If the product HIPLEX MSCF is used with an appropriate hardware configuration, up to 16 systems (BS2000 native or guest systems under VM2000) may have simultaneous, shared access to a pubset. This type of pubset is known as a “shared pubset”.
In addition to the shared pubset network, HIPLEX MSCF provides enhanced network functionality: the XCS network (cross-coupled system).
The XCS network provides closer coordination of the participating systems than a shared pubset network. An “XCS pubset” is used as the central storage location for all data required throughout the network. XCS pubsets are imported automatically by the system.
The complete shared pubset concept (hardware configuration, pubset management, file access, watchdog mechanism and shared pubset and XCS network) is described in detail in the “HIPLEX MSCF” manual [32].
The SHOW-SHARED-PUBSET command can be used to display information on the shared pubset.