The test privileges control the executability of software and hardware diagnostic activities in BS2000. The main user is the debugger AID, see the “AID” manual [2].
The test privileges are divided into read and write privileges. A user’s write privilege may not be greater than his/her read privilege. Read and write privileges are defined hierarchically from 1 (low) through 9 (high). A privilege with the value n implicitly includes the access rights of the lower privilege levels 1 through n-1.
The maximum test privileges for a user ID are defined using the privileged commands ADD-USER and MODIFY-USER ATTRIBUTES. System-wide maximum values for the read and write privileges can be defined using the system parameters RDTESTPR and WRTESTPR. The task-specific setting is defined using the MODIFY-TEST-OPTIONS command.
Information on the current test privileges is supplied by the SHOW-TEST-OPTIONS command.
The tables below provide an overview of the test privileges for AID and for other software diagnostic products.