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MSGSINIT - Lock message file or add message file to message system



Application area:

Messages (system administration macro); see "Messages"

Macro type:

Type S, MF format 1: 31-bit interface: standard/L/E/C/D form;
see "S-type macros"

System messages are assigned to the message files that contain them by means of the global class list. The class list contains all message classes (the first 3 characters of the message code) and the assigned names of the message files. The class list is created at system start time, and can be modified by system administration during normal operation using the MSGSINIT / MSGSMOD macros, or the MODIFY-MSG-FILE-ASSIGNMENT command.
A message file consists of a message work file and the corresponding HELP file (reduced message primary file).

Macro description

The MSGSINIT macro enables system administration to add a further message file to the message system or to prohibit access to a message file. The message class and name of the new message file are entered at the beginning of the class list. All references to a message file which is to be locked are deleted from the class list.
Modification of this list applies only to the current system run; the generation values are not changed. MSGSINIT enables system administration to activate or deactivate the MIP trace function.

Macro format and description of operands




,MF=S / C / (C,pre) / (E,...) / (D,pre) / D / L

This operand refers to the message file that is to be added or locked. The link name SMSGFILE must be assigned to the appropriate message work file before the macro call.


Message classes and the name of the message file are added at the beginning of the global class list.

All references to the message file to be locked are deleted from the class list.

The STARTUP state is created for the class list.

The operand switches the MIP trace function on or off.

The trace function is activated.

The trace function is deactivated.

For a general description of the MF operand, its operand values and any subsequent operands (e.g. for a prefix), see section “S-type macros”. The valid MF values are given at the start of the macro description under “Macro type” and are included in the macro format.
A prefix (pre = 1 letter) can be specified in the C form or D form, as shown in the macro format. This prefix is inserted into all symbolic names of the CSECT/DSECT as the 4th character (after “INI”).

Default values:

pre = C for C form
pre = D for D form

Return information and error flags


|   |   |   |   |
|b|b| | | | |a|a|

A return code relating to the execution of the MSGSINIT macro is transferred in the rightmost byte of register R15.




Normal execution


Error in the FILE operand: message file is not available or link name is not assigned


Operand error


Error during access authorization check: the caller is not system administration (does
not have the TSOS ID)


Resource limit: macro cannot be executed


MIP subsystem is not loaded