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User quota concept


Systems support can use the user quotas to check and restrict the space taken up on a pubset for each separate user.

The quotas are distinguished primarily by the type of files:

  • PERM-SPACE for permanent files

  • TEMP-SPACE for temporary files

  • WORK-SPACE for work files

For these three types it is also possible to some extent to differentiate according to attributes (availability, performance) and storage levels (processing level, all levels).

The PERM-SPACE and TEMP-SPACE quotas exist for all pubsets; the other quotas are only available for SM pubsets.

Quota structure on SM pubsets for permanent files

The separate quotas have the following meaning:

    This quota is the space for all permanent files (for a user) on the pubset, regardless of whether they are on a background level (S1 or S2) or the S0 processing level.
    Background level is taken to mean file storage locations used by HSMS. The unit of measurement is the space that the file would occupy when in the S0 level and not the actual space occupied.

    Total quota for permanent files on the S0 processing level.

    Quota for files with a *HIGH performance value.

    Quota for files with a *VERY-HIGH performance value.

    Quota for files with a *HIGH availability value.

The connection between file attributes and quotas for permanent files is shown in the figure below. It must thereby be noted that loading a quota also implicitly loads all superordinate quotas.

Figure 11: Quota structure for permanent files on an SM pubset and assignment to file attributes

Example for the figure above

Creating a file with the attributes AVAILABILITY=*HIGH and PERFORMANCE=*HIGH, causes the occupied values for the S0-LEVEL-SPACE and TOTAL-SPACE quotas, in addition to those for HIGH-AVAIL-SPACE and HIGH-PERF-SPACE, to be increased by the number of half-pages assigned to the file.

Quota structure on SM pubsets for temporary and work files

Temporary files and work files cannot be migrated to background levels or assigned the file attribute AVAILABILITY=*HIGH. This results in a temporary and work file quota structure which is simpler than that of permanent files.

Figure 12: Quota structure for temporary and work files

Each quota is assigned a maximum and a current occupation value. The current quota occupation value (occupied value) is calculated from the user files and their file attributes. When files are created and enlarged, the system checks that the maximum values are not exceeded (if no PUBLIC-SPACE-EXCESS, which allows the permitted storage space to be exceeded, is set).