The Management Unit (MU) is generated as a controller on its own channel. The mnemonic is freely selectable.
If there is a second, redundant MU, this is also generated on its own channel. This channel may not be the channel of the first MU.
It is also possible to create multiple logical controllers on the same channel for one MU. Thus, the different device types on one MU can be generated on individual logical controllers. This is especially recommended if you plan to generate emulated disk devices, because it avoids conflicts during the time monitoring of the channel system.
Configuration of console devices connected to the MU
A console distribution program (KVP) on the MU implements and controls the BS2000 consoles. Two KVP and console devices are emulated for BS2000. Further information on this is provided in the “Operation and Administration” manual [5].
The following must be observed when generation takes place:
Console devices are generated on the MU as devices with the device type code
.Console devices are generated with two addresses (LUNs); the second address must be 1 higher than the first address.
In BS2000 the mnemonics C2/C3 with LUNs 00C3/00C4 are used as the IPL console devices in the first MU.
If there is a second, redundant MU, by default the mnemonics C4/C5 with LUNs 00C3/00C4 are used as the IPL console devices in the second MU.
The mnemonics can also be freely selected. They must then be set for the IPL using the SE Manager on the SVP.When generating console devices for VM2000 guest systems, the mnemonics must also be selected in such a way that the device numbers derived from them for each device pair must follow directly one after the other. This condition is not checked by IOGEN.
If virtual consoles are to be supported in VM2000, these must be generated with device type code
, see the “VM2000” manual [13].The IPL console is recognized automatically by BS2000. The other consoles must also be made known to the system via the parameter service (parameter record OPR, DEFINE-CONSOLE), see the “Introduction to System Administration” [4]).
The number of virtual consoles (VM2000) and KVP consoles (which are defined or automatically recognized using the parameter service) may not exceed 24. IOGEN checks only whether the number of virtual consoles is no higher than 24.
The total number of all generated devices with device type code
and other console devices may not exceed 224. This condition is not checked by IOGEN.
Configuration of LOCLAN devices connected to the MU
Connections between the MU and BS2000 using TCP/IP can be employed via LOCLAN. Under VM2000 this connection also permits a LAN connection between the guest systems. Two LOCLAN devices must be configured for a LOCLAN connection.
LOCLAN devices are generated on the MU as devices with the device type code 6D
On the first MU, LOCLAN devices are preconfigured with the mnemonics CC80/CC81 and LUNs 0080/0081.
When there is a second, redundant MU, the LOCLAN devices are preconfigured there with the mnemonics CD80/CD81 and LUNs 0080/0081.
Configuration of emulated tape devices connected to the MU
The CD/DVD drive of the MU is operated as an emulated tape device in BS2000.
An emulated tape device is also possible on the MU on the basis of a file (EMFILE).
Emulated tape devices are generated on the MU as devices with the device type code E8
A CD-ROM drive with the mnemonic T0 (LUN 0060) and an EMFILE with the mnemonic T1 (LUN 0061) are preconfigured on the first MU.
When there is a second, redundant MU, a CD-ROM drive is preconfigured there with the mnemonic TA (LUN 0060) and an EMFILE with the mnemonic TB (LUN 0061).
Configuration of emulated disk devices connected to the MU
Up to two disks of the type EMDISK are emulated on the MU.
Emulated disk devices are generated on the MU as devices with the device type code A5
On the first MU, the mnemonics CCF0 (LUN 0030) und CCF1 (LUN 0031) are designated for this task.
If there is a second, redundant MU, then the mnemonics CDF0 (LUN 0030) und CDF1 (LUN 0031) are designated for this task on that MU.
To avoid conflicts during the monitoring of the channel system, a separate logical controller should be defined for the emulated disk devices.
Example with redundant MU and emulated disk devices on a separate controller
(see the generation example on "Generation example (IOGEN statements)")
CHN 40,IBF,MODE=FCP * CHN CONNECTED TO MU-1 CHN 09,IBF,MODE=FCP * CHN CONNECTED TO MU-2 * *********************************************************************** * MU-1 AT FCP CHN 40 * *********************************************************************** CTL CC80,BLM,(40,0,0000000000000000) * MU-1 (DIRECT CONNECTION) *********************************************************************** * KVP MAIN CONSOLE MONITOR SYSTEM * *********************************************************************** DVC C2,64,A,C3,(CC80) DVC C3,64,A,C4,(CC80) *********************************************************************** * KVP MAIN CONSOLE VM2000 GUEST SYSTEMS * *********************************************************************** DVC C6,64,D,A0,(CC80),MULT=4 * KVP VM2-VM3 DVC CA,64,D,A4,(CC80),MULT=8 * KVP VM4-VM7 DVC CJ,64,D,AC,(CC80),MULT=8 * KVP VM8-VMB DVC CS,64,D,B4,(CC80),MULT=8 * KVP VMC-VMF *********************************************************************** * MT EMULATIONS * *********************************************************************** DVC T0,E8,D,60,(CC80) * CDROM DVC T1,E8,D,61,(CC80),MULT=6 * FILE EMULATION DVC T7,E8,D,FF,(CC80) * FILE EMULATION FW DUMP *********************************************************************** * LOCLAN EMULATION ($DIALOG) * *********************************************************************** DVC CC80,6D,A,80,(CC80),MULT=32 *********************************************************************** * DISK EMULATION MU-1 * *********************************************************************** CTL CC83,BLM,A,(40,0,0000000000000000) * DIRECT CONNECTION DISK DVC CCF0,A5,D,0030,(CC83,I),MULT=2 *********************************************************************** * MU-2 AT FCP CHN 09 * *********************************************************************** CTL CD80,BLM,(09,0,0000000000000000) * MU-2 (DIRECT CONNECTION) *********************************************************************** * KVP CONSOLE MONITOR SYSTEM * *********************************************************************** DVC C4,64,A,C3,(CD80) DVC C5,64,A,C4,(CD80) *********************************************************************** * KVP CONSOLE VM2000 GUEST SYSTEMS * *********************************************************************** DVC D6,64,D,A0,(CD80),MULT=4 * KVP VM2-VM3 DVC DA,64,D,A4,(CD80),MULT=8 * KVP VM4-VM7 DVC DJ,64,D,AC,(CD80),MULT=8 * KVP VM8-VMB DVC DS,64,D,B4,(CD80),MULT=8 * KVP VMC-VMF *********************************************************************** * MT EMULATIONS * *********************************************************************** DVC TA,E8,D,60,(CD80) * CDROM DVC TB,E8,D,61,(CD80),MULT=6 * FILE EMULATION DVC TH,E8,D,FF,(CD80) * FILE EMULATION FW DUMP *********************************************************************** * LOCLAN EMULATION ($DIALOG) * *********************************************************************** DVC CD80,6D,A,80,(CD80),MULT=32 *********************************************************************** * DISK EMULATION MU-2 * *********************************************************************** CTL CD83,BLM,A,(09,0,0000000000000000) * DIRECT CONNECTION DISK DVC CDF0,A5,D,0030,(CD83,I),MULT=2