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Deactivating a pubset


A pubset is deactivated with the EXPORT-PUBSET command. A pubset can only be deactivated if no user is using it as a resource.

The command SHOW-PUBSET-OCCUPATION provides information on the current pubset users. The export job should therefore only be started when no further occupation is displayed with SHOW-PUBSET-OCCUPATION.

If it is presumed that data blocks which have not yet been released exist (e.g. because of a preceding error or system crash), the operator can remove these with UNLOCK-DISK (disk by disk or for the complete pubset). The operator must make sure when doing this that no systems still working with the disk are removed.

Special shutdown factors

If the operator wishes to start the pubset export although the pubset is still occupied, the following options are available:

  • The operator starts the export job and waits until all pubset users have released their occupancy. The actual pubset export begins after this.

    If the release takes too long, the operator can abort the export job with the CANCEL-PUBSET-EXPORT command. The pubset is then fully available again.

  • The operator starts the export with the EXPORT-PUBSET ...,TERMINATE-JOBS=*YES command. All pubset users are forced to release their occupancy. This forces termination of all occupying tasks and pubset occupations are released during this termination.

  • The FORCE-PUBSET-EXPORT command is the final alternative. Pubset export is started in spite of existing occupancy. This results in pubset management data not being correctly cleared, which in turn results in severe management data inconsistencies if it is activated again in the same BS2000 session. This option should only be used in extreme emergencies. It is logged with the message DMS0379 on the console.