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Access of open systems to Net-Storage


Figure 15: Access of open systems to Net-Storage of type NETSTOR

  1. Open systems are granted access to BS2000 files and node files on the net server by means of mount commands.

  2. When the user-specific directories are created, the POSIX ACLs are also provided with the necessary information by BS2000. Under Linux, the users user1 and user2 in the example above therefore obtain access to the directories USER1 and USER2.

  3. To grant a user read and write access both from BS2000 and from the open system, the same UserId and GroupId must be entered for him/her on both systems. The same applies for creating and deleting files.

When NFSv4 is used, this must be ensured by means of a directory service, e.g. openLDAP or Active Directory, to which the NFS server and the open system are connected.