to be connected to the Job Management System (JMS).
A job scheduler runs as an application program in the TU processor state and is therefore easily exchangeable. It communicates with JMS via a privileged interface (job scheduler interface).
Users can replace the standard scheduler by a scheduler they have developed themselves to suit their own requirements, without having to intervene in the operating system.
However, the functional scope of this type of scheduler is limited by the functional width of the job scheduler interface.