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Use of multiple consoles


This section describes system operation from physical and virtual consoles. System operation is also possible from user tasks with the OPERATING privilege.

BS2000 offers the capability of using multiple consoles and assigning them areas of functional responsibility as required by Server Unit operation (see section "Main consoles and subsidiary consoles"). Up to 24 physical and 192 virtual consoles can be operated.

Moreover, BS2000 allows data center staff to employ user terminals for system operation during the session. The software product OMNIS (including OMNIS-PROP) can be used for this purpose, or automation programs can be written (see also section "Software products OMNIS and PROP-XT").

A protection mechanism using passwords prevents the misuse of this function by users without the necessary authorization.

Use of this function would be of advantage, for example, if system administration - by way of exception - wished to intervene in the operation of the system, parts of system operation are to be automated or similar jobs for several computers are to be processed by one operator.

Assignment of functional areas to consoles

The functional areas can be allocated to the consoles in such a way that

  • each functional area is uniquely assigned to one console; this means a strict division of work according to functional areas, where it is quite possible for certain consoles to have several functional areas assigned to them

  • individual functional areas can be handled on more than one console; this means an indistinct division of work according to functional areas, and should be employed in special cases only.

An overview of the functional areas is contained in section "Functional areas and their allocation to consoles".

Routing codes are assigned (allocated to functional areas) as follows:

  • for virtual consoles with generated authorization names via the parameter service or the ASR command

  • for virtual consoles with dynamic authorization names via operator roles

  • for physical consoles via one of the above two methods, depending on the system parameter NBCONOPI

Effects of the assignments in the session

The assignments of functional areas to consoles manifest themselves during operation in the fact that messages pertaining to a particular functional area are displayed only on the assigned consoles. Conversely, commands pertaining to this functional area can be entered on the assigned consoles.
If the routing code required in order to use a particular command is not assigned to any console, the command involved can nevertheless be entered from the console with the “Main console” function, provided NBCONOPI=N is set. If NBCONOPI=Y is set, even the main console is only allowed those commands for which it has explicit authorization. To prevent a command from being entered from any terminal in the system, it must be protected by the routing code $ in the parameter service.

If virtual consoles (authorized user programs) are used, then the above statements apply to physical and virtual consoles.

Communication between consoles

The operators are able to communicate with each other by exchanging messages via the consoles.

From a given console, a message can be sent to the following destinations:

The formats of the messages are described in section "Message formats".




Request “Main console” attribute


Display configuration and status of consoles

Table 44: Overview of commands for using multiple consoles