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Extending catalog files


The SHOW-PUBSET-CATALOG-ALLOCATION command displays the catalog type, the occupancy rate per catalog (utilization/file size) and the extendability per catalog. This output can be implemented either for a single pubset or for all pubsets imported locally on a system and in master mode.

Automatic extension of the catalog

CMS recognizes when a catalog is 90% full and automatically extends it provided this is possible without changing the catalog format.

For special catalogs in EXTRA LARGE type a new subcatalog is then created if none of the existing subcatalogs can be extended.

Manual extension of the catalog

The catalog files can be extended during operation, e.g. with the MODIFY-FILE-ATTRIBUTES ...,SPACE=... command. This applies on both SM and SF pubsets. The catalog extension becomes effective immediately instead of after the next import of the pubset.

If the product SCA was activated for an SF pubset, SCA is implicitly terminated by the system and restarted if the TSOSCAT file is extended (to adapt the SCA table structure). This generally has no effect on the system.

Up to 99 further subcatalogs can be created for SM pubsets with catalogs of the EXTRA LARGE type for each of the special catalogs #M00, #J00 and #P00. The ADD-CATALOG-FILE command is used to do this. 8