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OPEN member exits (005/006)


The opening of members of a program library can be monitored by systems support with the aid of two exit points:

  • At the request exit systems support can reject the OPEN call before the OPEN operation is performed.

  • At the return exit the member has already been opened and the full identification of the member (type, name, version, variant) is known. At the request exit the member identification may still be incomplete due to the search level option, so the return exit offers another chance to reject the OPEN call. The member is then returned to its original state.

Request exit (005)

The following information is passed to the exit routines:

R1 = A(exit parameter area)
R12 = A(TPR program manager)
R13 = A(save area of calling component)
R14 = A(indirect return)
R15 = A(exit routine)

(cf. “System exits for program libraries”)

Return code in register 15:

R15 = X'000000RR'
   RR = Return code of exit routine
   00  no error
   04  OPEN member rejected

Return code in the exit parameter area:
In addition to the return code in register 15, the following fields are also provided: PMOPM (Open Modus), PMSLV (Search Level) and PMLVD (Search Default).

Return exit (006)

The return exit is identical to the request exit.


  • The search level (PMSLV) is the hierarchy level within the member identification. As only one variant is currently permitted, “NO LEVEL” and “VARIANT” are identical in meaning.

  • “SEARCH LEVEL = NO LEVEL” indicates that a member for which all entries have been made is expected.

  • “SEARCH DEFAULT” (PMLVD) specifies whether the first or the last member on the specified search level is to be opened.



The DSECT for the parameter area can be generated by means of the EX005 macro:

name EX005 D[,[prefix],[ALL]]
         EX005 D
         DS    0F
PMRC     DC    F'0'                    PLAM RETURN CODE
PMRC1    DC    F'0'                    PLAM SECONDARY RETURN CODE
PMPLV    DC    CL8' '                  VERSION OF PLAM: VZZ.ZBZZ
PMLIB    DC    A(0)                    A(LIBRARY NAME):   CL54
PMLINK   DC    A(0)                    A(LIBRARY NAME LINK):   CL8
PMOPM    DC    CL1' '                  OPEN MODUS: I: INPUT
*                                                  W: WRITE
*                                                  U: UPDATE
PMSLV    DC    CL1' '                  SEARCH LEVEL: L: LIBRARY
*                                                    T: TYPE
*                                                    N: NAME
*                                                    V: VERSION
*                                                    R: VARIANT
*                                                    O: NO LEVEL
PMLVD    DC    CL1' '                  SEARCH DEFAULT: N: NO
*                                                      H: HIGH
*                                                      L: LOW
         DC    CL1' '
PMTYP    DC    A(0)                    A(MEMBER TYPE):    CL8
PMNAM    DC    A(0)                    A(MEMBER NAME):    CL64
PMVER    DC    A(0)                    A(MEMBER VERSION): CL24
PMVAR    DC    A(0)                    A(MEMBER VARIANT): F
PMDAT    DC    A(0)                    A(MODIFICATION DATE): CL14: DATE
*                                                           ,CL8:  TIME
         DC    A(0)
         DC    A(0)
         DC    A(0)
LEN      EQU   *-PMRC