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System time


The legal local time is used as the system time for a BS2000 session. All time stamps with privileged status (TPR/SIH/MER) are based on this time. It is supplied by the time information services (GTIME, GDATE, GETOD) to user programs (TU).

Certain date specifications (especially the time stamps in file catalogs) are made in UTC time. Some low-level, performance-critical components use the TODR value which is ascertained with STCK (STore ClocK).

The current system time is calculated as follows:

  • the current STCK value is determined

  • the TODR correction value, which is calculated on the basis of time corrections from concluded synchronization jobs and the initial IPL correction value, is subtracted

  • if a synchronization job is currently active, it is also taken into account

As a result, a time value calculated by means of STCK does not correspond to the time reported by the official information services and does not therefore represent the current time.

The command SHOW-SYSTEM-INFORMATION INFORMATION=*SYSTEM-TIME-PARAMETER can be used to obtain information on the time setting parameters.