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Eventing in exit routines


In nonprivileged (TU) user programs the programmer uses the BS2000 bourse mechanism with the ENAEI, SOLSIG, POSSIG... macros (see the “Executive Macros” manual [9]) to control programs by means of eventing.

These macros cannot be used in the privileged (TPR) exit routines.

To make these functions accessible to the exit programmers the three privileged macros described below are provided. They connect:

  • an auxiliary task under the system administrator ID TSOS, which creates an event item (with ENAIE)

  • via exit routine number 0, which is called within the auxiliary task with EXCALL

  • to “normal” exit routines which want to use the mechanism.

These functions enable, for example, several exit routines to write to the same logging file during a system run. To this end an event-driven program is started under the ID TSOS; this program becomes effective every time an exit routine connected to the same event item requires an output.