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RENAME-SYMBOLS - Rename symbols


The MODIFY-ELEMENT substatement RENAME-SYMBOLS changes the name of a CSECT, ENTRY, EXTRN or COMMON. Each renaming results in a modification of the ESD records. LMSCONV checks for the uniqueness of names within all ESD records, rejecting a new name if that name already exists.

The MODIFY-ELEMENT substatement RENAME-SYMBOLS may be used only for object modules (R-type members).



SYMBOL-NAME = <text 1..8>


,NEW-NAME = <text 1..8>


SYMBOL-NAME = <text 1..8>
Defines the symbol name to be renamed.

Defines the type of symbol whose name is to be changed.

NEW-NAME = <text 1..8>
New symbol name.
The name should satisfy the BINDER conventions for the special data type <symbol> (see the “Binder” manual [13 (Related publications)]). LMSCONV does not check for this convention, however.

Masked (invisible) CSECT/ENTRY names can also be renamed.