SHOW-ELEMENT-ATTRIBUTES outputs the directory entries of the specified members or of the entire library. The entries are output on the medium specified by the MODIFY-LOGGING-PARAMETERS statement.
The directory is always output sorted by type. The remainder of the sort sequence is determined by the SORT operand. The default sort sequence is type, name and version.
The INFORMATION and LAYOUT operands are used to specify the scope and format of the directory output. By default, the type, name, version, variant number and date are output.
With the aid of the SECONDARY-NAME and SECONDARY-ATTRIBUTE operands, the directory can be limited to the members containing a certain reference entry.
SHOW-ELEMENT-ATTRIBUTES | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Specifications for the desired member designation.
LIBRARY = *STD / <filename 1..54 without-vers> / *LINK(...)
Specifies the library for which the directory is to be output.
The library opened by OPEN-LIBRARY.
LIBRARY = <filename 1..54 without-vers>
Outputs the directory of the library specified here.
The library assigned via the link name.
LINK-NAME = <structured-name 1..8>
Link name of the library.
ELEMENT = *ALL(...) /
<composed-name 1..64 with-under with-wild(132)>(...)
Name of the member for which the library entry is to be output.
If the default value “*ALL” is entered, LMSCONV outputs the library entries for all of the members with the corresponding version and type.
VERSION = *DEFAULT / *ALL / *HIGHEST-EXISTING / *UPPER-LIMIT /<composed-name 1..24 with-under with-wild(52)>
Version of the member. The default setting is *ALL or the current value set with MODIFY-DEFAULTS.
Outputs the library entries of all members selected above, regardless of their respective versions.
The library entries of all members selected above are output with the highest existing version.
The library entries of all members selected above are output with the version X'FF'.
VERSION = <composed-name 1..24 with-under with-wild(52)>
The library entries of all members selected above are output with the version specified here.
TYPE = *DEFAULT / <alphanum-name 1..8 with-wild(20)>
Type of the member which is to be output.
If the LMSCONV default value for TYPE is *NONE, then *DEFAULT has the same effect as *ALL.
Date given by the user.
The member has any date.
The library entries of all members with the current date are output.
USER-DATE = <date 8..10 with-compl>
The library entries of all members with the date specified here in the form [YY]YY-MM-DD are output.
The library entries of all members lying in the specified interval are output.
FROM = 1900-01-01 / <date 8..10 with-compl>
Beginning of interval.
TO = *TODAY / <date 8..10 with-compl>
End of interval.
CREATION-DATE = *ANY / *TODAY / <date 8..10 with-compl> / *INTERVAL(...)
Creation date of the member. For a description of the operands, see the USER-DATE operand of this statement.
MODIFICATION-DATE = *ANY / *TODAY / <date 8..10 with-compl> / *INTERVAL(...)
Date of the last modification to the member. For a description of the operands, see the USER-DATE operand of this statement.
USER-TIME = *ANY / <time 1..8> / *INTERVAL(...)
Time given by the user.
The library entries of all members are output, regardless of the time.
USER-TIME = <time 1..8>
The library entries of all members with the time specified in the form HH:MM:SS are output.
The library entries of all members lying in the specified interval are output.
FROM = 00:00:00 / <time 1..8>
Beginning of interval.
TO = 23:59:59 / <time 1..8>
End of interval.
CREATION-TIME = *ANY / <time 1..8> / *INTERVAL(...)
Creation time of the member. For a description of the operands, see USER-TIME of this statement
MODIFICATION-TIME = *ANY / <time 1..8> / *INTERVAL(...)
Time of the last modification to the member. For a description of the operands, see USER-TIME of this statement.
CODED-CHARACTER-SET = *ANY / *NONE / <name 1..8> /
<composed-name 1..8 with-wild(20)>
Character set assigned to the member.
Selects members without regard to their assigned character set.
Selects members which have not been assigned a character set.
CODED-CHARACTER-SET = <name 1..8> / <composed-name 1..8 with-wild(20)>
Selects the members to which the specified character set has been assigned.
SECONDARY-NAME = *ANY / <alphanum-name1...32 with-wild(68) >
Secondary name.
If anything other than *ANY is specified here, the selection is made via the secondary directory of the library. If wildcards are specified, only the first 32 characters of the secondary name are used to determine the selection.
Secondary attribute.
If anything other than *ANY is specified here, the selection is made via the secondary directory of the library.
This parameter defines the scope of directory information to be output. It also specifies the scope of the structure output (see “Parameter dependencies”). The default setting is *MEDIUM or the current value set with MODIFY-DEFAULTS.
Outputs the type, name, version, variant number and the date or the member size.
Outputs only the type, name and version.
All the information is output.
Outputs only the number of members per type.
This parameter defines the format of the directory to be output. The default setting is *VARIABLE or the current value set with MODIFY-DEFAULTS.
The number of print columns depends on the longest member designation within a member type.
The directory is printed in a single column in fixed format. Single column means that the entries in the directory appear one beneath the other.
Sort criterion for the directory entries of the selected members. The type is always used as the first sort criterion. The default setting is *BY-NAME or the current value set with MODIFY-DEFAULTS.
The directory entries of the selected members are sorted on the basis of the following sequence: type, name and version.
The directory entries of the selected members are sorted on the basis of the following sequence: type, version and name.
The directory entries of the selected members are sorted on the basis of the following sequence: type, user date, name and version.
The directory entries of the selected members are sorted on the basis of the following sequence: type, secondary name, secondary attribute, name and version.
Parameter dependencies
The following dependencies exist between the INFORMATION, SORT and LAYOUT operands:
The current date or the member size only influences the sorting if it, too, is to be included in the directory output. In this case, the INFORMATION operand must have a setting other than *MINIMUM.
The LAYOUT operand is effective only if INFORMATION =*MEDIUM/*MINIMUM is specified. For all other settings, the directory is always output in fixed format.
If INFORMATION=*MAXIMUM is specified, the information for each member will be too long for a single line. The information will then be output in a format independent of layout control.
Output of the directory is accelerated if the INFORMATION operand is set to *MINIMUM and the selection is restricted to the ELEMENT, VERSION and TYPE operands. All other operands should be set to the value *ANY.
| 1. Type 2. Name 3. Version |
| 1. Type 2. Version 3. Name |
| 1. Type 2. User date 3. Name 4. Version |
*BY-SECONDARY-NAME with reference1) |
| 1. Type 2. Secondary name 3. Secondary attribute 4. Name 5. Version |
*BY-SECONDARY-NAME without reference2) | 1. Type 2. Name 3. Version | 1. Type 2. Name 3. Version |
1) with reference means that either the secondary name or the secondary attribute specified for the member name is not equal to the default value *ANY, i.e.:
2) without reference means that neither a secondary name nor a secondary attribute was specified for member selection
Outputting the directory for the library USER.BSPLIB. The library contains precisely one member which is displayed with all its attributes..
//SHOW-ELEMENT-ATTRIBUTES - (LIBRARY=USER.BSPLIB,ELEMENT=*(VERSION=*)),INFORMATION=*MAXIMUM INPUT LIBRARY= :N:$USER.USER.BSPLIB TYPE = D NAME = TEST VERSION = @ VARIANT = 0001 --------------------------------GENERAL----------------------------------- ELEM-SIZE = 12 STORAGEW = *FULL STATE = *IN-HOLD HOLDER = MUBF --------------------------------HISTORY----------------------------------- USER-DATE = <date> CRE-DATE = <date> MOD-DATE = <date> USER-TIME = <time> CRE-TIME = <time> MOD-TIME = <time> ACC-DATE = <date> ACC-TIME = <time> --------------------------------SECURITY---------------------------------- READ-PASS = *NONE READ-USER = *OWNER *GROUP - WR-PASS = *NONE WR-PASS = *OWNER - -