A delivery consists of one or more supply units and the related delivery information. It is the largest delivered unit, which can be installed with IMON as a whole.
Description of a delivery
A delivery is clearly described by <package-name> and <user-code>.
<package-name> | Package name of the delivery in the form of SDF data type <alphanum-name 1..12>, which is mechanically generated at the time of each software delivery from the date and a serial number. |
<user-code> | Customer specific code (customer or system ID) in the form of SDF data type <alphanum-name 1..8>. |
The distribution medium, which contains all the files of the delivery, is clearly described by VSN and device type of the volume, or in the case of a delivery by file transfer, through the filename of the imported PLAM library.
Attributes of a delivery
Description of the delivery (package name and customer ID)
Information about the delivery registered in SCI
User ID, under which the delivery is registered in SCI
Path name, where the working files of the delivery are stored
Distribution medium (VSN and device type of the volume, or path name of the PLAM library imported by the file transfer)
Creation time of the SCI entry (Date and time)
Modification time of the SCI entry (Date and time)
Path name of the documentation library, in which the delivery documentation is saved.
Information on the enclosed supply units (name, version, installation status)
Number of enclosed supply units
Example of the attributes output of a delivery with IMON