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SDF command return codes


SDF returns information relating to the analysis of the command input and command execution in a command return code. This command return code can be compared with the return code at program level and allows you to react in a specific manner to certain error situations.

The command return code consists of three parts:

  • The main code that corresponds to a message key. The HELP-MSG-INFORMATION command can be used with this main code to query detailed information.

  • The subcode1 that arranges that error situations that arose into an error class. The severity of the error can then be derived from this class.

  • The subcode2 that can contain additional information (value not equal to zero).

Command return codes are represented in tabular format in the order subcode2, subcode1, maincode, and explanatory text.

Command return codes that can return a BS2000 command when executed are part of the relevant command description and are listed in tabular form in this manual.

For more detailed information on command return codes, please refer to the manual “Introductory Guide to the SDF Dialog Interface” [2 (Related publications )].

IMON-GPN command return codes

Many utilities can be called via separate START command. Internal IMON-GPN functions are used in these calls. These functions can return the following additional command return codes if an error occurs:

(SC2)      SC1







Command terminated abnormally;

internal error in IMON-GPN

Command not executed;

installation unit, version or logical name not found, etc.;

the cause can be found in the SYSOUT message.