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Command input via console


Keyboards differ from server type to server type.

Command input

  1. Press EINGEB (= input) key.

  2. Enter a slash (/), followed by the command and the required operands.

  3. Press EXT key (DUE1 or ENTER key)

Command formats

/[.cid] cmd'BLANK'operands




command job ID
The cid starts with a letter or one of the characters @, $, #, which may be followed by up to 7 additional characters (A-Z, 0-9, or @,$,#). 
In its format, it corresponds to the job name for user commands (see “Commands” manual [
27 ]).
The cid serves to identify the jobs associated with an operator command. The first three characters of the cid appear as the mid (message job ID, see “Formats of the messages”,
"Format for receiving messages in dialog between system and user" in section "Message formats" ) in the command termination message issued by the system for all operator commands and in all command results.


Name of an operator command or special command.




Command operands

The commands can be abbreviated as desired as long as they remain unambiguous.



2. /.YOURS SPECIAL OP1=<value1>,OP2=<value2>

The first command is an ordinary operator command and the second is a special command.