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PRINT-DOCUMENTATION Print delivery documentation


Privileges:          SUBSYSTEM-MANAGEMENT


The PRINT-DOCUMENTATION statement enables you to print delivery documentation. At the same time, the open SCI is updated so that DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*REGISTERED-MEDIUM can be selected in a subsequent installation.

You can print the following documentation:

  • return letter, confirmation of delivery for system support

  • delivery contents, a summary of the delivery

  • release notices of the supply units

If the delivery comes from a data volume or a library (DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM= *SOLIS2-VOLUME / *LOCAL-VOLUME / *LIBRARY), the delivery documentation is created andstored in a library.






PACKAGE-NAME = <alphanum-name 1..12>


,USER-CODE = <alphanum-name 1..8>



|                                              *LOCAL-VOLUME(...)





DOCUMENT-LIBRARY = *STD / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>








VOLUME = <vsn>



,DEVICE-TYPE = <device>



,DOCUMENT-LIBRARY = *STD / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>








VOLUME = <vsn>



,DEVICE-TYPE = <device>



,DOCUMENT-LIBRARY = *STD / <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>



















The scope of documentation to be printed.


The documentation is from a SOLIS2 delivery.

PACKAGE-NAME = <alphanum-name 1..12>

Package name (as stated in the footer of the delivery contents).

USER-CODE = <alphanum-name 1..8>

User code (as stated in the footer of the delivery contents).


The distribution medium.


Read the delivery information from the open SCI.


Read the delivery information from the PLAM library SOLFTR.<package-name>.<user-code> on the user ID SYSSAG, where <package-name> and <user-code> are the values of the PACKAGE-NAME and USER-CODE operands.

The supply units of the delivery are registered in the open SCI.


Name of the library in which the delivery documentation is stored. If the library already exists, the new delivery documentation is added to it.


The delivery documentation is stored in the library with the standard name $<work file ID>.<package name>.<customer ID>.DOC where <package name> is the value of the PACKAGE-NAME operand, <customer ID> is the value of the USER-CODE operand and <work file ID> the current file location setting or work files (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").

DOCUMENT-LIBRARY = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>

Explicitly specified library name.


Specifies if the delivery is to be handled as a delivery already registered in the SCI

or as a new delivery.


The delivery is handled like a delivery that has already been registered. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they are not to be overwritten.


The delivery is handled like a new delivery. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they will be recreated using the information from the library supplied.


All information on previously installed supply units from this delivery will be lost. These supply units are no longer available for an installation with UNIT-NAME=*FROM-SCI.


Read the delivery information from a data volume shipped with Solis2. The delivery information is copied from the data volume to the current user ID and registered in the SCI. Existing files with the same name are overwritten.

VOLUME = <vsn>

VSN of the data volume which contains the delivery.

DEVICE-TYPE = <device>

Device type of the data volume.


Name of the library in which the delivery documentation is stored. If the library already exists, the new delivery documentation is added to it.


The delivery documentation is stored in the library with the standard name $<work file ID>.<package name>.<customer ID>.DOC where <package name> is the value of the PACKAGE-NAME operand, <customer ID> is the value of the USER-CODE operand and <work file ID> the current file location setting or work files (see the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement on "MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS Modify IMON parameter settings ").

DOCUMENT-LIBRARY = <filename 1..54 without-gen-vers>

An explicitly specified library name.


Specifies if the delivery is to be handled as a delivery already registered in the SCI

or as a new delivery.


The delivery is handled like a delivery that has already been registered. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they are not to be overwritten.


The delivery is handled like a new delivery. If there are already entries for this delivery in the SCI, then they will be recreated using the information read from the data medium.


All information on previously installed supply units from this delivery will be lost.

These supply units are no longer available for an installation with UNIT-



Read the delivery information from a data volume created by the customer. The delivery information is copied from the data volume to the current user ID and registered in the SCI. Existing files with the same name are overwritten. For information on the VOLUME, DEVICE-TYPE, DOCUMENT-LIBRARY and REGISTRATION operands refer to the corresponding operand descriptions for DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*SOLIS2-VOLUME(...).


Defines which documentation will be printed.


Print/do not print the return letter.


Print/do not print the delivery contents


Print/do not print the release notices of the supply units.


  1. Work files

    The function creates work files that are stored at the location defined by the WORK-FILE-LOCATION operand of the MODIFY-IMON-OPTIONS statement. These work files are subsequently deleted.

  2. Delivery information files

    If DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*REGISTERED-MEDIUM is specified, the storage location of the distribution medium is taken from the SCI.

    If DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*SOLIS2-VOLUME/*LOCAL-VOLUME/*LIBRARY is specified, the delivery information is copied from tape/library to the specified document library.

  3. The statement is rejected and an error message is displayed in the following cases:

  • The work file ID cannot be accessed or does not have enough memory.

  • DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*REGISTERED-MEDIUM was specified and there is no SOLIS2 delivery with the specified package name and customer ID in the SCI.

  • The delivery information does not exist or cannot be accessed:
    • DISTRIBUTION-MEDIUM=*REGISTERED-MEDUM was specified, but the delivery information file does not exist or cannot be accessed.
    • DISTRIBUTION-MEDUM=*SOLIS2-VOLUME/*LOCAL-VOLUME was specified, but the specified data volume or the specified device does not exist or cannot be accessed, or the delivery information file cannot be copied from data volume to the current user ID.

  • The delivery information cannot be successfully processed by IMON.