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         $JTBP MF=D
         MFTST MF=D,PREFIX=E,MACID=JT,ALIGN=F,                         C
               *,##### PREFIX=E, MACID=JT #####
EJTPLEN              EQU   608
EJTPIDNT             DS    CL4           String 'JTBP' identifies
*                                        itself
EJTPVERS             DS    CL3           BS2000-Version that created
*                                        this JTBP
EJTPJOMT             DS    FL1           indicates which structure of
*                                        union 'miscellaneous' (see
*                                        below) is valid
*   indicates which of the structures in union 'miscellaneous' is
*   valid
EJTPSMUN             EQU   0             X'00'
EJTPSMST             EQU   40            ' ': start
EJTPSMCA             EQU   195           'C': calendar
EJTPSMRP             EQU   217           'R': repeat
EJTPSMSU             EQU   226           'S': subtask
EJTRBP               EQU   231           'X': remote batch
EJTPJOBB             DS    0XL44         JOBBAS: basic job data
EJTPUSR              DS    CL8           (USERID) user id
EJTPACT              DS    CL8           (ACT#) account number
EJTPPSWD             DS    CL8           password of user Id - only if
*                                        invalid! (for use in
*                                        exit#030)
EJTPJCLS             DS    CL8           job class
EJTJNAM              DS    CL8           (JOBNAME) job name
EJTPTSN              DS    CL4           TSN
EJTPST               DS    0XL12         STATE: data on job state
EJTPSTCI             DS    A             (CANCEL_INFO@) pointer to
*                                        cancel context
EJTPSTST             DS    F             time the job started
EJTPSTQU             DS    X             (QUE#) queue number
EJTPSTUP             DS    FL1           (PRIVG_USER, PRI_USER)
*                                        indicates normal user,
*                                        system administrator or
*                                        operator
*   indicates normal user, system administrator or operator

EJTPSUTO             EQU   1             TSOS
EJTPSUUS             EQU   2             normal user
EJTPSUOP             EQU   4             operator
EJTPSTF              DS    0XL1
EJTPSTFL             DS    AL1
EJTPSTFI             EQU   X'80'         job held: /HOLD-JOB given
EJTPSTFT             EQU   X'40'         a /CANCEL-JOB command has
*                                        been given
EJTPSTFS             EQU   X'20'         a /CAN-JOB STEPS=*CURR has
*                                        been given
EJTPSTFC             EQU   X'10'         a /CAN-JOB
*                                        STEPS=*ALL-CALENDAR-REPET
*                                        has been given
EJTPSTIE             EQU   X'08'         job is being extracted
EJTPSTTE             EQU   X'04'         special termination for
*                                        jobs-in-extract
EJTPSTFJ             EQU   X'02'         job held: missing cal cat
EJTPSTFR             EQU   X'01'         unused
         ORG   EJTPSTF
EJTPSTOL             DS    AL1
EJTPSTOI             EQU   X'80'         (HOLD) job is held
EJTPSTOR             EQU   X'7F'         unused
         ORG   EJTPSTF+1
EJTPSTRS             DS    XL1           unused
EJTPCA               DS    0XL32         CALDAT: data of caller
EJTPCACR             DS    CL8           userid that created this task
EJTPCATS             DS    CL4           (ORIG_TSN) TSN of the job
*                                        that created this one
EJTPCAAU             DS    XL16          audit id (chipcard id of
*                                        original dialog job)
EJTPCAJT             DS    X             job type: see JATOTYP in
*                                        macro D$JAT (resp.
*                                        JMS_JO_TYPE_SET in JMSSETI,
*                                        SPL)
EJTPCAFL             DS    AL1
EJTPCAFA             EQU   X'80'         privileged acceptance or not
EJTPCAFC             EQU   X'40'         enter from console or not
EJTPCAFT             EQU   X'20'         rfa servertask or not
EJTPCAFR             EQU   X'1F'         unused
EJTPCARS             DS    XL2           unused
EJTPED               DS    0XL120        EDAT: batch data
EJTPSPOT             DS    F             time of job acceptance
EJTPEDFN             DS    CL54          (NON_CONV_TASK) name of enter

*                                        (SYSCMD) file
EJTPEDFP             DS    CL4           (ENTER_PSWD) password of
*                                        enter file
EJTPEDON             DS    CL54          name of the file that was
*                                        copied into an S.IN-file
EJTPEDRC             DS    H             repeat count
EJTPEDFL             DS    AL1
EJTPEDF1             EQU   X'80'         (ENTER_ER) erase enter file
EJTPEDF2             EQU   X'40'         (NOT_ER) do not erase enter
*                                        file
EJTPEDFS             EQU   X'20'         don't count job in job class
EJTPEDFX             EQU   X'10'         S.OUT. files created by
*                                        forked tasks are printed
EJTPJNFE             EQU   X'08'         take JOB_NAME from ENTER-JOB
*                                        command
EJTPNLTM             EQU   X'04'         tasklocal time shall not
*                                        apply
EJTPTDFE             EQU   X'02'         syscmd file is execute only
EJTPSPAR             EQU   X'01'         repeat jobs permit start time
*                                        in the past
EJTPEDRS             DS    XL1           unused
EJTPPA               DS    0XL204        PARLST: some other data
EJTPPAMN             DS    CL54          (JOB_VAR_NAME) name of
*                                        monitoring JV
EJTPPAMP             DS    CL4           (JV_PSWD) password of
*                                        monitoring JV
EJTPPARP             DS    X             (PRI) run priority for task
*                                        management
EJTPPAJP             DS    X             job priority
EJTPPASL             DS    F             line limit for SYSLST
EJTPPASO             DS    F             card limit for SYSOPT
EJTPPATL             DS    F             (TIME_VALUE) cpu time limit
*                                        for job
EJTPPARS             DS    XL2           unused
EJTPPAJC             DS    CL128         job class parameters
EJTPPAMS             DS    0XL1          message attributes
EJTPPAMD             DS    X             message attributes
         ORG   EJTPPAMS
EJTPPAMB             DS    XL1           unused
         ORG   EJTPPAMS
EJTPPAFM             DS    AL1           Meldungsattribute
EJTPPAM1             EQU   X'C0'         unused
EJTPPAML             EQU   X'20'         copy SYSOUT to SYSLST
EJTPPAM2             EQU   X'10'         unused
EJTPPAMT             EQU   X'08'         terminal hardcopy, unused
EJTPPAMH             EQU   X'04'         display console messsages on

*                                        SYSOUT
EJTPPAMC             EQU   X'02'         Meldungen werden nur in
*                                        Kurzform ausgegeben
EJTPPAMF             EQU   X'01'         Meldungen werden mit
*                                        erlaeuterndem Text augegeben
         ORG   EJTPPAMS+1
EJTPPAFL             DS    AL1
EJTPPAFF             EQU   X'80'         flush after shutdown
EJTPPAFR             EQU   X'40'         rerun after crash
EJTPPAFC             EQU   X'20'         job is protected against
*                                        involuntary cancel
EJTPPAFI             EQU   X'10'         /HOLD-JOB not allowed
EJTPPAFP             EQU   X'08'         a system logon procedure is
*                                        not executed ($JOBENT only)
EJTPPAFS             EQU   X'04'         no line limit for syslst
EJTPPAFO             EQU   X'02'         no line limit for sysopt
EJTPPAFU             EQU   X'01'         (NTL_REQ) no cpu time limit
EJTPSR               DS    0XL8          START: various start
*                                        attributes
EJTPSRTI             DS    F             planned start time
EJTPSRTY             DS    X             start type: see JATPJST in
*                                        macro D$JAT (resp.
*                                        JMS_START_SET in JMSSETI,
*                                        SPL)
EJTPSRRS             DS    XL3           unused
EJTPMISC             DS    0XL92
EJTPCD               DS    0XL92         CALENDAR: data for calendar
*                                        jobs
EJTPCDNA             DS    CL54          name of calendar
EJTPCDSD             DS    CL20          symbolic date in calendar
EJTLIMIT_INDICATOR   DS    X             limit indicator:
*                                        NO=0/COUNTER=1/TIME=2
*                                        NO_LIMIT given or
*                                        LIMIT_COUNT valid or
*                                        LIMIT_TIME valid
EJTPCDRS             DS    XL1           unused
EJTLIMIT             DS    0XL4
EJTPLIMT             DS    F             limit time : JMS time format
         ORG   EJTLIMIT
EJTPLIMC             DS    H             limit count
         ORG   EJTLIMIT+4
EJTPLIMS             DS    0XL12         structured limit time
EJTPLIMH             DS    X             hours

EJTPLIMM             DS    X             minutes
EJTPLIMD             DS    CL10          date
         ORG   EJTPMISC
EJTPSU               DS    0XL60         SUBTASK: temporary data
*                                        during subtask proliferation
EJTPSUOR             DS    CL8           name of subsystem that
*                                        created the subtask
EJTPSUCA             DS    CL7           (CATEG) task start category
EJTPSUSP             DS    X             (PRIVIL) set privileges
*                                        according to
*                                        PRIVILEGE_VECTOR
EJTPSUPV             DS    XL42          (SRPM_DATA) privilege vector
*                                        for subtask
EJTPSUTY             DS    X             (TASK_TYPE) subtask type
EJTPSUCS             DS    X             (CMDCON) is task to be
*                                        connected to SDF?
         ORG   EJTPMISC
EJTPRB               DS    0XL34         RBP: data for Remote Batch
*                                        Processing
EJTPRBNA             DS    CL8           job name of an RBP job
EJTPRBSS             DS    CL8           (REM_STATION) name of station
*                                        that submitted the RB job
EJTPRBDS             DS    CL8           (DEST_STATION) destination
*                                        station for SPOOL
EJTPRBAU             DS    CL8           (ALT_USER) Who knows?
EJTPRBBS             DS    X             (BTCH_STN) some data for
*                                        spool?
EJTPRBU              DS    0XL1
EJTRB_OUT_DEF        DS    CL1           remote terminal control
         ORG   EJTPRBU
EJTPRBFL             DS    AL1
EJTPRBF1             EQU   X'F8'         unused
EJTPRBFT             EQU   X'04'         send output to remote station
EJTPRBF2             EQU   X'02'         unused
EJTPRBFO             EQU   X'01'         hold spoolout until requested
         ORG   EJTPRBU+1
         ORG   EJTPMISC+92
EJTPRE               DS    0XL16         REPEAT: repeat job data
EJTPRETY             DS    X             repeat type: see JATPJRT in
*                                        macro D$JAT (resp.
*                                        JMS_REPEAT_SET in JMSSETI,

*                                        SPL)
EJTPRERM             DS    0XL1
EJTPREIN             DS    X             repeat indicator
         ORG   EJTPRERM
EJTPREIB             DS    AL1
EJTPREMF             EQU   X'FE'         unused
EJTPREMC             EQU   X'01'         monjv is definitively closed
*                                        by jms
         ORG   EJTPRERM+1
EJTPREIV             DS    H             repeat interval
EJTPRETI             DS    F             planned start time of next
*                                        image
EJTPRETL             DS    F             time of last repeat
EJTPRETU             DS    0XL4
EJTPRETS             DS    CL4           tsn of last repeat
         ORG   EJTPRETU
EJTPRETF             DS    A
EJTPRETB             EQU   X'FFFFFFFF'   tsn of last repeat is set
         ORG   EJTPRETU+4
EJTPJD               DS    0XL34         JDRES: job distribution data
EJTPJDHO             DS    CL8           (SUBMITT_JOB) name of host
*                                        that sent the job
EJTPJDOX             DS    AL1
EJTPJDOE             EQU   X'80'         old parameter EXPRESS
EJTPJDXR             EQU   X'7F'         unused
EJTPJDOM             DS    XL1           old parameter MSG
EJTPJDOP             DS    X             old parameter PRIO
EJTPJDRH             DS    X             repeat hours
EJTPJDRM             DS    X             repeat minutes
EJTPJDSH             DS    X             start hours
EJTPJDSM             DS    X             start minutes
EJTPJDRS             DS    XL1           unused
EJTPJDSD             DS    CL10          start date
EJTPJDDE             DS    XL4           expl default-ind of JAP
EJTPJDDI             DS    XL4           impl default-ind of JAP
EJTPSQ               DS    0XL8          STATUS QUO: data describing
*                                        rights that are recorded
*                                        during job acceptance and
*                                        used for task initialization
EJTPSQSC             DS    X             (CLASS_OUT)
EJTPSQMC             DS    CL3           (MAX_ALLOWED_CATEGORY)
EJTPSQMP             DS    X             (MAX_PRIORITY) maximum run
*                                        priority
EJTPSQAR             DS    X             (READ) test option

EJTPSQAW             DS    X             (WRITE) test option
EJTPSQ00             DS    XL1           unused
EJTPTD               DS    0XL12         TO DELETE: data that should
*                                        be eliminated from the JTBP,
*                                        but are currently used by
*                                        someone
*                                        SPOOLIN_TIME berechnet
*                                        werden
EJTPTDBL             DS    H             (BUFF_PARAM) data available
*                                        from $JCBRW
EJTPTDFL             DS    AL1
EJTPTDFF             EQU   X'80'         unused
EJTPTDFD             EQU   X'40'         syscmd is a /DATA file
EJTPTDFR             EQU   X'3F'         unused
EJTPTD00             DS    XL1           unused
EJTPMO               DS    0XL4          MOVE: data for EXTRACT/IMPORT
EJTPMOTS             DS    CL4           TSN of the job before
*                                        EXTRACT/IMPORT
EJTEMPTY             DS    XL14          unused
EJTBP#               EQU   *-EJTPIDNT