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IMOSHII Show installation items


The IMOSHII macro enables you to fetch information about the installation items in the standard SCI, see "Installation item (II) ".

Possible entries are the name of an installation item, the installation path name of the item (file or library element) or a formatted file generated beforehand with the SHOW functions of IMON.

The output is directed to SYSOUT, to SYSLST, to the formatted file specified during input, of to another formatted file that can be generated, extended or overwritten. 

If you are an nonprivileged user, this macro will return only the path names to which DMS access is possible.





D / L / C / M / E

,PREFIX=I / <char (1)>
,MACID=MOI / <char (3)>
,PARAM=<adr> / (<reg>)

,INAME=<c-string: 1..30> / <var: char:30>
,IVERS=*ALL / *HIGH / <c-string 1..5> / <var: char:5>
,UNAME=*ALL / <c-string: 1..30> / <var: char:30>
,UVERS=*ALL / *HIGH / <c-string: 3..5 > / <var: char:5>
,UCORSTA=*ALL / *HIGH / *LOW / <c-string: 3..3> / <var: char:3>

<c-string: 1..54> / <var: char:54>


<c-string: 1..54> / <var: char:54>



,OUTNAME=<c-string: 1..54> / <var: char:54>
,SYSLST#=0 / <integer 1..99> / <var: int:1>


The MF, PREFIX, MACID, and PARAM parameters are described in “Macro forms” on "Macro syntax ".


Input mode used to select the installation item.


The installation item is identified by its name and version (INAME and IVERS). The assignment of the installation item to an installation unit (UNAME, UVERS and UCORSTA) is taken into account.


The installation item is identified by its path name (INSPATH).


The installation item will be taken from a formatted file (INFF).

Name of the installation item.

=<c-string: 1..30>

Specification of the name of the installation item.

=<var: char:30>

Symbolic address containing the specification for the name of the installation item.


Version of the installation item.


Select all version of the installation item.


Select the highest version designation of the installation item.

=<c-string 1..5>

Specification of the version of the installation item.

=<var: char:5>

Symbolic address containing the specification for the version of the installation item.


Name of the installation unit searched for the installation item.


Search all installation units for the installation item.

=<c-string: 1..30>

Specification of the name of the installation unit.

=<var: char:30>

Symbolic address containing the specification for the name of the installation unit.


Version of the installation unit where the search will be performed for the installation item.


Search all versions of the installation unit.


Search the highest version of the installation unit.

=<c-string: 3..5>

Specifies the version of the installation unit.

=<var: char:5>

Symbolic address containing the specification for the version of the installation unit.


Correction state of the installation unit where the search will be performed for the installation item.


Search all correction states of the installation unit.


Search the highest correction state of the installation unit.


Search the lowest correction state of the installation unit.

=<c-string: 3..3>

Specification of the correction state of the installation unit. Format: <aso>.

=<var: char:3>

Symbolic address containing the specification for the correction state of the installation unit.


Path name of the installation item.

=<c-string: 1..54>

Specification of the path name.

=<var: char:54>

Symbolic address containing the path name.


Name of the formatted file to be used as input.

=<c-string: 1..54>

Name of the formatted file.

=<var: char:54>

Symbolic address containing the name of the formatted file.


Reporting level for the installation item attributes.


Show the names of the installation items only.


Show the names and attributes of the installation items.

The target for output.


Output the information to SYSOUT.


Output the information to the formatted file used as input.


Output the information to a formatted file (OUTNAME).


Output the information to SYSLST.

Name of the formatted file to be used as output.

=<c-string: 1..54>

Name of the formatted file.

=<var: char:54>

Symbolic address containing the name of the formatted file.


Overwrite or extend the file.


Generate the formatted file or overwrite an existing file.


Generate the formatted file or extend an existing file.

SYSLST number.


Output the information to standard SYSLST.

=<integer 1..99>

Specifies the SYSLST number.

=<var: int:1>

Symbolic address containing the specification for the SYSLST number.

Macro return codes





X‘00‘X‘00‘X‘0000‘Function successfully executed
X‘00‘X‘01‘X‘0001‘Function not permitted in batch mode
X‘00‘X‘01‘X‘0002‘Output invalid
X‘00‘X‘01‘X‘0003‘SYSLST number invalid
X‘00‘X‘01‘X‘0004‘Parameter list invalid
X‘00‘X‘40‘X‘0013‘Cannot access the SCI, function not executed
X‘00‘X‘40‘X‘0014‘Specified unit not found in the SCI, function not executed, no formatted file created
X‘00‘X‘40‘X‘0015‘Error accessing input file (library element), function not executed
X‘00‘X‘40‘X‘0016‘Error accessing output file, function not executed
X‘00‘X‘40‘X‘0017‘Information missing. Units contained in the formatted file (ITYPE=*FILE) not present in the SCI
X‘00‘X‘40‘X‘0018‘Formatted file contains no information for action
X‘00‘X‘40‘X‘0019‘SHOW output written to SYSLST only partially or not at all

X‘20‘X‘0100‘System error

X‘20‘X‘0101‘Internal error
X’00’X’01’X’FFFF’Function is not supported
X’00’X’03’X’FFFF’Interface version is not supported
X‘03‘X‘00‘X‘0000‘Warning: Information output is partial, user does not have SUBSYSTEM-MANAGEMENT privilege
X‘03‘X‘40‘X‘0014‘User does not have SUBSYSTEM-MANAGEMENT privilege
X‘03‘X‘40‘X‘0017‘User does not have SUBSYSTEM-MANAGEMENT privilege


  • An MNOTE is generated if:

    • ITYPE =*ITEM and INAME was not specified.
    • ITYPE =*INSPATH and INSPATH was not specified.

    • ITYPE =*FILE and INFF was not specified.


    • OUTTYPE =*FILE and OUTNAME was not specified.

    • OUTTYPE =*SYSOUT and REPLEV =*ALL.If ITYPE =*ITEM is specified, the values specified for INSPATH and INFF are ignored.

  • If ITYPE =*INSPATH is specified, the values specified for INAME, IVERS, UNAME, UVERS, UCORSTA and INFF are ignored.

  • If ITYPE =*FILE is specified, the values specified for INAME, IVERS, UNAME, UVERS, UCORSTA and INSPATH are ignored.

  • If OUTTYPE =*SYSOUT / *SYSLST / *INFILE is specified, the value specified for WRMODE is ignored.

  • If OUTTYPE =*SYSOUT / *FILE / *INFILE is specified, the value specified for SYSLST# is ignored.

  • The information is edited so as to be legible if the output is directed to SYSOUT or SYSLST.

  • If the information is directed to a formatted file, the output is compressed and is not legible for the user.

  • An asterisk (*) is substituted for each path name that the user is not authorized to read.

  • If the information in the SCI changes after the formatted file is generated, the information that is output is no longer current.