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MODIFY-JOB-STREAM - Modify stream definitions


This statement enables an existing stream definition to be modified.



NAME = <name 1..8>

,FILE = *UNCHANGED / <filename 1..54> / *LIBRARY-ELEMENT(...)



LIBRARY = <filename 1..41>


,ELEMENT = <name 1..8>

,RUN-PRIORITY = *UNCHANGED / <integer 30..255>





TIME = 00:00 / <time 1..8>



TIME = 00:00 / <time 1..8>




TIME = 00:00 / <time 1..8>



HOURS = 00 / <integer 0..23>


,MINUTES = 00 / <integer 0..59>

,STREAM-PARAMETER = *UNCHANGED / *NO / <c-string 1..127>

For a description of the operands, see the DEFINE-JOB-STREAM statement.

When changing the DEFAULT= operand you should bear in mind that there must never be more than one default stream in the system. Any attempt to define more than one will be rejected.

If the START or STOP operand is changed directly in the JMS database, the job stream is started or stopped in accordance with the new operand values.