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DPAGE Outputting and modifying disk files





STD-PROCESSING (for nonprivileged functions)
(to open a volume)

The DPAGE utility routine enables nonprivileged users, systems support and system programmers to perform the following functions:

  • output files in PAM format to SYSOUT (i.e. the terminal in an interactive task, and a file in a batch task)

  • output files in PAM format to SYSLST (for high-volume printing)

  • modify data contained in a PAM page (2048 bytes) or in the PAM key (16 bytes)

Only systems support is permitted to process volumes.


DPAGE requires each volume opened to have PAM pages format, otherwise the results are unpredictable.

It should be noted that public volumes contain IPL (Initial Program Load) and SVL (Standard Volume Label) records in physical pages 1, 2 and 3.

WARNING! Modifying these pages may render the volume unusable. If the SHAREABLE volume is open, modifications on page 2 (SVL) are not accepted during WRITE.