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Special cases


Converting or renaming the VSN format

The utility PVSREN (see the “Utility Routines” manual [15]) can be used to convert pubset notations or rename pubset or volume set names within a notation type.

It is always possible to convert a PUB notation to a point notation. It is only possible to convert a point notation to a PUB notation if the number of volumes in the pubset or volume set concerned does not exceed 32.

Snapset notation

In the case of snap units which were used for generating a Snapset, the Snapset identification in lower case is used to name the VSNs unambiguously in such a manner that on the one hand the associated pubset disk can be derived from the Snapset disk, and on the other hand the VSN of the Snapset disk is outside the name space of the VSNs for private disks and pubsets. (For details see "Snapset identification").